Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 115: Commentary

The comer looks like twenty-seven or seven years old. He is a popular human, has a long bangs, has no tattoos, but has many miniature instruments on his body. Even if he doesn't know what those things are doing, Xilin knows that it is very threatening. Sex.

Although young people also call Calaño the king, but the tone is not as fearful and restrained as the big scorpion, but rather more casual, but it seems that for the young man's tone of style, "toxic teeth" other People are used to it, even Caragno has nothing to say, but smiles and looks at the people who come in.

"Emus, come over, show you good things." Caraño smiled at the two pairs of fangs, and waved, pointing to a chair, indicating that Emus sat down first.

The chair that Caraño pointed to was closer to the throne than the position of Xilin, but Emus did not immediately pass, but looked up and down Xilin, and then slowly swayed to the chair and sat down at random. With his legs crossed, he looked at Xilin and others with great interest.

The footsteps sounded outside, and without waiting for the announcement, Caragno said loudly: "Come in!"

Then came a dozen people, the three positions of the leader should be similar to the big scorpion, and after sitting on the prince, he would sit next to the big scorpion.

Xilin saw that they should not be pure blood. Also, there is a lot of chaos in the v-star area, and there are not many stable social systems and group distributions. It is not surprising that many kinds of genus are mixed.

The three "scarred teeth" who followed the three men carried the boxes containing the energy ore, placed the boxes in the middle of the hall, and then retreated to the back, and unlike the others, Wang did not speak, they These little sisters are afraid to sit alone.

These people who come in are carrying a variety of weapons, remote, close, and suicidal.

"Hey?" Emus blinked his eyes and swept the boxes that had not been opened. The instruments on his body had already been sensed.

"Haha, Emus has not waited!" Dadzi laughed.

Caraño moved his finger and gestured to the person standing behind to open the box. With the opening of the box, black, red, green, white and transparent ore can't be opened with the light coming out. Emus is even more embarrassed from the chair and circling around these kinds of energy ore. The burning flash in your eyes is like seeing a close lover.

"Good things!" Emus touched the energy ore and exclaimed.

A few people in the big scorpion couldn’t hold back, and they got up and touched these energy ores. I wish I could hold them directly in my hands.

Waqing, lying on the ground, stared at Xilin, looked at the energy ore in the box, and shook his head with his eyes closed. He understands that these energy ores are used to exchange them, but Huaqing is more aware of the intentions of these people. These people simply did not intend to let them go back. Even Xilin, who sent energy ore, could not leave alive. There is no such thing as "credit" in the dictionary of fangs. They only believe in possession and killing.

"Wang, these energy ores are different from what we usually use!" One person next to the big scorpion touched the right and was very excited.

"That is of course!" Caraño laughed twice and looked at Xilin sideways. "In order to let everyone know more about these energy ores, let the discoverers of these energy ores, Xilin of the sixth vanguard of the vanguard come for everyone. Explain something."

Wa Qing opened his eyes and looked straight to Xilin. There is a big daring to say that Lao Tzu is fighting with you.

Xilin started a smile on Waqing. "Waiqing, the vice captain, you can rest assured that there will be nothing."

Rest assured, nothing will blame!

The eagerness of Huaqing’s heart, these energy mines are even those who have sacrificed more than 30 people who were captured, and should not disclose these people to the “fangs”, let alone the energy ore has been moved. Waqing has enough regrets in his heart, and your kid has to explain to them? !

Waqing comforted himself. Xilin’s kid should be taking some kind of tactics. The information he said should not be true. At least the person who is “fangling” will be fooled.

But what disappoints Waqing is that Xilin’s opening of the content almost made him breathless and fainted. This **** kid actually said it! ! Sure enough, it is inexperienced. It really is young and innocent. How can the captain send this kid over? !

Wa Qing was squatting there, his mouth was sealed, and Xilin just did not tear him off the seal on his mouth. Now Huaqing is crawling there. On the other hand, Xilin said that it was called an emotional, spit, and wonderful. When the six teams did not see this kid said so much.

When the big scorpion stretched his neck and listened to Xilin’s commentary, he felt that his leg was a little itchy, and he scratched it at random, and then continued to listen to Xilin’s commentary.

At the same time, Caraño's big spider found a translucent ball in front of them. These **** gave it a bad feeling, but they felt that it should be quite delicious. This is a kind of ambivalence. When the spiders hesitated, the **** rolled onto it and stuck to its bristles.

While the indigenous beast at the foot of Caraño was snoring, a small ball rolled in from its mouth, and some were inhaled when it was breathing.

Caraño is listening, and there is still much power in the mind to imagine the weapons that are excited by these energy ores. Unexpectedly, the big spider under the palm suddenly moved abruptly, and escaped from the palm of Calano, two times. I don't know where to go. This is usually the case, Carano is still looking for people, now he has no such thoughts, and now he has almost all the attention that has not been mentioned by Xilin, because these kinds of energy ore can satisfy his ambitions. .

Xilin said that the content is easy to understand. Some information about Caragno has already been known from the prisoners. However, some small details of Xilin added make Carinho happy. For example, Xilin said that the black-red energy ore can also stimulate. Some living organisms produce hard nails and the like. Every time I introduce a kind of energy ore, Xilin will give some examples of applications. Although some things Carano has already imagined, the content that Xilin said is like a colored painting, more vivid and more attractive, and, Karani. Austria is convinced that Xilin is true.

Therefore, with Xilin’s commentary, Waqing’s face is getting more and more gray, and Dazizi and others are getting more and more excited.

Emus still reached out and touched the energy ore. The long bangs blocked his eyes and could not see his eyes.

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