Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 129: vice captain?

Emus and Waqing walked over.

It is still the familiar brown hair of Huaqing who looks at the honest young man. It is still like that, but the mentality of facing Xilin has been decidedly different.

In the face of such a Xilin, Emus and Waqing also raised a chill at the same time. [.]

More than 20 hours, 100,000 people were completely destroyed, and the people who caused it all still took the usual expression, reading poetry leisurely on such a morning, it seems that the ruins and bones under the feet are in the background.

Wa Qing swallowed and cautiously asked: "Xili, those who are fangs..."


Dead... all dead?

Wa Qing opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. Should he be glad that the sixth division has produced such a talent?

"The Akay deputy team has left by the spacecraft, but the specifics are not clear, the captain will send a starship, I don't know when it will arrive, but I believe it will not wait too long." Xilin said.

"Is that Caragno?" Emus pointed to the skeleton on the emblem.

"Yes." Xilin nodded.

Emus and Waqing were surprised to scrutinize this skeleton. Emus is amazed: "The original face of Carano has never been revealed."

Although there is only Carneño's bones left, it is known from these skeletons that Caragno is different.

"That, I want to collect some data?" Emus asked Xilin. Emus is now more jealous of Xilin, and Caraño is a prey for Xilin. To study other people's prey, you have to say it to others.

"Also, let's open a price."

Open... open a price?

Emus responded for a long time and smiled. "Of course, it is up to you to ask for the price. After all, the prey is yours."

The inert materials used by Xilin to design Kalani's flying knives are very expensive, and there are also some cost charges for the installation of corrosive fluids and neurotoxins. So before making these things, Xilin has a form that can't be lost. No? Well, I have to add labor costs.

Xilin decisively extended a finger: "10 million."

Ten million? !

Hua Qing almost called out, and Carano's head may be worthless, but what Emus has to do is just collect information about this skeleton. Is this something 10 million?

Emus stared at Xilin’s eyes and saw that the kid was not joking.

"Yes, but I don't have that much money now."

"It's okay," Xilin began to write proficiently on the vanguard special ticket. After writing it, he handed it to Emus: "Look at what else is wrong, if you have no problem, sign a word."

Emus looked at the bill in his hand, his eyes twitched, and his heart sighed. I really don't know where the squadron of the Sixth Division of the Vanguard found it.

After Emus signed the bill, he went down to see some data on the skeleton. After seeing the data, Emus balanced a lot. According to the data, it seems to be worth 10 million. However, it is a pity that there is only one skeleton left. It is hard to imagine that the arrogant tyrannical king would fall into such a field.

However, when Emus collected information, he found that a line of sight had been staring at him. He thought it was Xilin or Waqing, but later he felt that it was wrong. When Emus turned his head, he saw that the gray cat on the shoulder of Xilin was looking at himself with round eyes. The look was like a thief.


Emusna is bored. Is it a hair for you to stare at me like a cat? !

Although Carano did not say to Emus about the gray cat looking for energy ore, Emus had his own way to know, so he knew that this should be the cat who could find energy ore and talk. However, Xilin will bring it to this dangerous place, is not afraid that this cat has come back?

One person and one cat are looking at each other. The gray cat is now taking an enemy, I am not moving, the enemy is moving, I still do not move the strategy, know that Emus is a military person, the gray cat is careful a lot, unlike Treat as casual as other hunters.

Emus saw that the gray cat had not responded, and he did not say anything. He continued to collect data, but...

"Xilin, that guy is swindling!" The gray cat suddenly cried, his round eyes staring straight at Emus, full of anger.

Emus reluctantly spread his hand. "How do I swindle?" Although she knew that the gray cat could talk, Emus was shocked by the sudden sound of the cat.

Xilin and Waqing, who are talking, also looked at Emus, the expression is: Kid, still want to swindle under our two eyes? Want to go with Caraño, right?

Emus is also ready to say something, the gray cat points to the Emus.

"He is shaving... um..." Gray cat doesn't know how to describe it.

"Sampling." Xilin said with a heart.

"Yes, sampling! Sampling is an extra cost!"

Emus has a stiff face. How can I collect information more accurately without sampling? !

Xilin looked at Emus and calmly took out the bill: "Open a price."

Waqing, Emus: "..."

Emus wants to say: I don't collect it!

But I have already signed 10 million, isn’t it a waste?

So, Emus signed another million.

"Don't have a bitter face, I know you can pay the bills above, and you don't need to cut the meat." Xilin looked at the ashamed Emus, and then handed over the two bills.

