Star-source Legend

Chapter 1114: Deal reached

"Hello, how much black iron and brass you want to sell?"

When he arrived in the reception room, the receptionist was also sitting opposite Zhang Fan and asked.

"Hehe, not much, only 32 billion tons."

Smiling, Zhang Fan said calmly.

"Three hundred and twenty...what? Twenty-two billion tons?"

Soon, the reception staff reacted and couldn't help but stand up directly, looking at Zhang Fan in shock.

But at this moment, Nan He and Qing Ying on the side heard what Zhang Fan said, their expressions were also full of incredible.

They have the current strength, so many things are naturally well understood, especially the value of many items, basically they can generally remember their value.

Although black iron and brass are not particularly precious metals, one meal is about one dragon coin.

However, 32 billion tons, that is 32 billion Qianlong Coins, which is equivalent to 320 million Universe Coins.

When they were the richest, their wealth was less than 10 million Universe Coins.

"What? Isn't this branch too much to eat?"

Zhang Fan frowned at the moment, looking at the receptionist and asked.

"No, no, but I didn’t expect you to have so many metals. Although brass and black iron are only Grade 8 metals, they are not very valuable, but the price of a ton on the market should be for a Qianlong coin. , Which is 0.01 universe coin.

The 32 billion tons of profound iron and brass reached 320 million cosmic coins.

With so much wealth, it can be said that it is very terrifying in Qianlong galaxy.

Moreover, I also have no right to deal with this matter. Please wait a moment and I will notify the special responsible person to come over. "

Hearing the impatience in Zhang Fan's tone, the receptionist also hurriedly explained at the moment.

After seeing Zhang Fan nodded, he turned and left.

Soon, a middle-aged man who looked indistinguishable from an earthly person walked over.

This man was dressed in a precious lavender gown all over his body. His height was about the same as Zhang Fan. A pair of willow eyebrows matched his mature face, and he was very handsome when he was young.

"Hello, I am the person in charge of this branch. I heard that you have a lot of black iron and brass in your hand?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man looked at Zhang Fan and asked. Especially after seeing Nan He and Qing Ying behind Zhang Fan, I didn't dare to neglect in my heart.

Indeed, as the person in charge of the Cosmos Alliance Mall branch, his own power is very large, even the strong in the ethereal realm dare not neglect him.

As for Nan He and Qing Ying, in fact, he also knew their situation. The value of one billion Qianlong coins in Qianlong Star is not that nobody can't get it, but it's quite rare.

Now, the other party can directly buy the two, obviously their identities are extraordinary. Especially from Zhang Fan's body, he couldn't detect any aura, and it shocked his heart.

After all, he himself is a strong man in the ethereal realm.

"Haha, yes. This is my unexpected harvest from a planet. It's a pity that there is no brass essence or black iron essence, all of which are common black iron and brass.

I think that more than 300 million Cosmos Coins may be a lot for other forces, but with the abundant capital of the Cosmos Alliance Mall, let alone 300 million, three trillion can be easily obtained. "

Smiling, Zhang Fan nodded and said.

"What you said is correct, but at least this is the largest list I have come to Qianlongxing to take over. In your capacity, I think the account of Universe Bank should have reached a high level, so naturally in our universe. The alliance mall will also have some benefits to enjoy.

However, the purchase price will not change, 0.01 cosmic currency a ton. Of course, if you buy anything from me, I will be able to give you a 10% discount. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, this person also agrees very much. After all, the Universe Alliance Mall is the richest in the entire universe, and there is simply no rival that can rival it.

"Um, yes, No, everything has been put in this space ring by me. After you turn all the things, return this space ring to me."

Nodding, Zhang Fan also directly handed over a space ring to the person in charge.

And this ring was also specially purchased by Zhang Fan himself from the Universe Alliance Mall with a lot of fortune. The reason is to transfer the black iron and brass directly.

After all, what Zhang Fan had before were only some rings that contained objects with a relatively small space, and he couldn't fit so many profound iron and brass.

"Okay, no problem. Send me your Cosmos Bank account. I will transfer the money directly. After that, you will wait here for a while. After I transfer the things, I will give you the space ring. come."

After taking the space ring and checking it to find that there is nothing wrong, this person also looked at it and said.

Soon, after Zhang Fan reported his account, within a few seconds, 320 million Cosmos Coins had already entered Zhang Fan's account.

After that, this person left directly, and after about ten minutes, he delivered Zhang Fan's space ring.

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