Star-source Legend

Chapter 1125: Red flame

And hearing this, Zhang Fan's expression was also full of shock.

After all, only those who have really been in contact with the martial arts field can know how difficult it is to maintain six thousand consecutive victories in the silver rank.

It was just the battle between Bruce and Mike before that, which made Zhang Fan feel the pressure.

Nowadays, the Lin Yun that people are talking about may be the first person among the martial artists of the Qianlong galaxy, which makes Zhang Fan also feel very surprised.

However, thinking of his master's talent, presumably this Lin Yun should have also cultivated the sword canon, and coupled with his own talent, it is normal to have such strength.

As for the victory over the spiritual teacher, this point was considered normal after Zhang Fan came to the universe after some understanding.

On the earth, spiritual teachers of the same level are naturally very powerful, and it is difficult to find an opponent.

But entering the universe, the talents and strengths of many people, including the possibility of having a strong bloodline, make it impossible for the spiritual master to be invincible at the same level.

Even though there are some warriors who are not spiritual masters, by taking some treasures, they can make their own spiritual power not inferior to the spiritual masters, and they have some treasures that can defend the mental attacks of the spiritual masters.

Once the spiritual master's subtle and mysterious skills do not work, their own strength will be greatly reduced.

As far as Zhang Fan understands, even if it is the controller, there is not no warrior who can deal with it in the universe.

Of course, in general, the spiritual teacher is still stronger than the normal warrior, and it can defeat many spiritual teachers, which is enough to prove its strength.

"There are so many people. Looking at the queue, there are at least thousands of people, and they are even increasing. This time, I think there are at least 100,000 people participating in the auction. It is really scary to think about it. .

And these warriors, each of their own wealth is obviously more than one million cosmic coins. Add it up, the money they have is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination. "

Zhang Fan was also a little surprised as he watched the queue of people.

"This is nothing. The last Qianlong auction was said to have participated in a total of 150,000. This time, because some rules have been added, it has also been reduced."

At this time, a big man who seemed to have flames burning all over Zhang Fan also spoke.

"Well, it is indeed very powerful. Brother, depending on your strength, it is similar to mine. Being able to participate in this Qianlong auction house obviously has a lot of wealth or a good background.

My name is Tamron, I don’t know how my brother is called? If you don't mind, make friends. By all accounts, the two of us are the only two martial artists in the middle of the Star-Moon realm. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also looked at the young man and asked, and at the same time extended his right hand.

"Haha, indeed, my name is Chi Yan, and I come from the Chi Huo clan. I'm glad to meet you."

Looking at Zhang Fan's right hand in the depths, Chi Yan was stunned for a moment, and soon Ming realized it, holding it with Zhang Fan with one hand, and said carelessly.

"It turns out to be from the Yanyang clan, and your clan is considered the top race in the Qianlong galaxy, right? It is said that the strength of your clan leader has reached the middle stage of the air spirit realm and is very powerful.

Hearing Chi Yan's introduction, Zhang Fan was also a little surprised.

The Chiyan clan, Zhang Fan had also heard of it after he came to Qianlong Star. It is said that he lives on a planet called Yanxing. The environment of this planet is relatively harsh, and it is very hot all year round.

However, there is indeed a powerful ethnic group living on it, that is, the Yanyang family. This clan and the Scarlet Fire clan that Devin belonged to are of the same origin, both born to the sun, and like flames.

Not much, the Chiyan clan that Devon belongs to is much stronger than the Yanyang clan.

After all, the former is considered second-rate in the universe, and the Yanyang clan is not even third-rate. There is only one strong man in the ethereal realm in the entire ethnic group.

However, just the flame light radiating from its whole body can know that the Yan Yang clan is very powerful in the talent of fire.

"Fortunately, Qianlongxing still has several races that are stronger than ours. At the same time, there are also many strong people. Many of these strong people are much stronger than our patriarch.

Of course, many people will not offend our Yanyang clan, because we are considered to be a branch of the Chiyan clan, and the entire Chiyan clan is close to a first-class power in the entire universe. There are three powerhouses in the Dao Sage realm in the clan.

I also ran out secretly this time, otherwise if my patriarch found out, I would be beaten. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's praise, Chi Yan also said modestly.

"Hehe, let's go, it's almost our turn, this is my contact information, if you have anything, just ask me."

At this time, seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in line before, Zhang Fan also said to Chi Yan, and at the same time gave Chi Yan his contact information.

"Yeah, yes, I will send you my contact information later. Let's go, go in."

Nodded, after Chi Yan verified his identity, he followed a receptionist and walked in.

"Hello, distinguished guest, we have already arranged your box, please come with me."

When it was Zhang Fan's turn, the reception staff also confirmed Zhang Fan's identity, and immediately became more respectful, and then cautiously walked inside with Zhang Fan.

And when some martial artists in the surroundings saw that a martial artist in the mid-Xingyang realm that he hadn't seen before was actually eligible to get a box at Qianlong Auction House, they were shocked in their hearts.

Although many of them have reached the Xingyang realm in strength, their wealth is still far from the requirement of 10 million Universe Coins.

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