Star-source Legend

Chapter 1102: Jian Yu's attitude

"call out!"

Forcibly enduring the tingling of his right arm, before Xue Li hadn't reacted, the war spear in Zhang Fan's hand was directly released.

Suddenly, the powerful force, coupled with the terrifying penetration of the war spear, seemed like an indestructible black lightning, shooting towards the blood.


The **** Li, who felt the crisis, immediately dodged in another direction. Unfortunately, Zhang Fan had already predicted the direction of his dodge in advance. At this moment, the spear completely penetrated the **** body from his chest in an instant. .

"You are the most powerful warrior of the same level I have encountered, none of them."

After saying this, the **** figure disappeared on the ring.

"My God, just finished talking about the spiritual teacher, and immediately, a powerful spiritual teacher was defeated by Tamron.

Xue Li also only entered the martial arts field here for less than half a year.

However, relying on his spiritual teacher's powerful ability, he has reached nearly 500 consecutive victories so far. If it weren't for the fact that Xue Li's actual age is much older than Devin, and it has been a long time since he has been unable to break through, I would directly give him the quota this time.

It can be said that in the past six months, the streak of many powerful warriors in the middle of the Star-Moon realm in our branch has been directly ended by blood.

After all, being old means that one's talents are limited, but the combat experience is very rich.

And the blood is fierce, and I think it is the most powerful opponent that we have seen in the martial arts venue of this branch. Even if Devin is against him, he may not be able to please him.

Unexpectedly, he was still defeated by Tamron, which is really incredible.

From now on, your place, Tamron, is undoubtedly locked. "

At this moment, in a room in the Universe Network Martial Arts Field, Jian Yu, who watched Zhang Fan and Xue Li fight against each other, couldn't help standing up, and said in shock.

"Hehe, even if Tamron fails, my place will be reserved for him, because this is a promise I gave him. Moreover, he called me Uncle Luan, to a certain extent, he is already his own.

However, I didn't expect that Tamron would be able to directly defeat the spiritual master of the level. This is one of the few scenes where a warrior of the same level defeated a spiritual teacher.

At this point, Tamron's talent can be said to be enough to rank in the top of the entire universe.

Even, at this moment, I think that even the Devin you've been optimistic about is far inferior to Tamron.

However, there is one thing you have to be prepared in mind, that is, Tamron himself is a dragger. According to him, he comes from the Qianlong galaxy and came to our galaxy because of some accidents. It may even be a long time in the future. Settled in the Milky Way.

Naturally, during these hundreds of years, the resources that Tamron needs for cultivation, including those needed by his relatives and friends, need to be provided by us. "

Luan Yang also said with a smile.

"Haha, this is natural. However, Tamron is now only in the Star-Moon realm. With my accumulation, it can be said that it is completely enough to support him to cultivate to the Star-Sun realm.

As for his relatives and friends, I think they should be relatively low in strength and not consume a lot of resources.

However, I think that if you came to me this time, there should be other things. If I guess it is correct, it should be related to the three major families of Luangyu Star, right? "

Hearing what Luan Yang said, Jian Yu also spoke.

"Yes, you have been cultivating for so many years. If you hadn't been out of customs to contact me suddenly, I wouldn't know where to find you, and all the contact information left would be closed.

As far as I know, these three major families have long been dissatisfied with me because of my intervention in some things, and they want to get rid of me, especially the patriarchs of the three major families have now broken through to the Xingyang realm. .

Behind it is the support of big shots.

I can't deal with them on the face, so I can only come to see how you deal with this matter here? "

Nodded, Luan Yang also admitted.

"Since Nalor disappeared, and you and I ordered the Alpha family to take care of the family, they have been in retreat. It was also just today.

The existence of the three major families can actually maintain the stability of Luangyu Star and even the entire galaxy to a certain extent.

This is also the reason why I didn't make a move when I saw their emergence.

However, there is not enough human heart to swallow the elephant. As far as I know, even Luangyu has a special slave market today? In the entire galaxy, it can be said that many life planets that have always been comfortable are being watched by many slave merchants. Behind this, there should be the secret acquiescence or even intervention of the three major families.

However, according to what you said, the backers that they want to find should not be small. After all, they understand my character.

Therefore, my suggestion is to leave them alone for now, and wait for Tamron and Devin to participate in the competition.

At that time, as long as the two of them can achieve good results, they will definitely receive considerable attention, and the three major families will no longer be a problem for us.

In my opinion, the three big families dare not go too far in a short time. "

Knowing that her guess was correct, Jian Yu also expressed her own considerations at this moment.

"It can only be this way. Sometimes, I feel that I, the Luangyu Star Master, should be a fool, and I can't even deal with a few troubles within my sphere of influence."

Hearing what Jian Yu said, Luan Yang also spoke at this moment, his face a little bitter.

"Hehe, in the universe, the strong is always respected. Our strength may be considered good in the Milky Way, but it is not worth mentioning in the entire universe.

Among them, no matter where it is, there are always interest disputes, not for anything else, just to get better resources, so that you can get a greater improvement.

And if you want to solve all of this, what you can do is to make yourself strong enough to make others look up to.

The Milky Way, to put it bluntly, is just a small point in the big universe. For some big people, the entire galaxy can be wiped out with just a finger.

Let's go, now I have a lot of understanding of Tamron's strength, just in time for my exit, let's have a good drink and get together. "

Seeing Luanyang's expression, Jian Yu sighed in his heart, and then also comforted.

In fact, this can be regarded as comforting himself.

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