Kiana has been avoiding using the Herrscher's power, and with her suppression, the situation is gradually changing towards an unsolvable dead end.

No matter what, it seems to be a certainty that the Herrscher of Thousands will not be defeated.

Instead, he is Kiana’s companion. Under the torture of Thousand Herrschers, he lost consciousness.

However, just when the audience outside the screen wanted to give up, Kiana was still persisting.

At this time, Kiana was firmly controlled by silk threads in Kiana's subconscious space, but she had not given up yet.

Still struggling hard, the teacher's teachings, the expectations of his companions, and the final determination to recover Mei Yi.

But these are firmly covered by a huge black hand.

Teaching? Expectations? determination? Hahaha, it’s all fake, fake!

"We are all...losers, humans...are all losers~!!"

The Thousand Herrscher's voice contained a bit of crying and a bit of sadness and anger, but it was more of a mockery and self-mockery of human society.

As losers in society, the Thousand Herrscher and the humans she controls have long been extremely sober, and they have seen the unfairness of society.

I have seen the oppression in life, and I have also seen that the despair, depression, anger and other negative emotions that life brings can accumulate in my heart and become difficult to return!

It wasn't until the disaster of Thousand Herrscher completely exploded that it was detonated. Now, these kinds of negative emotions mixed with the ugliness of human nature have made Thousand Herrscher's power reach its peak.

"No...I won't give in to you!"Kiana gritted her teeth and persisted. She still wanted to break free from the shackles of the Herrscher.

But compared to her determination, the resentment of the Herrscher was obviously much greater.

"They have fallen, and you are the last one!"The Thousand Herrschers mocked, their voices still filled with tears and despair.

At this moment, Kiana's voice was completely drowned out.

In the end, Kiana's eyes became darker and her consciousness became darker. Weaker and weaker.

At this time, under the continuous psychological attack tactics of the Thousand Herrscher, Kiana's will seemed to be shaken.

After all, she was facing the malice of a group, which far exceeded the individual. Malice.

Seeing this scene on March 7 outside the video, she was already stunned. She originally thought that the plot would end here.

It should be like the passionate anime she watched before, but the fact is that Kiana's voice was drowned out by malice.

No hope at all

"how so?"A" March 7 wailed, did Kiana really fall down like this?

Jizi looked at this scene, she just had a complicated expression. Along the way, she had already witnessed Kiana's growth.

Kiana As Kaslana's own student in the parallel world, she also acquiesced in her heart that Kiana was also her student.

But when she saw Kiana facing difficulties, she still hoped that everything could turn around.

Just when Kiana was about to sink completely into the darkness of despair, a fiery red figure appeared in front of her.

That was the person she thought about day and night, the teacher Himeko whom she longed for.

At this time, Himeko It was as if she had returned to her previous state. Her every smile and every glance she looked back touched Kiana's heartstrings.

Yes, we can't sink in anymore. Teacher Jizi said that we should tell this imperfect story , became what she expected.

Seeing this, Kiana couldn't help but smile. She seemed to hear Teacher Jizi's expectations.

How could she lose to such a group of guys!

At this time, looking at the retreating figure , Kiana thought firmly.

She clenched her fists and struggled again. At this moment, although her spirit was still weak, her will was far better than before.

"I do not want it……"Kiana struggled, and her eyes were obviously different from before.

All the vows made in the past still echo in my ears, and every moment of getting along with my companions is still before my eyes.

Kiana's eyes were as bright as the sparks of a prairie fire. Now she has completely completed her transformation

"They... won't give up!"

Gradually, Kiana's struggle became more and more obvious, and Thousand Herrscher's big hands became weaker and weaker in her consciousness.

Even Thousand Herrscher could clearly feel that she was not dealing with the same Kiana as before..

She actually broke free from the shackles of the Thousand Herrscher and grasped the crimson sword that Teacher Jizi left for her in front of her.

At this time, the lost highlight in Kiana's eyes not only returned, but was even brighter than before.

Amidst the expectations of her friends, the teachings of her teacher, and her determination to recover her friends, Kiana's eyes became more decisive

"Now it's my turn! Go do what I have to do!"Kiana shouted, powerful energy gathered again.

It exploded with her will!

"Go tell them they made the right choice!"Kiana shouted, and the Honkai energy around her suddenly erupted.

When the puppet trying to suppress her in reality was completely blown away.

Seeing this scene outside the video, March Qi's eyes returned to their highlights, and she outside the video It was obvious that Kiana had changed.

It was different from before. At this moment, she had the possibility of defeating the Herrscher of Domination.

"Come on! Kiana! Knock them down!"March 7 cheered up Kiana in the video.

Jizi saw this scene. Her face also showed an expression of relief.

Yes, in her heart, she had already regarded the white-haired girl in the video As her own student.

Seeing the transformation of her students, she felt gratified and surprised at the same time!

And Shivaro looked at the scene in the video with an expression of disbelief. This scene had far exceeded his calculations.

