However, the attack was far from over, and with the Void Lawyer's backhand snapping of his fingers, the extremely sharp Yakong Spear turned into soft silk threads, intertwined into sharp blades.

After continuous slashes against the purple cube, in the end, all the ribbons merged into one, turning into a giant spear, stabbing down from top to bottom, stabbing the purple cube to pieces.

A series of attacks made everyone who chose option A outside the video look like ashes, and it won't end like this.

Danheng sighed, as if he had already guessed this result.

"Sister Himeko... What to do, did you guess wrong" March Seven was aggrieved and wanted to cry.

"Match the calculation results!" Shvaro said coldly, as if this was the result that should happen.

Pera pushed her glasses confidently, and in her opinion, the question and answer was won or lost.

Even the group of the Black Tower space station that chose C was watching the excitement, waiting for the unexpected to join the battle.

As the video continued to play, the confidence on the faces of those who chose option B disappeared and was replaced by disbelief.

I saw that in the video, a fiery red flying blade flew towards the Law of the Sky at high speed, and the Law of the Sky was caught off guard.

The instinct to survive made a portal open behind her, and this blade that cut through the sky teleported behind her!

Just listen to "Bang! "With a loud bang, the terrifying power will sword

The blade pierced the wall of the imaginary space.

Not far from the Void Lawyer, the sound of heavy breathing came slowly.

The exoskeleton armor was all shattered, leaving only the hands, feet and mouths and tight-clad Limitless Tajizi who was struggling to get out of the rubble tile.

"Is your attack over?"

At this time, there was not a single intact skin on the body of the immeasurable Tajizi, and dense red lines like lightning were all over his body, but what was scary was that no blood flowed from the open wound.

Under the long scattered red hair is a pair of pupils that gradually glow crimson.

"Sister Himeko..." March Seven looked at this scene, and she unconsciously looked at Himeko on the side.

"Now it's my turn, okay?" The words of Jiko Limitless Tower were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

But the Law of Emptiness still looked disdainful, as if mocking the ants' incompetence.

"Die!" With the gathering of killing intent.

Countless teleportation channels in the void opened in all directions of the immeasurable tower Jizi. The Arcane Spear flew out of the teleportation channel like raindrops.

This time, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Law of Voidness would not give Infinite Tower Himeko any chance to live.


"The combat strength of the two sides is being re-evaluated, and the evaluation results are two percent for Himeko to win, and the evaluation is complete" Shvarro's cold mechanical voice was tinged with a bit of disdain.

He didn't believe that Himeko, who had suffered a series of blows, still had a chance to win.

"Sister Himeko! That's great! She stood up again! March Seven's face was overjoyed when she saw this, and she knew that it would not end like this.

However, the sadness on Jizi's face did not disappear, she knew better than anyone that Jizi in front of her was stubborn, and what supported her to stand up may be an obsession, a deep obsession.

And Clara, who was in the lower area of Beloberg, also looked at Himeko with a complicated expression, and she hoped that Himeko would faint there like that and stop being stubborn.

It's a pity that she is someone outside the video, and there is no way to stop Himeko in the video.

The video continues to play

Seeing the Yakong Spear appear from all directions, Infinite Tower Himeko did not panic, she silently activated the system of true red armor.

"Kiana, when you wake up, you will find that the world is no longer beautiful."

High-intensity operation makes the true red knight. The armor of the lunar eclipse is overheated and overloaded. The stone wall not far away was turned to ashes by high temperatures.

The scattered sword blades turned into parts and flew back upside down.

Even the blazing flames rolled on the blade of the Divine Fall Great Sword.

"Those ordinary daily routines will never return!" Boundless Tower Himeko swung the Divine Fall Great Sword vigorously, and with one blow of flame, he slashed all the Yakong Spears.

Outside the video, many people were shocked by Himeko's blow

"Well... It's so powerful, one blow..." Esther was a little surprised, was she really human?

"How is that possible? She actually has this kind of spare strength" Bronia also looked incredible, she has been active on the front line for many years, and she has seen too many soldiers sacrificed.

Most of these people had no strength to fight back when they were dying, and even if they wanted to protect Belloberg, they were mostly not able to do so.

"If this Miss Himeko joins the Silver-Maned Iron Guard, she will definitely be a brave warrior," At this moment, Jepard, who had lifted the silence, suddenly spoke, startling Bronia

"So your ban was lifted? But why don't you speak," Pera looked at Jepard with some incomprehension.

"It's because the video is so exciting" Jepard's heart was already burning at this time, although his companions chose option B, but he also sincerely hoped that the female warrior in front of him who did not succumb to fate would have a good home.

In this way, the attention of the crowd was focused on the video again.

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