Star-source Legend

Chapter 1011: Tenglong Pavilion was established (Part 1)

Afterwards, Zhang Fan went directly to the Command and Control Hollow of Tenglong City.

After all, Tenglong Pavilion is also about to be established, and Zhang Fan must take charge of many things himself.

"Afan, why are you here? Didn't you tell you that this period of time will give you a good rest?"

Seeing Zhang Fan, Xu Yuan also said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's boring at home anyway, so I came to see where I can help."

Looking at Old Xu, Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"Hehe, not for the time being, even if there is, it is not easy to use you. We just came here for a while, and plan to discuss arrangements for people to go to the ruins space to build the outer area.

However, in order to ensure concealment, the people needed must be absolutely reliable. "

Nalandi also said with a smile.

"Yeah, this is indeed. In this way, after you choose people, I will directly collect them into my pubic space, put them into the relic space, and arrange people to stare directly, not let them run around. .

As for the materials, just put them all in the ring.

I will contact Mr. Yuan afterwards.

Now, I think the most urgent task for the party is to find a place to practice collectively. Strive to add as many powerhouses as possible in the Star Noble realm before leaving the earth. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said.

"Uh, yes, but I think it's not too late to stop a wave of collective practice after Tenglong Pavilion is established.

It doesn’t take much time to build a peripheral area anyway.

At that time, the ceremony will be held directly in Tamron City to announce the news. "

Nodded, Qin Feng also spoke at the moment.

"Yes, after the establishment of Tenglong Pavilion, we will practice together. Not to mention others, at least Nalandi and you, including Lao Li, need to break through to the Star Lord first, so that the whole of our planet Strength will increase a lot."

Yan Ping also spoke at this time.

"Um, well, then wait for the establishment of Tenglong Pavilion, and organize a wave.

The retreat at that time will directly be a decade that will last as long as ten years. In these ten years, I will share some of my experience with everyone.

In the future, what we have to face is the strong in the universe, so everyone must stimulate their own potential to the greatest extent.

One piece of news is better, that is, the growth rate of the strong in the universe is not comparable to our earth.

Our earth's warriors, at the same age, are absolutely top-notch in the universe. "

Hearing what Yan Ping said, Zhang Fan also nodded.

After that, Zhang Fan and a few people specifically discussed some things about Tenglong Pavilion, before returning to his residence.

Before I knew it, two months had passed quietly.

During this time, Zhang Fan felt that his life was the happiest and most fulfilling.

In the middle of the journey, Zhang Fan also personally took a shot, bringing group after group of people into the relic space in Huashan, and asked them to build the outer area of ​​the Tenglong Pavilion headquarters according to the blueprint.

Today, Zhang Fan also received the news that all the buildings have been completely constructed, and that the specific positions and personnel assignments have been properly done.

Therefore, today is the day when Zhang Fan and the powerhouses of the six sacred sites jointly announced the official establishment of Tenglong Pavilion.

And this day will be remembered forever by the history of the earth.

At this moment, many people who received the notice had already arrived on the square of Tamron City in advance.

Most of these people are directly settled in Tamron City.

Although they didn't know why Tamron City's command and control center sent them a message, since it was to notify everyone of the arrival, it must be incredible news.

Many people who did not come to the square also stayed at home waiting for the live broadcast.

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