So after it recalculated, it came to the conclusion that Kiana now has a 20% chance of winning!

Walter Yang looked at everything that happened in the video with relief, and he understood that this was just the beginning.

Kiana Kaslana will become stronger, there is no doubt about it!

In the video at this time, at that moment, the far beyond ordinary Honkai energy exploded.

And a large crimson weapon appeared in Kiana's hand. On the hilt of the sword, a bright yellow crystal suddenly appeared on it.

This means that the power of the Herrscher of the Sky has been taken back by Kiana.

And almost at the same time, as Kiana completely stood up Get up, a wonderful and melodious background music also sounded again


, some deserts on this planet were once oceans. Places shrouded in darkness will also see light.

Occasionally, I will see a dying bird fall to the ground

, but it will also spread its wings and fly high.

I thought I was just a bystander. Or until I feel such a real touch.

When I see people's tearful smiles, I am no longer in a hurry. Just like the lyrics, Kiana's eyes at this moment are full of determination, and she no longer flinches.

"What?"The Herrscher of Domination was immediately dumbfounded. The puppet was in front of her, but she could still lose. How is this possible?

"Is the attack over? It's my turn now, okay?"Kiana's eyes became more determined.

0Please ask for flowers0

Her tone also became more determined, as if she had made some kind of determination.

Even the posture of holding the giant sword. It was also the same as before wearing the red knight Himeko in the lunar eclipse looked exactly the same.

Seeing this scene outside the video, Hook burst into tears and laughed. She knew this move well and it was a victory move.

"Come on! Sister Kiana! Defeat that guy!"Hook yelled with excitement.

Natasha rarely interrupted her, but touched her head.

March 7th was also cheering Kiana, because at this moment she really I saw hope.

And the one with the richest expression was Jizi, from despair at the beginning to full of hope now.

She witnessed the miracle created by Kiana Kaslana, and at this time she finally understood Walter Young I saw the reaction of the Herrscher of Truth before.

But at this time, the Herrscher of Thousands in the video still refused to give up. With a wave of her hand, thousands of puppets rushed forward again. Compared with the last time, Charging, they became more hysterical and crazy.

This also heralded a change in the mentality of the Herrscher of Thousands.

In the words of Chuan Xing,"she is anxious, they are anxious."

Unlike before, the face Kiana's slashing force against these dolls became stronger.

From using fists and feet together to slashing one at a time, she was like a wolf entering the flock of sheep.

The force was overwhelming, and none of these dolls could stop it. Faced with

Kiana, who was obviously getting stronger, the puppets repeated their tricks again. They began to coordinate their attacks on Kiana. They rushed from all directions, trying to overwhelm Kiana again.

However, in front of them, they Kiana did not flinch in response to the attack. She waved the big sword in her hand and chopped off all the puppets that were rushing towards her.

Just like Teacher Himeko previously chopped off the Archon Spear.

At this time, the puppets also Finally realizing that Kiana could not be affected by close combat, we quickly used the power of the Herrscher of Reason to imitate the rifle. We aimed at

Kiana and fired wildly in an attempt to suppress Kiana with firepower.

Facing the enemy's hail of bullets, Kiya Na ran and dodged, the giant sword in her hand burning with blazing fire.

"Why are you still struggling? Why are you still standing up?"The voice of the Herrscher of Thousands was filled with disbelief, but more of it was surprise and anger. Obviously

Kiana's belief should have been destroyed by herself. Why is this happening?

The Herrscher of Thousands can no longer understand, in its In my impression, faced with this kind of dilemma, human beings should choose to escape.

In the video, Kiana has already jumped high, with the giant sword in her hand carrying powerful energy.

It hit the ground heavily, knocking out the people around her. All the puppets were blown away.

There was a violent explosion, carrying smoke and dust. Taking advantage of this gap, a steel claw simulated by a puppet grabbed Kiana's ankle and trapped Kiana in place.

Almost at the same time, More puppets began to imitate ropes to tie Kiana tightly.

Kiana struggled, but to no avail.

At this moment, the puppets that had been defeated by Kiana regenerated again, and they were almost crazy. Rushed over.

Wanted to tear Kiana to pieces!

March Qi who saw this outside the video couldn't help shouting

"be careful!"March 7 is really anxious. I didn't expect these insidious dolls to have such little thoughts.

"How despicable!"Luca also said angrily. He couldn't wait to rush into the video and punch these puppets.

What was even more amazing was Xi'er's expression at this moment. She couldn't hide the look in her eyes that she wanted to kill a group of puppets.

Even Chuan Xing couldn't hide it. He was dumbfounded and silently walked away from Xi'er at this time.

The look in his eyes was really scary!

Seeing this scene at this time, Black Tower was also a little panicked. This scene was not simulated in the simulated collapse universe!

Could it be? Did the simulation go wrong? Heita frowned slightly. Even though he didn't understand it at all, he could only continue watching!.

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