After two rounds of punishment, the remaining two camps also tensed.

"It seems to have fallen to us, it won't be me..." Esther was a little nervous.

The video released by the system next made Esda overjoyed.

Good news: not your own.

The bigger news: it's Lady Dark Tower's!

And the black tower on the side had an extremely ugly face, and he couldn't wait to find a wall to hit it.

I saw that in the video, a Q version of the Black Tower was spinning in circles.

With magical lyrics and magical background music and the Q version of the Black Tower image, it looks playful and cute.

"Hey~spinning~spinning~going to break!"

"Spinning in circles ~ spinning circles ~ such a big ~ diamond for you!"


~ circle ~ circle ~ circle ~"

Many girls outside the video were cute by the image of the Q version of the Black Tower in the video

"Wow~ so cute," March Seven and Esther said in unison.

Looking at the Black Tower outside the video, she has collapsed.

"This... Who is this whole? Too much" The Black Tower could not accept.

"It seems that this lady of the Black Tower is very suitable for making music," Shiluwa thought to himself.

"Lady Dark Tower, join me in a band! We will definitely be popular all over Belloberg! Shiluwa Lang Dao suggested.

"Damn, shut up for me!" The black tower was angry, but he didn't expect that his battle voice would actually be recorded by the system, making a strange second creation.

Not many people paid attention to the Black Tower, but all focused on the video.

"Spinning in circles ~ spinning in circles ~ can you be quiet~"


~ Toot ~ Toot ~ Toot ~ Toot ~"

"Hi (?ò?ó?)"

"I'm the idol of everyone from MSR, go around in circles~"

"Toot ~

Toot ~ Toot ~ Toot Purr"

"Is it time for me to appear~ The singing is about to start"

"I've never seen such a big diamond~I'll give it to you~"

"Ascend the configuration ~ turn in circles ~ can not ~"

"Go in circles ~ see what to see ~ go in circles"

"Such a big diamond ~ circle ~ is it very eye-catching"

"Know who I am ~ circle ~ such a big diamond"

"Toot ~ Toot Purr"

Outside the video, Bronia Rand looks at the Q version of the Black Tower bouncing on the screen with a starry face.

"Black Tower, it must be a good fit to join Hoek's Mole Party!" Hook said excitedly.

"How can this time be so long, who will help me turn off this video..." Heita covered her head, she didn't expect that the puppet's body would also have a headache.

"Esda, you go" Black Tower gave the order without hesitation.

In exchange, Esther said aggrievedly.

"But I also like this Black Tower lady!"

"Forget it! Destroy it! The Black Tower complained with a look of resentment.

As the video continues to play....

Clara's voice also appears in the video.

Clara was a little surprised how her voice had been added, and there was no sense of discord at all.

"Sure enough, Shvaro was punished, it was impossible to let Clara go," Natasha lamented.

"But as long as it brings a smile to everyone's face! Clara is willing to play this video. Clara laughed.

It's really bad!

Every second of this minute and nine seconds of video is as long as a century.

As the video finishes, Black Tower has the heart to die.

Because of the broadcast of this video, people in the space have a "new understanding" of the Black Tower.

At the same time, Pam, who had previously seen his astringent mentality unbalanced, also corrected his mentality.

Pam even thinks that punishment is not a bad thing, at least it is interesting to watch the system punish others.

Ding, the next round of questions and answers is about to begin, please prepare the answerers.

Here's a video of the sound of the system resounding throughout the space.

The large screen in the center also lit up.

In the picture, the dragon carries the purple-haired Sky Law and flies towards a lifeless white planet.

“...... Is this the Moon? "As the dragon Bella lands heavily on the Earth's surface.

The purple-haired Void Law knelt down weakly, she knew that being able to get here was Bella's limit.

"The wound I was beaten by that traitor has never healed, damn it, are you going to leave me too?" The purple-haired Void Ruler's eyes were filled with sadness.

At this moment, the golden light behind her attracted her.

Behind her, an irregular body glowing with golden light was floating in mid-air.

"There are many words engraved on the stone pillar..." The purple-haired void lawyer looked at the nearby stone pillar and turned towards the irregular body glowing with golden light.

With her touch, her consciousness entered a white space.

"Who?" When she turned around, she was surprised to find that not far from her, there was an abnormal creature that was extremely similar to her appearance, similar to a stone carving, but beautiful.

It's like a work of art in a museum.

"God? Is it you? The purple-haired Void Law knelt on the ground in trepidation.

At this time, although she was a second lawyer, fear filled her heart? She knew that before her eyes was the unvarnished truth itself!

"It is incomprehensible to human intellect ... God! "

Everyone who saw this scene outside the video also speculated.

Although the star gods themselves are the embodiment of disorder, it is not ruled out that they will turn into such abstract things to approach mortals.

But this guy in the video doesn't seem to be so much like a star god.

"Unspeakably strange?" Pera thought thoughtfully.

"I also feel... But I still believe in the Star God Doctrine," Esther said firmly.

"It's normal that people will always understand things they can't understand in a direction they can understand! It's just that what you see in this way may not be the truth," Danheng added on one side.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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