Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 159: Old acquaintance of k-star district

Chapter 159, the old acquaintance of the k-star district

Udo is very contradictory now, very tangled.

After playing Xilin and telling him the identity of the hunter group of the sixth division of the vanguard, Udo dreamed of the same thing, but he could not let go of his mother and his two-year-old cousin.

Although the entanglement is entangled, Udo can't help but take the pictures of the various hunter groups of the collection to Xilin and Sugar Ball, but they don't know how to express their ideas.

I heard that the conditions for recruiting the four major hunters are quite high, and Udo is somewhat inferior.

Mrs. Wenz was the one who knew her son best. When I saw Udo, I got mad at the two days. When I circled my mouth, I called Udo into the house and talked for five hours.

Five hours later, Udo red eyes circled, but the eyes glowed with hope. Finally, with the courage and Xilin said that he wanted to join the idea of ​​the Pioneer Sixth Fleet Hunter Group, Xilin finally nodded in the mood of Udo, but said that he can only play the role of recommendation. If you can get the affirmation from everyone in the fleet, you need to rely on Udo's own performance.

Udo is smirking and drifting back downstairs, that silly... In the words of the gray cat, it is even more stupid than knowing that he won three million.

"Two days." Xilin bounced the ears of the gray cat.

The gray cat broke the hand of Xilin with one foot and bowed up and stretched out, and lived a living paw. "Well, go find the man who lost."

When Xilin and the gray cat reached the residence of Likrap, Liklaber had already sat in the living room and waited, and watched some of the medicine cans on the display cabinets and tables were cleaned up. Needless to say, Likraber The decision was made.

Liklaber has cleaned up himself today, although it doesn't look like a "dance night", but compared to the previous sense of decadence, it now feels refreshed and the beard is scraped again. Over.

Seeing that Xilin and the gray cat came in, Liklaber pointed to the chair next to him: "Sit."

The gray cat jumped on the table very politely, and arrogantly ran his tail to Licrabe. "How about?"

Without directly answering the gray cat, Likrak asked: "First of all, I want to know who you are. Of course, I am not very demanding. As long as it is not the military or the political, I can see it."

Gray cat chin one: "Well, boy, you listen, we are the hunter of the sixth division of the vanguard, Xilin is the vice captain of the detachment."

Licrabone raised an eyebrow, although he guessed that this guy would be a hunter, but did not expect it would be one of the four great hunters. In fact, even if Xilin is a small hunter group, Liklaber will not refuse.

Compared with Udo's excitement, Likrac wanted to calm down a lot, nodded and asked: "You will not check my identity?"

The gray cat did not answer this question, but Xilin answered.

"Our captain said, as long as you don't betray, the hero doesn't ask for the source. But one thing I have to explain in advance is that as the vice captain, I have the qualification to recommend, but whether I can win the status of the official team member or the core team member depends on you. Own. Of course, I can't think of it with your ability."

"You have confidence in me." Likraber smiled.

"Without confidence, you won't be allowed to join." Xilin spread his hand.

Now the sixth division of the fleet is in the development period, and urgently need talents. When they are separated from Shawton, Shawton said to Xilin that if they encounter good talents, they should not let them go, so as not to be dug by other people.

"So you promised?" Gray cat said on the table in front of Lilkra.

"Yeah, it’s a teammate in the future." Likraber reached out.

The gray cat looked at the palm of Liklabo's outstretched hand and raised his foot satisfactorily on the palm of Liklaber's hand.

"When is the departure?" Liklaber asked.

"I have a flight to the transit star at noon tomorrow, we will see you on the plane." Xilin said.

"it is good."

Understand the meaning of Xilin, Liklaber simply agreed.

They need to get rid of some small troubles, so what is the fake identity must be prepared. However, there is a gray cat, even if it is a real identity when registering, when you finally check the record, you will find that it is not the original identity information.

On the second day, when Udo saw Liklaber on the passenger plane, he was the oldest man. Udo is even more excited after knowing that Licrabe has also joined.

Looking at Udo’s shining eyes, Mrs. Wentz smiled. Udo has grown up and has a wider sky outside. He should not be stuck.

Acerella zhèngfu building office.

"Four less have already left?"

"Well, although I don't know exactly where he is on the flight, there is really no information on the flight that shows four, and the few people you let the stalker have no record."

"It's not a simple person! It's nothing, since the four don't want people to know, then you don't have to continue to check it. If you continue to check and can't find anything, report these things and my task is almost finished."

After saying that Xilin and his party have re-arrived to the transit star of the F-Star District, they have inquired some information, found a good planet, and renewed the proof of residence for Mrs. Wenz’s small Tallo. There is a nursery in the new residential area that was bought, and Primary education schools, the surrounding public security is very good, the neighbors are not exclusive, very enthusiastic, more suitable for Mrs. Wentz and Little Tallo.

During the day, the little tarot went to the nursery. Mrs. Wenz could also find a more leisurely job, and she could not make much money, but it was easy to win, and they still had more than one million savings to make a living. It was enough to live.

