Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 124: Mental and psychological stress

After the highest killing order of the king Kalanio, the small fangs started to act, and with the help of Caragno, Xilin had the means to deal with the worms. The small fangs seemed to see the last hope, crazy. I searched tirelessly, but they couldn't find the shadow of Xilin. The man disappeared without a trace, but there is one thing that proves that Xilin is still active in this area.

"Wang, their logos have all been taken away!" One reported to Karagno. [.]

In all areas, the emblems of the chests of those who have died "fangs" have been taken away.

Caragno did not speak, he knew that this is the performance of Xilin revenge. The emblem made of the bones of each of the "fangs" was used to pay homage to those who died in the previous battle of the Pioneer Sixth Fleet.

In another place, a search team of more than 10 people was cut off one by one, but they still couldn’t see the people who cut their protective clothes. When they were detected by life signals, they accidentally injured several companions, but they No regrets, at least this will make them feel good.

Xilin did not take his own shots, but installed some traps, and he was outside the scope of their detection.

During the search process, one of them did not know what was touched. The ground suddenly shot some flying knives. These flying knives were made of special metal. Even if they could not completely cut the protective clothing, they could draw A shallow mouth, this is enough to make these fangs tremble.

Xilin’s purpose is not to cut through their protective clothing at once, but to increase their psychological pressure.

Flying knives, firearms outside the detection range, hot smoke bombs and other mischievous tricks make these poisonous teeth want to commit suicide. The nervous state of the human being has a degree. If it exceeds this degree, it will become a mental illness without neurosis.

Can protective clothing last once, then two, three or even seven or eight times? There will always be a hole left. This fangs also know, but I don’t know which one will break the opening.

These people walked to a corner with a tight nerve, and they didn't know what to step on, and then there was a wide range of flames that suddenly appeared on the ground.

The ground was originally covered with a layer of pharmacy. There is no threat. There are some small **** on the ground that are very similar in color to the ground. These **** contain another chemical substance. When the ball is broken, the ball is broken. After the chemical substance in it releases the chemical substance that comes into contact with the ground, it will produce a severe combustion reaction when it touches oxygen. Then the fangs will shun in a panic, stepping through more **** while avoiding them, and eventually leading to a wide range of high temperature flames.

The flame surrounds them and burns protective clothing. Although the original protective clothing can hold the high-temperature flame for a while, it can't stay for a long time. Several people run away quickly, but this road is covered with chemicals. Although there are no small **** in the road, the material in the small **** will remain on the soles of these people. When you run, the materials in the small **** will be taken to other places where the medicine is applied, that is, they Wherever you go, there will be a fire.

I finally ran out of the flame range, but...


A scream rang. Then the screaming is the second person, the third person...

It turned out that those people's protective clothing was preceded by shallow mouths. The shallow protective clothing was finally burned by the high-temperature flame. It broke open a hole, and the "Bird of Paradise" seized the opportunity and drilled directly.

When the nerves of the fangs are tortured to almost madness, the fangs that finally break the opening will be attacked by the "Bird of Paradise".

After a long time, only two lucky guys left the protective clothing yet, but they didn't wait for them to gasp. A figure flashed over and they were drawn two lines behind their backs.

After the flame burned, the detector also had some problems and failed to give an alarm in time.

Five minutes later, Xilin slowly walked out of a building and cut off the protective clothing on the chest of the fangs that were eaten by the unrecognizable fangs and took the logo.

Caraño listened to one report that made him feel blue and straight, and he was so angry that he had dropped the chair several times. Breathing in a hurry, you can see the two pairs of fangs parallel to the ground through the transparent cover of the mask.

"Bring the king's pets over!"


After receiving the command of the king, several people fleeing out to perform the execution, and the pressure on the king was very strong.

Inside the hall, Emus and Waqing sat there in the box of energy ore. There was a sentence that chatted with the sky and tried each other, but it was all fox level, and it was rare to try out something useful. At this moment, someone came in and looked at the two people inside the four-layer energy cover, but did not say anything, moved some of the chairs in the hall.

"What are they doing?" Wa Qing asked.

"I guess, Caraño is estimated to release his little pet. Hey, it seems that Carranio's brain is not stupid to negative, and finally thought of this method." Emus touched his chin and said that his eyes were dark. unknown.

For the back of Emus, Waqing directly filtered, and asked questioningly: "Little pet?"

"Yeah, just like a dog can follow a scent to pursue a goal, Caranho's little pet has a different sense of smell."

Waqing began to worry that many people said that the animal's sense of smell is more sensitive than the detector, not to mention the species that have a considerable advantage in the sense of smell. Xilin had sat in the chair of the main hall before, leaving a smell. Caraño was going to follow Xilin according to the smell of Xilin’s chair. I don't know what the Westlin kid will do.

Thinking about it, Waqing suddenly thought of a little, his brows were loose, and there was even a smile in his eyes.

Emus is undoubtedly a good-looking person. The smile in the eyes of Wa Qing was caught by him. "Va Qing, the vice captain, it seems that you are very confident about Xilin. If you think about it, you will worry about it."

Wa Qing did not speak, directly ignored Emus.

These "small pets" of Caragno are not too small, they are more than one meter high, two meters long, and they are also an indigenous four-legged mammal on the planet. They have a good sense of smell and they feel good about danger. .

The emergency suits were specially designed for these "pets". Each search team took two out. With the help of these "small pets", the fangs were undoubtedly convenient.

Xilin has been active in many places. It is impossible to say that there is no trace at all, but in the end, the goals of each group point to one place - the cross field.

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