Star-source Legend

Chapter 1123: The auction begins

"Yeah, I know, then I will try to comprehend the realm directly when my strength is upgraded to the late stage of the Star-Moon realm. I think that many geniuses in the universe must have mastered the realm long ago.

Nodding, Zhang Fan also made a decision.

"Well, I will pass on to you some of my own experience of cohesion and comprehension at that time. In general, the domain also has nine layers, like you saw these two people before, if you really count it, even the first The weight has not yet been reached.

And if you want to promote yourself to the ethereal realm, it is necessary for a warrior to reach the perfect state in his own domain when he is in the Xingyang realm.

At that time, when the domain is upgraded, it is to be able to truly contact a trace of the origin power in the universe, and relying on this trace of origin power, it is possible to break into the ethereal realm.

Of course, because you are already fused with star source fragments, the ethereal realm may be an insurmountable height for many people, but for you, as long as your domain meets the requirements, you can directly make breakthroughs. .

Even when you condense the domain by yourself, it is very likely to directly reach the triple heaven or above of the domain. Not only that, but to a certain extent, you are equivalent to a part of the origin.

This is your advantage. In the future, when you comprehend the laws of the universe, you will also be one step faster than others, and these are all brought to you by the power of the star source. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xing Lao also said immediately.

"I know."

Then let's continue to watch other battle videos of warriors first. It happens that I also want to make a fortune through this. Otherwise, if there is an absolute treasure in the auction, it will be a pity if the money is not enough.

"Hehe, this time Bruce won, you directly won close to 15 million Universe Coins. If you seize the opportunity these days, I think maybe you can at least win hundreds of millions of Universe Coins.

This is also because the ultimate upper limit of the martial arts field here can only be 5 million universe coins, otherwise you can earn more. "

Smiled, Xiao Gu's voice came over at this time.

"Well, 15 million Cosmic Coins at one time. This is faster than the robbery, and it's even safer. I thought that having a few hundred million Cosmic Coins is absolutely rich.

Looking at this situation now, maybe my wealth is not as good as those of the more powerful slave merchants. And the wealth of a strong man in the ethereal realm is beyond my imagination. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan said with some emotion at this moment.

"Indeed, as your insights become more and more light, you will find that everything you have now is nothing. The entire universe is so big, and hundreds of millions of cosmic coins are relatively rich in the Qianlong Galaxy.

But, think about my old master Bei Guang. He had only reached the ethereal realm and had so much wealth. The entire Xuan Dou Star, including the Xuan Dou Galaxy, was under the control of the old master.

The other powerhouses in the ethereal realm, even if they are only the first level, may have tens of billions, hundreds of billions, or even trillions of cosmic coins. "

Xiao Gu also agreed very much at this time.

"So my master, Situ Zhong, was too stingy at the beginning. It was really stingy to only give me one million Qianlong coins."

At this moment, Zhang Fan felt a little stingy thinking that his master Situ Zhong had just given him one million Qianlong coins.

"You can be content. One million Qianlong coins are equivalent to 100 billion Luangyu coins. With so much money in Luangyu Stars, you can be considered an absolute rich man.

Of course, because you don't want your master to know your whereabouts with this money, you can't move it for the time being, otherwise, you won't be so tight at the beginning. "

An angry white glance at Zhang Fan, Xiao Gu also said directly, making Zhang Fan also embarrassed.

"Hey, let's continue watching and placing bets. Just now it was just a 500-game winning streak for the silver rank. I want to see those 1,000-game winning streaks, and even more duels of strong players.

Xiaogu, you remember to place a bet, just 5 million Universe Coins every time. "

Smiling, Zhang Fan also said immediately.

Subsequently, Zhang Fan's attention was once again devoted to the spectator.

For three days in a row, Zhang Fan watched dozens of matches in total. He also walked around Qianlong City halfway, and bought some gifts for Liu Ruyan's three daughters.

In just dozens of matches, Zhang Fan also directly won the wealth of more than 300 million universe coins by placing bets.

Of course, money is not important. Some people in Qianlong City's Martial Arts Division are concerned that no matter which game it is, Zhang Fan is betting on victory. This has to say that Zhang Fan's vision is terrifying.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan is in the universe network, and the money is still affordable for the martial arts field. Otherwise, if it is in reality, it is likely to attract some people's attention.

Three hundred million cosmic coins, it can be said that even some powerful people in the early stage of the ethereal realm may be interested.

After three days passed, Zhang Fan also received a message that the Qianlong auction was about to begin.

Walking out of the residence, Zhang Fan directly spent money and took Nan He and Qing Ying to rush to the location of Qianlong City Auction House.

Because Zhang Fan himself gave the spacecraft of Naluo to the auction house for auction, the auction house also specially arranged a private room for Zhang Fan. The private room is also a symbol of status. Generally speaking, Qianlong Auction House will arrange a private room only if the wealth exceeds 10 million cosmic coins.

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