Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 153: Acerella's amphibious speed competition

Long and Bergett are talking, the office communicator outside the lounge rang, and there was a haircut that could not be cleaned up.

Long ears slammed and rolled on the shell sofa: "It must be the woman of Yu Ling, and I will not pick it up if I kill him."

"If you don't pick it up, it is estimated that Princess Yu will directly kill the door." Bergett is definitely authentic.

"I don't care, she won't see me when she kills. If she takes a tenth of her courage to see Xilin, will I be like this?"

When I thought about Yu Ling's talk about Xilin, she turned from a dangerous woman with high intelligence to a mild and harmless little sheep.

Bergett sighed: "But the business of Andreella's family will be affected. In this case, you don't know how long you want to stay here to cross the latest chapter of the League of Legends system."

Forced to be thrown into the Eurox to manage the affairs of Andreella's family, the father is assigned the task, and can not reach the standard set by the father, Long has to stay here.

When I heard the words of Beijer, the dragons on the sofa rolled and slammed, and one stood up and rushed to the office.

"The development rights of the planet in the H-U division can take the opportunity to fight for it." Bergett reminded later.

"That is a must!" There is no condition to talk about the two goods that are stupid.

For the troubles of Linglong and Long, Xilin did not know at all. After leaving the building of Andrellella’s house, he went to buy some candy, but he promised a sugar ball.

Orostar, full of money, rights and desires everywhere, high-end speed cars everywhere. One is more than a well-dressed person who flaunts his capital. Walking on the road, those who come and go in a hurry are like a mask on the face, can not see the true heart. The high-speed life rhythm allows people to relax and then become numb. Inadvertently used to wearing camouflage.

When he returned to Finjes, Gardler and Kirk looked at Xilin’s eyes with strangeness.

"Xi Lin, the deputy captain, you and the big master of the Andrela family ... good relationship?" Jiadele asked.

"Yeah, I have known it before, I haven’t seen it for a few years, and I have a good relationship today."

Xilin did not lie, he knew that the Finies family had sent people to follow, and the situation on the square must have been known. But Xilin did not intend to say anything more. What will Jiadler and Kirk think? Xilin won't care, the task of the sugar ball has been almost completed.

After saying a few words, Xilin went to find the sugar ball and gave her the colored sugar and tooth care solution on the road.

but. Xilin didn't know that his position in Jiadler and Kirk's heart has improved a bit. It is so good to have a relationship with Longda, but no one can do it. Even this discussion should be based on cooperation. On the face of Xilin. Long Cai gave the quota to the Finies family. It seems that this cooperation negotiation should be smoother.

To say that in the influence of the H-Star District, the two families of Finjes and Bingger may not be comparable to the Andreella family. This is why Jiadler is more optimistic about Xilin.

It is estimated that they can't think of it. The Zambia who caused great troubles to them not long ago will come from the handwriting of Longda.

The next two days. As Jiadler thinks, their cooperation with Andrera is quite smooth. Two days later. The two sides signed a contract, the next thing is that Kirk is responsible, and Jiadler will also **** Tobo.

Gray Cat is very happy to leave the planet. It doesn't like the planet, except for the aquarium in the office.

Re-enter the starship, leave the most gorgeous planet in the H-Star Zone and fly directly to the F-Star Zone.

The flight was very smooth, and there were no obstacles and other troubles. When approaching the F-Star District, I met the frigates of the Finies family who were waiting to be ordered. With these frigates, the task of the sugar ball can be said to be over.

They didn't go with Jiadele to the base of the Finies family. When passing through the transit star of the F-Star District, Xilin and the sugar ball took the plane that Jiadler arranged for them to land in the transit star.

The sugar ball has two million rewards for this mission. I was so excited that I didn't sleep well for a few days. I always thought about where to go next.

Inside a restaurant in the F-C100 transit star, the sugar ball holds the information on the hand and turns left and right. These materials are some of the tourist destinations in the F-Star District. The sugar **** are dazzling, and if possible, she really hopes to see each one.

It is really impossible to choose, the sugar ball will push the information to Xilin. "You choose Xilin brother, I don't know where to go."

Xilin took the information of the sugar ball and looked at it. He mainly looks at the featured planet of the F-C division. Because it is closer to this place, and in the F-C partition, the Finjes family will be less involved in the latest chapter.

“How is this?” Xilin pointed to one of the introductions.

That is the more famous planet in the F-C star region - Acerella.

Acerella is a "speeding car" in the star language of the F-Star District. As its name suggests, Acerella is famous for its speeding competition. Every year, many people travel to Acerella to watch the speeding race. There are events in many places in the F-Star District, but if there are conditions, more people are willing to go and see for themselves.

But now Acerella's championship has not yet arrived. If you go now, you can only see the knockout. This is a pity that Xilin feels.

"Yes, but what does Xilin Brother and the amphibious tycoon race mean?" Sugar Ball asked with interest.

The gray cat who is struggling with the grilled fish in the plate next to it is also erecting his ears.

