Star-source Legend

Chapter 1104: Universe genius selection battle

And Devin, after what he himself said, after breaking through to the Star-Moon Realm, he was alone. Now, it only took less than a thousand years to reach the middle of the Star-Moon Realm. Among the clan is already considered outstanding.

Of course, the three of them didn't know Zhang Fan's true age.

Otherwise, if you know that Zhang Fan has only less than 30 years of effort to have the current strength, it is estimated that his eyes will be staring.

And Zhang Fan himself also told the three of them that he has been practicing for more than 300 years now.

Even so, Luan Yang and the three of them felt very shocked.

In the universe, as long as one has cultivated to the realm of Star Lord, at least it will have a life span ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 years.

It can be said that he can be regarded as a very good genius if he can reach the realm of Star Lord within a hundred years. In a thousand years, being able to achieve the Star-Moon realm is equivalent to being a top genius.

Once it can break through to the star-moon realm, it can have a life span of one million years.

Many times, for the strong in the universe, a retreat, perhaps hundreds of years, will pass directly for thousands of years.

Like Luanyang, the actual age nowadays is about to reach one hundred thousand years. And Jian Yu is similar.

After reaching the Star-Moon realm, if you want to improve quickly, even if your talent is terrifying, it can't be done in a short time.

In many cases, even from the initial breakthrough to the mid-term, it will take hundreds or even thousands of years.

And the time required for this breakthrough, the later, the longer.

"My lord, I don't know what you are talking about?"

At this moment, upon hearing what Jian Yu said, Zhang Fan was also puzzled.

"Hehe, I don't know if you have heard of the cosmic genius selection battle?"

Seeing Zhang Fan's puzzled look, Jian Yu also asked.

"You mean, the selection battle for cosmic geniuses is about to begin?"

Hearing Jian Yu's question, Zhang Fan's expression brightened, and he asked expectantly.

Regarding the selection of cosmic geniuses, Zhang Fan also heard Xiaogu and himself when he came to the universe during this time.

It was said that it was a grand event that could spread to the entire universe, in order to select absolute geniuses from among the warriors below the Xingyang realm of the entire universe.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity for several super holy sites in the universe and the universe alliance to increase their own fresh blood.

For many people, this is an excellent opportunity to climb the sky in one step.

Even those powerful racial geniuses sometimes join a super holy land, which can improve the status of the entire race to a certain extent.

"Yes, there are still hundreds of years, and the 100,000-year genius selection battle will start again. That's why I called you over this time."

Nodded, Jian Yu also replied directly.

"Dewin, you already knew?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan couldn't help asking when seeing Dewin's expression as usual.

"Hehe, yes, I had been looking for me when I first entered the martial arts field to fight against the lord. Of course, before I came to the galaxy, I had been following this news.

The lord's condition for me is to reach the silver rank and need to maintain a thousand consecutive victories.

Fortunately, I am more fortunate to have not met you, a perverted fellow, otherwise, I don't know where to get this place. "

With a smile, Devin also spoke directly at this moment, and his expression was also full of fluke.

Although he and Devin only had contact a few times during this period, they also had special discussions in the battle space.

And the result is no exception, Devin is not Zhang Fan's opponent at all.

"What's the quota, do you need a quota to participate in this genius selection contest?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan was also full of doubts in his expression when he heard the words "Quota" increased by Devin.

"Haha, Afan, it seems that you haven't paid much attention to the selection of geniuses.

For the genius selection battle, theoretically speaking, as long as the strength reaches the peak of the star-moon realm, it can participate, and there are no restrictions on others.

However, there are countless warriors at the pinnacle of the Star-Moon Realm in the entire universe. If they all participated, the time it would take for the selection battle that day was unknown.

Therefore, in the end, several super holy land united universe alliances also made a decision, that is, will give a certain quota to the galaxy that meets the requirements.

And our Milky Way, because it is considered a relatively low-level galaxy, so it only has one place.

Although I am only the lord of the galaxy now, by virtue of my identity as the core disciple of the Universe Alliance, I also have a recommended place in my hand.

This quota is for life, even if I am no longer a core disciple of the Universe Alliance, this will not be invalidated.

Therefore, the entire galaxy, including the previous quota, has a total of two places for the competition, which can be said to be very precious.

The two of you are currently among the best among the warriors of the same level in our galaxy. Especially this time, Afan, your strength, makes me feel very shocked.

Before, when he first contacted you in Luanyang, he had already decided to give you this place, and the place I own was already given to Devin at the very beginning.

I called you over today because I have some specific rules to tell you. "

When Zhang Fan asked, Jian Yu said with a smile at the moment.

Hearing what Jian Yu said, Zhang Fan also realized it.

Obviously, this time the selection of geniuses should have changed a bit compared to the past, otherwise Xiao Gu would not fail to tell Zhang Fan this.

Zhang Fan was very touched that Luan Yang only met for the first time and decided to give him the spot in the Milky Way.

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