On Kiana's side, the blazing flames fell like meteors, and the scorching heat turned the huge palms that were approaching into scorched earth, like a broken bamboo.

Just when they were about to hit the Herrscher of Domination with overwhelming force, a huge hand blocked them in front.

Kiana clearly felt that the resistance was getting stronger. Yes, there was no doubt that her opponent was starting to exert force in earnest!

But at this time, Kiana's determination and will are still very firm, and her strength is slightly better than the opponent's, so the big hand is being steadily suppressed.

But how could the Herrscher of Dominance sit still and wait for death? So as he used Honkai energy to build more and more big hands.

She also shouted angrily:"Your ideals can't be realized, this world has never been beautiful."

More and more big hands covered Kiana's flames.

Her high-pitched voice became increasingly hysterical.

Yes, these humans who deserved to be controlled by the Herrscher once had ideals, but they were completely driven to extremes because of the various injustices in human society.

Who has never had such things as determination and dreams, but countless times of practice have only proved that it is all false! all fake!

Your dreams, determination, and will are just a joke, a joke! Already driven to extremes, the Herrscher of Domination has now gone mad.

They began to escape and defend themselves, but how ironic that they, who thought they were sober in the world, were now evading.

On the other side, Kiana was covered by more and more big hands, and it became increasingly difficult to advance.

But Kiana still didn't give up. The fiery red sword in her hand was the Xinyan King Sword, with three gems shining brightly.

She herself is also mobilizing the Honkai within her body and can continue to output it.

But even so, with more and more big hands, Kiana was slowly suppressed, and even the three sparkling gems on the Xinyan King Sword slowly dimmed.

Outside the video, seeing this scene, 10 March Qi felt very nervous. She did not expect that after Kiana awakened, she would still be suppressed by the Herrscher of Domination.

"Why... why is this happening? Shouldn't we defeat this guy with all our might?"A" March 7 asked nervously

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"Dan Heng sighed. He always felt that it was not just Kiana who became stronger, but the Herrscher of Domination also became stronger over time.

Although he didn't know why he became stronger, so the outcome of this battle remains to be seen. Observe.

The person with the most obvious senses is Walter. He can clearly feel that the Herrscher of Domination has become stronger. Sure enough, it is not just Kiana who has become stronger.

This is a battle between human malice and beauty, and also The battle of human ideologies, who will be stronger between the good and the evil of human nature, is also worthy of attention.

Seeing this scene, the Herrscher of Dominance’s face was full of ridicule. She believed that her determination exceeded the Herrscher of Xinyan.

"certainly not!"As Kiana shouted angrily, the Xinyan King Sword in her hand released a high temperature that was enough to melt tungsten steel!

All the big hands exploded, and the hot flames impacted the entire space with aftermath. It was like an explosion. The heat illuminated the face of the Herrscher of Dominance, making her ugly doll face look even more ridiculous.

At this moment, the last gemstone finally appeared on the Xinyan King Sword, which was a red gemstone that shone like determination.

It is Teacher Jizi's instruction to the students, and it is also the last lesson in the imaginary number space!

At this time, the bright red gem lit up the other three gems, and the crimson flame also illuminated the entire dark space. It turned into day.

In the end, the flame changed from magnificent red to brilliant blue.

This was the high temperature released by the flame burning to the extreme. At this moment, it was so dazzling.

And in the blazing flame, Kiana also Completely entering a new life, Bai Lian, who had kept up with the immature field attire, was completely replaced by a set of unfamiliar armor. The armor was white on the outside and red on the inside, with a flame-like dress, releasing a powerful aura from the inside out. Field.

This is the ultimate manifestation of the power of the Herrscher, and it is the result of the hard work of Kiana and her partners!

At this time, the four Herrscher cores completely changed Kiana, and her determination and will exceeded The Herrscher of Domination.

Outside the video, everyone was attracted by Kiana's transformation. This is the Herrscher of Shining Fire who fights for all the good in the world.

"so beautiful……"On March 7th, I couldn’t help but take out my camera and take some pictures.

"Sister Kiana! So handsome!"Hook also cheered and said

"Woohoo, sister, I can do it!"Chunxing's heavyweight speech was not surprising and received a blank stare.

"He has grown up! Kiana!"Ji Zi looked at this scene, and she felt distressed and relieved.

Although she was not Ji Zi in that world, she had long regarded Kiana as a student. If she had a chance to meet, she would definitely give her a good hug.!

However, in the video, facing the Herrscher of Shining Flame in front of her, the Herrscher of Dominance has been completely broken.

Not only is she not ashamed of what she has done, but she is even more furious.

Why? Why should I fight on my own? Destined to be a clown? Being squeezed, exploited, and bullied.

Finally, he was labeled as evil and ostracized. Why should he encounter adversity? No matter how much he resists, it will be useless.

How unfair this is! It is really because of this , the jealousy in the heart of the Herrscher of Dominance burned like a mountain fire.

Jealousy, hatred and other negative emotions and malice shrouded her heart, making her power stronger.

Since determination, expectations, and the teacher finally The teachings of a lesson can allow Kiana to create miracles and transform into such a beautiful and powerful form.

Then jealousy, hypocrisy, and mutual harm between people can also create miracles belonging to the Herrscher of Dominance, making herself more beautiful. Strong!