Udo did not bring a penny, leaving all the money to the mother and the little cousin, and then left the planet with Xilin.

Since Udo and Likrac, Xilin will not continue to play with the sugar ball everywhere, first bring these two new recruits back to solve and say, if there is time, then come out.

The k-Star District, also known as the King Star Zone by the hunters, is the treasure land in the hunter circle of the Star Alliance. It is the gathering place of the four major hunters. This is the only star in the Star Alliance that is dominated by the Hunter Group. Area. I heard that on this planet, the deterrent power of the army is far less than the deterrent power of the four majors. There are four kings here, and that is the Big Four.

The closer to the k-star zone, the more nervous Wudo is, and of course, the excitement.

The Big Four, it used to be a distant fantasy, but now it feels within reach, I don’t know what their fleet will be.

The transit star of the k-star zone is at the outermost periphery of the k-star zone, and from this transit star, it is the world of hunters.

In the transit star there are liaisons of various hunters, and the four liaisons are more magnificent buildings on this planet than the zhèngfu building.

For the hunters who came to this planet, no one dared to scatter in front of the four major liaison departments, because the four big people on the planet, even if they don’t kill anyone for any reason, the official will not pursue it. As long as the four big people will not ruin the planet, the official is too lazy to intervene.

The hunter's affairs, whether it is the military or the political group, are too lazy to manage, but the people in the business circle come frequently. After all, there are many cooperations between merchants and hunters, especially some big business families, such as the Dauns family. .

Xilin looked at the location of the fascinating liaison department on the navigator and took everyone to the other side.

There is no limit to the firearms on this planet, so it is not surprising that people walking on the street will see a lot of people with format guns and even shoulder guns.

Unlike other planets, people who come here will feel a strong sigh of relief. After all, hunters are mostly, and the hunter's body is very strong.

Don't look at those people who can be bullied or thin at the small hotel bar. It seems like a gust of wind can blow down. Those people may be the predecessors of your predecessors, but the momentum is converging after retreating. There is a word. It’s called returning to the truth, and that’s the truth. I really want to get into trouble with them. I won’t wait for you to shoot a gun and you will be crushed and even dead.

Although I decided to go to the fascinating liaison department to eat - the liaison department of each hunter group had excellent preferential policies for the members of the group, but the sugar ball saw an ice cream cream cup displayed on the window, although The name ends with the word "cup", but the "cup" is almost the same as the keg, and it sells very well, attracting sweets lovers. The sugar ball is one of the people who are attracted to it.

Because of his own savings, plus the money won in the speed race, sugar **** are now a small wealth. After buying an ice cream cream cup, the sugar ball bought a glass of juice for several people in Xilin, and the gray cat was a milk tea.

Here, many stores do not like to use service robots, but prefer to use manpower. After all, in dealing with some disputes, robots are not easy to use, and once they are troubled, they are broken or broken. Robot repairs are If you have to pay a lot of money, if you save the principle, it is still good for manpower.

The owner of the small dessert shop is a woman. Because of the small size, there will not be too many customers. Although I don’t know if the boss has asked other waiters, at least she is alone.

The female boss doesn't seem to be in her thirties, but the real age doesn't know, and no one will ask. After all, it is very impolite to ask a woman's age.

The female boss really likes the little ball of sugar ball, deliberately made a big cup of sugar ball, and put more fresh fruit and honey juice.

The sugar ball has not forgotten the thank you, this basic courtesy is still necessary, and for this graceful and charming boss, the sugar ball is not disgusting.

Anyway, it is not anxious. Several people in Xilin are fortunate enough to sit in this small shop and finish drinking.

"How about the ball, how do you feel about this planet?" asked Xilin.

"It's good, you can shoot freely." The sugar ball is very satisfied with this.

"..." Xilin was speechless.

Udo was nervous and was reduced by a glass of iced fruit juice, but the excitement and some nervous feelings in the eyes were still revealed.

"This is really a paradise for hunters!" Udo sighed. Here, many hunters like to put their own logo on the body. The people who are in the top hunter group will see the hunter group even more arrogant, and the behavior of the logo will gradually become here. The trend is also a comparison between many hunters.

It is precisely because of this that a rule that does not require a description of words is formed: my hunter group is stronger than you, and I am higher than you.

It’s a common occurrence here to bully and bully. There are many conflicts, but no one else will mix one foot, just watch around.

The Hunters Group has its own positions.

While chatting about the situation of this planet, Xilin saw a familiar figure, and the man felt the sight of this side, turned his head and looked over.

"Oh! It’s your kid!"

The person behind Bart looks at his revered predecessor and rushes to the little dessert shop, just like seeing an old friend instead of seeing the younger generation.

"Bart's predecessor." Xilin got up and came to a chair for Batra.

Bart was also welcome. He sat down with his ass, and the big palm took a few shots on the shoulders of Xilin. He smiled and his beard kept shaking. He saw Bart like this and re-examined Xilin. At first glance, it’s a younger generation. How can Bart’s predecessors react like this? Is it the descendants of the home team? It’s not right, even the descendants of those who are not like Bart’s temper.