"The speed that can run normally under the three conditions of water, land and air is called the amphibious speeding vehicle. The competition for all the amphibious speeding is the amphibious speeding competition. The venue of the competition should also meet the three environmental conditions of water, land and air. Xilin explained.

The amphibious race is a sport that many people in the galaxy like, and more commercial activities are carried out by the amphibious race. There is a gambling car. When I used to be a clay Saturn in the X-Star Zone, Lao Dawen often gambled. Xilin also helped him win some bonuses from the gambling car to improve his life.

"It sounds very interesting, then let's go to Acerella!"

"At this time, Acerella's championship is far from enough. If we go, we can only see the knockout."

"That's fine, I just want to see what the amphibious speed race is like." The sugar ball eyes are bright, very yearning. The amphibious speed racing competition sounds very passionate.

Acerella's information is also described below, there is a special tour to Acerella, but Xilin and sugar **** are not willing to report, prefer to move freely.

After the meal, the two men and cats sneaked in the transit star and boarded the passenger plane to Acerella. The gray cat seems to have got used to it and switches to sleep immediately after entering the pet cabin.

When coming out of the port of Acerella. The first reaction of people is that the car is much better!

All kinds of speeding cars, grotesque, there are large electronic signs at the exit of the voyage, which shows the recent amphibious speed competition and classic clip playback. Attracted a lot of people to stop there.

After being equipped with food and some equipment, Xilin and the sugar ball and gray cat sat on a passenger car that went to a city closer to this side.

There are not many natives on the planet of Acerella. Compared with other planets of the same size, the population is very small. Many people who come here are extraterrestrial. The man who ruled the planet was also transferred from an alien planet. Therefore, the natives of Azerella are basically in a low position.

The main reason why Acerella has a small population is its geographical situation. Of course, it is also known for its geographical situation. The special geography makes the planet's amphibious events famous. More and more fans are coming here to participate in the event.

Because of the large number of foreigners each year, it is not just the F-Star District. There are also a few stars around the F-Star District who will come here. So in Acerella, people are talking about the Star Alliance lingua franca. However, many people take the accent of their respective stars. As for the natives of Acerella, they also said that the Star Alliance lingua franca, although not a standard, can understand what it means.

The windows on the passenger car are closed because of the wind.

People say that the first time you come to Acerella, besides watching the amphibious speed race, you must not miss the wind of the windy city.

Fengcheng is not a city, but a large area composed of more than ten cities, covering millions of square kilometers, called the Wind City area, referred to as the Wind City Death Spirit. The cities in the Windy City area often use the "Wind City" as the prefix of their city name, so they often hear the "Wind City XX" in the surrounding population, and say that it is a city in the Windy City area.

Wind, this is a feature here, it has no fixed direction, maybe it is blowing from the front right before, and the next moment is blowing from behind.

The speeds of Acerella's driving in various places are specially modified to allow them to find a sense of balance in the irregular airflow.

The uninhabited area of ​​Fengcheng has a special landform in the dry area, and the wind blowing plays a role. Due to the continuous erosion of the wind, the wind erosion valley and the depression gradually separate the island-shaped platform hills, and then evolve into stone pillars or stone piers, etc. Look, it’s like going to a decadent old city. In the criss-crossing valleys, stone pillars and stone piers are like buildings built along the streets. Whenever the wind comes, the yellow sand covers the sky, and the wind swells in these "buildings", screaming and screaming, like a ghost crying, and it is creepy, so some people describe this area as "Devil City."

Due to the tens of thousands of years of wind and sun, the flat sandstone layer forms a variety of landforms such as wind erosion tick, wind erosion mushroom, wind erosion column, wind erosion ridge and wind erosion depression, mound, castle and so on. People are all amazing.

There are also some bandits and mounds of different shapes and sizes. The mound is dry and hard, and the scales are similar. Whenever the clouds and shadows drift, or the fine winds pick up the light sand, the earthworm mounds seem to drift slowly, like a boat sailing, a large fish swim, confusing, giving People think infinitely.

If the rock formation is near horizontal and the hard and soft rock layers are interphase, the soft rock layer is easily denuded, and the hard rock layer is relatively prominent, just like the eaves. Here, you can see it everywhere.

"Wow, Xilin brother looks at it, it seems like a snake is crawling!" Posted on the window and looked at the sugar ball outside and excitedly shouted.

Xilin looked in the direction pointed by the sugar ball. The sand was "scraped" by the wind with a long twisted trace, and one end was slowly covered with sand to cover it again. The other end continued to cut the sand layer in front of the wind, so at first glance, it was like a big snake crawling on the sand.

The gray cat squatted on the shoulders of Xilin, rounding his eyes and looking at the sand on the sand below the window. The claws are unconsciously moving, so I really want to go and sing.

"Hey, there's a stone ball there! It's big!" said the sugar ball. The camera on the hand has not been rested. "Who is it carved?"