Thinking of this, the Herrscher of Dominance became even more crazy. He was the malicious person of a thousand people, and he got the buff bonus from the Herrscher of Man.

But how could the ultimate collection of human malice lose to one person? What about the little Herrscher of Xingyan? He cannot lose, and he will not lose.

Thinking of this, the Herrscher of Dominance not only did not flinch, but used his own power to create countless thorns composed entirely of imaginary space.

And these The thorns are like human malice. They are entangled with each other, forming a huge fist of thorns, hitting Kiana hard, as if they want to smash her into pieces!

And due to the increase in malice at this time, the flying speed of the thorns is also obvious. It's getting faster.

Outside the video, Sanyueqi bit her lips again. She felt very nervous and also felt very strange.

"So why is the Herrscher of Domination getting stronger?"Yuyue Qidai frowned slightly, she felt very confused.

"Maybe it has something to do with her……"Walter Young sighed

"she? What is meant?"March 7 was a little surprised.

"Remember Alicia? She is the Herrscher of pre-civilized people. The reason why the Herrschers of our era retain their humanity is because of her,"

Walter Young explained calmly.

"Oh, I remembered, it’s the pretty sister with pink hair!"I suddenly remembered on March 7th. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, Herrschers were given human nature, so Herrschers who fought for mankind were also born in large numbers. Obviously, Alicia ignored one detail."

"Giving human nature also includes the evil of human nature. Therefore, with the addition of malice, the Ruler of Dominance in our era has been strengthened!"

"ah? how so? March 7 covered her face in surprise.

"Alicia would be very sad if she knew this!"Sister Xing was also a little disappointed and said

"I don’t know about this. I know very little about Alicia. All descriptions about her come from an old friend, the Herrscher of Thunder you saw in the video."

"Thunder and lightning... Mei? I remember it was called this?"March 7 thoughtfully

"Yes, that's her……"Walter pondered.

At this time, I heard the discussion of the Star Dome Train camp, and other camps also exploded.

"I didn't expect there was such a secret behind it……"Esta sighed, it is true that Alicia is great.

She created hope for a new civilization, but the current situation is probably beyond her expectation.

Generally speaking, the merit is still greater than the fault! Esta thought and sighed.

But she also felt strange, why was Heita not surprised at all?

"Ms. Heita, you seem to have known this for a long time?"Asta asked curiously.

"Pretty much, the simulation of the Honkai Universe has simulated everything they said, so I was already surprised!"Heita smiled.

"But it’s really shocking. After all, no one is perfect, and she has done a great job!"Heita said with a chuckle.

In the video at this time, facing the extremely fast thorns, Kiana held the Xinyan King sword and slashed forward heavily.

At the moment of slashing, the Xinyan King The red and magenta gems on the sword lit up.

The Herrscher of Knowledge's power was activated, causing the Herrscher of Dominance's fist to deviate a little, and it also interfered with the Herrscher of Dominance's concept of time.

It made her slow down a beat. , almost at the same time, the power of the Herrscher of Flame was activated, and the hot flames wrapped around the Xinyan King Sword.

Then Kiana aimed at the weak point of her fist and slashed hard.

The moment she slashed up, 093, the Xinyan King Sword The yellow gem lit up, exuding dazzling light together with the red gem.

At the fragile point of the fist, the space twisted and collapsed, and finally exploded with blazing flames.

The huge thorn fist collapsed, making countless scattered roots. The thorns spread out in all directions! The Herrscher of Domination was shocked. She quickly controlled the contraction of the thorns and tried to hang Kiana inside.

And how could such a stupid idea be realized? At this time, facing the enemy's After layers of blockade, the blue gem symbolizing the power of the Herrscher of Reason lit up on Kiana's Xinyan King Sword. A virtual screen appeared in Kiana's pupils, analyzing for her the fastest way through the thorn blockade, and The best solution.

Kiana anticipated all the opponent's blockades and slashed hard at the weak points of the thorns.

The flames exploded all the thorns, and then, the handle of the Xinyan King Sword in Kiana's hand The thorn strips were cut open.

At this point, the thorns turned into energy had been completely destroyed by Kiana.

Seeing this scene outside the video, Jeppard burst into tears.

"Come on, Kiana! Don't let your teacher down!"Geppard said with tears in his eyes.

"Brother...you...oh okay! Although it is indeed touching! But that’s not the case!"Sylva sighed

"But I have to admit that Kiana uses her power very well, almost using four different powers to the extreme!"Perla analyzed

"Have it? I can't feel anything except that my blood is boiling? Is there anything special about this?" Luka looked confused.

"Hook thought so too!"At this time, Hook jumped up happily and cheered for Kiana.

"The emphasis here is so great!"Esta was a little speechless. She noticed these details.

"Yes, there is indeed a lot to pay attention to here. Did Yanqing remember it?"The closed-eyed general Jing Yuan no longer closed his eyes at this time.

Instead, he opened his eyes and looked at Yan Qing next to him. Although the battle between the Herrscher of Dominance and the Herrscher of Xinyan was not as skillful as before.

But it is teaching determination and will. This kind of power often affects the outcome of a battle, and also affects life and death on the battlefield!

And this is exactly what he wants to tell Yan Qing!.

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