"Eskerrey dear, trouble with a liqueur, add ice!" Bart waved to the female boss of the store. Listening to the tone, obviously, these two are familiar.

Estherri squinted at Bart, raised his hand and took a bottle of liqueur from the counter and threw it to Bart. "Don't break it!"

"Oh, no, just remember this kid." Bart pointed to Xilin.

Eskerui was on the counter, and the **** chest was almost pressed against the countertop. She lifted her slender fingers and pointed at the sugar ball that was burying her head in the ice cream cream cup. She smiled and said: "This little sister who paid the bill this time. Hey, are you an old guy who still needs a small doll to help pay?"

Bart's old face was red, waiting to talk, the sugar ball raised his head and said: "How much is a bottle of sweet wine?"

"Cough, don't..."

"One thousand, the galaxy coins." Estheri interrupted Bart's words, holding his chin and laughing.

The sugar ball squinted at the head and thought about the spoon. Nodded to Eskerui: "It's not too expensive, Bart's grandfather's account is together."

"Hey, sugar ball little sweetheart, you are so cute!" Bart grabbed his long beard and swept the small face of the sugar ball, causing the person behind Bart to have a cold.

But without waiting for the sugar ball to open Bart's long beard, the gray cat jumped and grabbed Bart's long beard to play the swing.

"Hey, snoring, you are getting heavier again." He said, raising his hand to the gray cat.

The mouths of several people behind Bart grew into o-shapes, and Eskerrey’s eyes narrowed and looked at the eyes of several people in Xilin.

You know, Bart is quite a baby's own beard. Others don't want to touch him with a beard. Whoever touches him and who is anxious, but today Bart not only uses a beard to tease the ball but also catches the cat that swings on his beard. What kind of caress, what is this going on?

Not only that, the gray cat still had some milk tea after drinking the tea, and he was directly on Bart’s beard. Bart just smiled and said: “You guy is also leather!” A few people were scared behind. Drop the chin.

Bart holds the liqueur in one hand and the gray cat in the other, his eyes sweeping and sweeping some restless Udo and Likal, who is still calm, "Newcomer?"

Xilin nodded. "Is this recommended, please check it out?"

"Hey, can you recommend the people in Xilin?" Bart’s evaluation of Xilin was high, and he asked: "What are you two little guys?"

Generally speaking, if they are not officially confirmed as a hunter team member, they are not qualified to be introduced to the old predecessors in the group. Therefore, Xilin has not introduced Udo and Likrap, but now Bart has taken the initiative to ask, this It shows that his bart admits the identity of the two men in advance, and the other decision-makers of the sub-fleet want to oppose the need to measure the amount, not to refute the face of Bart, the old man.

Of course, for this implicit rule, Udo and Likrac are not aware of it, but it is even more strange to see Xilin’s eyes with people who come over Bart.

What is the sacredness of this kid?

Udo and Liekrabo briefly introduced themselves. For the original occupation, Udo is talking about "flying riders", while Likraber is "pharmaceuticals."

"Udodo's speeding technology is good!" Sugar Ball said with an ice cream spoon.

The sugar ball has long been used as a person for Udo, and it is very maintenance for his own sugar ball.

"Well, Liklaber can't compare with me, but he still has a good time." Gray cat said with pride.

Bart snorted and expressed satisfaction.

The sugar ball digs the ice cream and looks at the people standing behind Bart. They should all be pioneers. Although they can't be completely classified, they have a certain relationship. They said: "Why are you? Don't sit?"

"That is, how much pressure is standing up," said Bart, a strange sin.

At that time, those people are at the same time, and you dare to sit casually. !

When I saw a few people sitting down, the sugar ball asked again: "Would you like to drink something? If it is not too expensive, I will pay the bill."

"no, I'm fine!"

"We are not thirsty."

"I don't eat sweets very much."

A few people waved their hands again and again. Just kidding, how do you make the children pay for the bill? Their skin is not as thick as Barth's predecessor!

"Don't worry about them," Bart reached for the head of the sugar ball, and then looked at Xilin. "There is something in the group to find you, there is a task, it is very difficult, I think your holiday is gone."

"Task?" Xilin frowned, what level of missions were alarming people like Bart? "Well, I will contact the captain as soon as possible."

"This is why Shawton really is not qualified to ask. In short, you will know when you go back." Bart sipped all the remaining wine and put down the bottle. "I am going there, this time I am in a hurry." A glimpse, if you don’t pass, the big hat will be smashed."

Xilin knows that Bart is talking about the planet that has produced several energy ores in the area of ​​the z-star, and the big hat refers to the Songba Lero with a wide hat and a hat.

"Is that over there?"

"Okay, very good, you can get a bonus when you come back this time. Ok, let's go, your kid's mission should be considered."

Give Esther a kiss, and Bart will leave with someone.

Xilin shakes the juice inside the cup and thinks about what mission? It’s not easy to see Bart’s meaning this time.


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