Star-source Legend

Chapter 1000: Summoned in person (below)

For Li Chenglong and the others, everything they heard today was beyond their expectations.

Going to the universe, they never dared to imagine before.

However, they are actually very much looking forward to being able to travel to the universe.

Although it may be to leave his family and friends.

However, since becoming a warrior, the pursuit of the highest realm is their main goal.

As long as one's own strength reaches a certain level, in the future, it is still possible to take all their relatives and friends by their side.

After returning to the residence, someone gave them their reward directly.

It can be said that everyone in the top ten has received a ring of sourcing, and the rewards in it can be said to be enough to allow them to practice directly to the earth to wander through immortals.

Especially the exercises and martial skills Zhang Fan provided them were all the most suitable for them.

Even if Shi Le himself practiced Buddhism, Zhang Fan found a very powerful and suitable one for him, called the "Eight Buddha Sutra".

It is said that to the end of the cultivation, it is enough for Shi Le to cultivate directly to the realm of Star Noble.

In fact, Xiao Gu helped Zhang Fan select these exercises from his own collection. It can be said that with the existence of Xiaogu, Li Chenglong's situation is basically clear at a glance, choosing a suitable exercise and martial art is not difficult for Xiaogu.

But to be on the safe side, Zhang Fan only provided them with the upper part.

Of course, except for Li Chenglong.

Although Zhang Fan himself said that the rewards given to everyone are exactly the same.

But leaving other ingredients aside, Zhang Fan is equivalent to Li Chenglong's uncle.

There are some special cares for one's back, and others can't say anything.

Therefore, Zhang Fan not only passed the "Sword Classic" to Li Chenglong, but also gave Li Chenglong many insights on his own practice of returning ten thousand swords to the sect and the art of imperial swords.

Moreover, Zhang Fan also gave Li Chenglong several very powerful martial arts, even if Li Chenglong reached the star-moon realm, he could continue to use it.

As for the other genius treasures, Zhang Fan also selected some of the most effective ones based on Li Chenglong's situation, and gave them to Li Chenglong.

It can be said that when Li Chenglong saw these things, his face was always cold and shocked.

"Uncle Zhang Fan is really generous."

Li Chenglong also had to sigh.

This time, the global genius martial arts, with close to 700,000 people participating, in a month, it can be said that everyone can see their specific rankings, and even many people's scores are exactly the same.

However, the top 100 is the most valued.

With the end of the global genius martial arts, the rewards for the top 100 geniuses can be said to be comparable to most of the wealth possessed by a powerful man in the late king stage.

This is absolutely incredible to many people.

When other people saw these rewards, they naturally stimulated their own enthusiasm to a great extent. As soon as they returned to the place where they practiced and learned, they directly devoted themselves to the cultivation and promotion.

This time, many people are not more than 18 years old, which also means that many people will be able to continue participating in the next global genius martial arts.


The Tamron City Command and Control Center is currently the tallest building in Tamron City, with a full eighty-eight floors.

The overall height is at least more than 300 meters.

At this moment, Zhang Fan and the others are all in the highest level of the command and control center, which is the 88th floor of the conference hall.

"Brother Li, Xiao Long's behavior really surprised me this time. It seems that during your time in Jiange, you are very concerned about the cultivation of Xiao Long.

Of course, this is also because Xiaolong's talent is very powerful.

Our Wolf Warriors team can be considered as successors.

If Brother Slim and Brother Ermao knew the news, they would be very happy in the sky. "

Above the huge long table, Zhang Fan was sitting in the first place at the moment, and Li Xiaofeng who was not far away also spoke.

This time his son participated in the global genius martial arts, Li Xiaofeng naturally followed all the way.

It can be said that Li Chenglong is Li Xiaofeng's all hope, and even the most powerful genius after Jiange Chu Tianya's generation.

Everyone in the sword pavilion who came to Tenglong City looked forward to Li Chenglong's performance.

And this time, Li Chenglong has directly become the number one in the world's talented martial arts this time. It can be said that this is beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Li Xiaofeng, who knows his son very well, didn't expect his son to be so powerful, so that his face can be said to be so bright.

"Hehe, Xiaolong is indeed more competitive. Of course, this is also because Afan, you have left a lot of precious genetic medicines since he was a child, so that Xiaolong's foundation is very solid.

You also know that when Xiaolong was a child, his physical fitness was very bad. If it weren't for your help, maybe Xiaolong is just a humble ordinary person now. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's praise, Li Xiaofeng's expression also appeared very modest.

"Hehe, this time, the reason why I called you over is also a piece of news to tell you. That is, when I leave the earth in the future, Xiaolong will also come with me.

I thought, you, your sister-in-law, and big brother and them, then you will leave the earth with me.

With your closest people by my side, my heart is more at ease.

Of course, if you are unwilling to leave the earth, I will not force it too much.

However, if we stay on the earth, we will basically not have much chance to meet in the future, maybe even a farewell. "

Smiling, Zhang Fan also looked at Li Xiaofeng and said.

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