"No, it is naturally formed," Xilin explained. "The rock will be exposed to weathering. Because of its sharp edges, it is more susceptible to weathering. Its corners are weathered in three directions, and the edges will Weathered by two directions, the surface is only weathered in one direction. Therefore, over time, under the effect of weathering, the edges and corners of large rocks will gradually shrink and eventually tend to be spherical, like the big rock ball."

"Hey. This way." Sugar ball in the heart of Xilin's explanation, this is also a knowledge.

"The front is a line of the event." Someone shouted.

Everyone looked at the past, it was two towering big rock mountains, and there was a corridor like a narrow tube between the two mountains. That passage zone is one of the race routes in the tournament. When the air flows in, the narrow tube acts to accelerate the airflow. Therefore, it often forms a strong wind, and the wind of the windy city is irregular. The narrow channel is bent and twisted, so there will be a slight impact on the rocky mountain. It is extremely thrilling.

Although this narrow passage is very thrilling, it is only a short route in the amphibious competition.

According to the information described above, the routes of the amphibious speed race are almost all around the world, and this route involves all the dangerous areas on the planet.

One of the most commonly used routes is the “Wind City – Qilian Lake – Shilin” route.

Although the windy city is big, but it is forced to fall down, you can temporarily drive on the sand, but avoid the instantaneous wind, because those momentary winds will fly the vehicle, and experienced drivers will follow the slight changes of sand and dust. Determine the places where the instantaneous blast exists and the moment when the strongest blast is formed, so as to avoid the tide of the big corpse.

The second largest line is Qilian Lake.

Qilian Lake is an underwater line connected by seven large lakes that open a passage somewhere under the water. The lake is very deep, the underwater passage is basically no light, it is very dark, and there are some aquatic animals and plants that cause disturbance. If there is a problem with the accidental energy system, the speeding vehicle sinks to the bottom of the lake and falls into the mud at the bottom of the lake. The entanglement of the grass, before the arrival of rescue workers, you can only consume the stored oxygen, if the reserve oxygen is insufficient or the oxygen supply system is abnormal, then it is not far from death.

There are some other obstacles in the lake, but the public version of the information in Xilin’s hand is not stated, and I also know that it will be more difficult. This is only an environmental factor, let alone the drivers and the scorpions between the drivers, not to mention.

The third major line is Shilin.

The peaks of Shilin are straight and the peaks are thick, and the peaks are cone-shaped, tower-shaped, cylindrical and other sharp peaks. The surface is stone buds and karsts. The stone forest there is very hard. In the Shilin area, once the speeding car falls, it basically cannot fly. Or the car is destroyed, the better will be stuck in the stone forest, even if it can fly, the speeding car is also damaged, which has a great impact on the subsequent schedule.

Such a line is a test of the driver, not only technical, but also psychological and resilience. Of course, experience is also essential.

Because of the steepness, it is because of the high mortality rate and high car damage rate that it is even more exciting for the fans.

However, Xilin is thinking again, how can a person who is driving a good car in such a game go to war?

No time to continue thinking, his destination has arrived. Xilin is ready to get off at the Wento station in Fengcheng.

Although Acerella’s native population is small, there are many foreigners, and all hotels are full of years. In Acerella, if you see the magnificent buildings that are soaring in the city, it is definitely a hotel. Those hotels are expensive and scary, but they are always saturated. It may not be able to book three months in advance. Booked to.

Therefore, for Xilin, who is temporarily determined to come to Fengcheng, the wind city Wento, which has the most backward living conditions, will undoubtedly have more accommodation opportunities. They are not afraid of bitterness. The point is to have a place to live. You know, in this place of Fengcheng, it is purely uncomfortable to sleep in the wild. The temperature at night is low, and there are plundering winds and dust. If you live in a camping tent, you may even be swept away by the wind.

In the windy city of Acerella, many local residents live in sand or rocky stone houses. Compared to the towering and gorgeous buildings in the central area, these residential houses look like an ancient vicissitudes of life. This will undoubtedly make this vicissitudes more intense.

All the high-end hotels in the downtown area of ​​Windtown and the surrounding area are full. Because the hotel rooms are limited, some houses will also be vacated for rent and rent. In fact, many local residents live by renting. If one day the amphibious speed race is not held, there is no outside population, and it is estimated that they are also unable to maintain their livelihood.

However, along the way, even the houses are gone!

The gray cat squatted on the shoulders of Xilin, a weak look.

I married a microphone! It’s so expensive about this broken place, the most angry thing is that it’s so expensive! What about pit cats? !

The sky gradually darkened. As Xilin and the sugar ball searched for the accommodation along the street, a sudden burst of sound rang from behind them, slowly approaching and stopping next to them.

It was a speeding car, the car was very old, and it belonged to the old broken car except the horn that didn’t ring.

The gray cat raised his eyes and glanced at the broken thing, and pulled down the eyelids again. There is really nothing to look at, and a glance at it can only give it an impulse to let this broken car die.

“Are you looking for a place to stay?” The hood above the old broken car opened, revealing a dusty young face.

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