Star-source Legend

Chapter 1005: Tenglong Pavilion (Part 2)

"Lao Li, and seniors, all of us are very welcome to your willingness to join the Dragon Pavilion.

With your strength, I give you the status of the Supreme Elder of the Dragon Pavilion. I wonder if you are willing? "

Zhang Fan also looked at Li Jianqiu and the seven of them at this time and said directly.

At this moment, Zhang Fan, Nalandi, Qin Feng, Xu Yuan, including Yan Ping and Li Jianqiu, are the seven powerful masters of the world, all in the top conference hall of the Dragon City Command and Control Center.

"You see the arrangement for this young master."

Li Jianqiu also spoke directly at this moment.

"Yes, when the monsters fully attacked before, all of us were in retreat, and we didn't contribute our strength. We are already very ashamed.

Regardless of your arrangement, the old guys of us are absolutely obedient. "

One of the strong people who wandered the earth also spoke.

The others nodded.

"Hehe, a few seniors don’t have to blame themselves. After all, when you reach the level of wandering through the earth, especially in the space of the relics in the depths of you, or the arrangement of some relatively hidden and powerful means, it is not for many situations in the outside world. May know.

However, it is not too late to join now.

I think you should also know that we will leave the earth, right?

Now, Li Lao's strength is about to break through to the realm of Star Jue, if this is the case, he himself can completely leave with many people.

This is very good news.

And my plan is to leave together after ten years. Therefore, in this ten years, in addition to the stability of the Dragon Pavilion, our own strength also needs to be further strengthened.

After all, if you didn't reach the Star Lord Realm, even entering the universe would be of no avail, and even the most basic void environment would not be able to adapt.

Tenglong Pavilion is about to be established now, and many places need the help of various seniors. Your arrival is a timely rain for us. "

Zhang Fan also looked at Li Jianqiu and they spoke at the moment.

"Hmm, well, what is it for? Even if we speak, we old guys dare not say anything else. Many places can still help."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Li Jianqiu also nodded and said.

"That's it for the time being. Later, I will inform you where there is a need for your seniors to contribute. The most urgent matter, Mr. Li, can you take us to the relic space in Huashan that you discovered?"

Zhang Fan also looked at Li Jianqiu and said directly.

"Well, I have this plan. I heard that Afan, you are a spiritual teacher, and you must be able to discover things that we can't.

In that ruin space, the most central area is always shrouded in a cloud of mist, and there is a powerful formation that I have always been unable to approach.

However, from my outline, it looks like a huge palace.

If you can break the formation, perhaps you can find some unexpected gains. "

Nodded, Li Jianqiu also said immediately.

"Oh? It seems that this relic space is extraordinary. Even Lao Li, you are helpless. Obviously, the formation is very special, and it may even have power beyond the level of the fairy tale.

Grandpa Xu, although I have dabbled in the formation, I am definitely not as good as you. This time, you may not be able to get a lot of power, hehe. "

Hearing what Li Jianqiu said, Zhang Fan frowned, and then turned to look at Xu Yuan and said with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay, the stronger the formation, the more attractive it is to me.

In the past few years, my level of formation has improved a lot. I believe that as long as it is not too strong and with your cooperation, Afan, it can definitely be broken directly. "

Smiling, Xu Yuan also said directly, his expression full of expectation.

"The seniors, you will go to rest in a while. It is up to me, Lao Li, my grandfather Xu, President Nalandi, and Palace Lord Hell to go to the ruin space.

After all, there is no idea what dangers there will be. Our stronger ones, as long as we are more careful, should be enough to deal with.

If there is any news, we will let you know when we get back. "

At this time Zhang Fan also looked at the other powerful people who wandered the earth and said.

"Hmm, yes, then you have to be more careful."

One of them spoke.

Nodding, Zhang Fan, Li Jianqiu, Nalandi, Xu Yuan, and Yan Ping rushed towards the location of Huashan.

Xiyue Huashan is known as the “one road in Huashan since ancient times, the most dangerous mountain in the world”. At the same time, Huashan is also the most precarious among the famous mountains.

Especially after the rejuvenation of spiritual energy and the change of terrain, Huashan Mountain not only increased its height by one third, but also formed many unique scenery.

At the speed of Zhang Fan and the others, it only took an hour to reach Huashan.

Looking at the majestic peaks rising from the ground in the distance, it can be said that Zhang Fan himself feels the magic of nature.

"Young Master, the relic space where I used to retreat is on the mountainside of the highest peak of Mount Hua.

Around the entire peak, there are Weifeng like garrison soldiers guarding it in the center.

Moreover, it is smoky all year round, and sometimes even thoughts cannot be detected. It can be said that unless the specific location is known, it is extremely difficult to find that entrance. "

At this time, Zhang Fan and the others were already suspended in the sky, and Li Jianqiu also spoke at this moment.

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