Looking at the numbers on the two bills, Emus looked black and trembled at Xilin: "You... don't be too much! Carano's bones are not worth much!"

On each of the two bills, there is 10 million written on each one.

"When did I say that these two bills were about Caraño?" Xilin looked at Emus: "The two bugs you collected?"

Emus was stagnation, and I didn’t expect Xilin to know. He did secretly collect samples of two kinds of bugs, and he was not discovered by Wa Qing. However, according to Emus's estimate of the two kinds of bugs, each 10 million is still cheap.

So, Hua Qing looked at Emus to sign two million bills. The snarl in the heart of Waqing, the sixth division of the vanguard has a wizard!

Five hours later, a starship of the Sixth Fleet arrived outside the planet, and Shawton personally led the team. They followed the lag signal left by the gray cat. Although the lag signal was delayed, it was concealed. A signal tracking probe that can escape the "fangs".

On the way to the encounter, I encountered an aircraft carrying a stunned Akay and others. Except for three in the intensive care unit and others in the general ward, Shawton breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, they did not have much hope for Xilin. Cary and Xiaoshang were still ready to fight, but they did not expect that the result would be like this.

When they came around the planet, they saw debris floating in outer space.

When a group of people fell over the cross field, some people stayed on the starships and wanted to escape. Then Caranoo pressed the controller on the hand and there was a button on the starship. Bomb. There are only two choices for "fangs", either to fight or to be killed.

Cary et al. looked at the debris outside the planet, and the signal receiver converted the received signal into information on the big screen.

Xilin did not let them enter the planet, only let them send an unmanned aerial vehicle. For this planet, no one of the sixth fleet could be approached.

Although Shawton did not understand Xilin’s statement, he did.

After the aircraft flew back, Kali saw that Xilin was fine, and gave Xilin a heavy punch. He was always sighed with a sigh of relief for Xilin’s single-handed action.

"The next time you are not allowed to do this, you have to call us to act!"

"Yeah, plus me and eight knives." Laughing still patted Xilin's shoulder.

"Hey, who is that guy?" Cary tapped his chin on the door of the conference room.

Before seeing strangers who were on the ship at the same time as Xilin and Waqing, Cary was prepared to go forward and explore. As a result, Xiaodun pulled people into the conference room and talked about it. Every opportunity to inquire for Cary. .

"That, it is the enemy of the enemy." Xilin did not say the name of Emus, because the name of Emus is definitely fake. As for the real name of Emus in the army, I am afraid that Emus will not. Informed.

The Sixth Fleet team did not know what method Xilin used to make the "fangs" people completely annihilated, but one thing is absolute. For Xilin, they all began to have a sense of fear, whether it is ordinary people or a few The deputy captain, obviously cautious when talking in front of Xilin.

Xilin made great contributions to this time, saved the hostages, regained the energy ore, and ruined the "fangs". Even if the avant-garde home team came, I am afraid that this efficiency would not be achieved.

At the same time, Xilin also told Akay and Waqing that there is no gray cat. He can only destroy the "fangs", but he can't save the hostages. Therefore, Akay and Waqing can survive or be the gray cat's credit, so The status of the gray cat has also improved. When Huaqing and Akay saw the gray cat, they laughed and called it a harmony. This also led to the gray cat being favored, and the position of the sixth fleet was even worse. The situation of the vice captain.

Shawton did not ask much about Xilin’s actions on the planet. Xilin said that the planet should be listed as a forbidden land in a hundred years. Shawton also decisively agreed to order the sixth fleet of people within a hundred years. Not allowed to step into the planet, but also informed Bart and Sumba if you do not enter.

For the planet as a forbidden place, Waqing and Emus did not object to it for a long time. They also knew that the reason why the bugs did not attack them was definitely the reason for Xilin. If Xilin did not leave any drugs on them or If other things are prevented, I am afraid that they have already become a bone.

After the people returned to the main ship of the sixth division, Xilin was called by Dias before he had time to rest.

"Deputy captain?!" Xilin smiled and smiled at Dias lying on the hospital bed. The goods are now much better.

"Don't do it." Xilin shook his head and lifted his foot to prepare to go out. During this time, he used his brain too much and was embarrassed.

But the door was firmly closed, and pressing the door lock switch was useless.

Xilin turned and looked at Dias, who had broken his arm: "What, Uncle, depending on your current situation, is this going to be overlord?"

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