Star-source Legend

Chapter 1140: Little Junior Sister

After bidding farewell to the star owner of Dylan and Qianlongxing, Zhang Fan took his master Situ Zhong's spacecraft and hurried towards the direction of the Shushan Jiange.

The level of the spaceship Situ Zhong possessed had also reached Level 3, but in Zhang Fan's eyes, it was a little worse than the spaceship that the Xuan Dou Star Master had left for him.

After all, according to Xiaogu, his Tamron was originally his second master Beiguang spent hundreds of billions of Cosmic Coins.

And this spacecraft of his master is estimated to be worth about 20 billion Universe Coins.

However, this can be considered very powerful. At least Tier 3 spacecraft is present. As long as it stays in the spacecraft, unless it is an absolute powerhouse in the Dao Sage realm, it cannot break the spacecraft's defenses.

Although Qianlong Star is much larger than Luangyu Star, at the speed of a spacecraft, it only took about ten minutes to arrive at a dense forest that seemed full of vitality while advancing at a speed close to the speed of light. .

To Zhang Fan's view, the entire dense forest is endless. According to his master's introduction, the size of this dense forest is at least comparable to half of the original earth.

The Shushan Jiange is in the very center of the dense forest.

"Hehe, all areas of this dense forest are owned by our Shushan Jiange. Although it looks relatively small, there are several star mines in this area, and the power of the starry sky is not worse than Qianlong City. Even more than some.

Did you see the tower? That is the trial tower of the sword pavilion that I rebuilt based on the trial tower of the earth. Compared with the trial tower on the earth, the role of this trial tower has become stronger. Of course, I don’t think it will be effective for you What's the effect.

At present, there are actually two formal disciples in the entire Jiange, one of them is Lin Yun, and the other is still under observation, so it is your junior.

With you, there are only three formal disciples.

As for the others, apart from myself being in the ethereal realm, they are all relatively talented and powerful slaves of the star sun realm I bought.

The purpose of Jiange has always been to follow the elite route, so for so many years, I have only officially accepted Lin Yun this disciple. "

At this moment, in the midair, Situ Zhong pointed to a group of buildings that were getting closer and closer not far away, and said to Zhang Fan.

Soon, Zhang Fan and Situ Zhong landed in front of a pavilion complex.

"Master, the layout here looks similar to my previous layout in the Ruins of the Jian Pavilion?"

Zhang Fan looked at Situ Zhong with a surprised look at this moment and said.

"Hehe, yes, these are all hired by me, and then built directly according to the various architectural conditions of the Jiange in my memory. When I came to the universe, I was actually very lonely. Every time I miss my hometown, I just I will look at everything around me from mid-air, and it feels like the sword pavilion of Shushan on our earth."

Situ Zhong also explained with a smile at this moment.


At this moment, suddenly, a figure carried a scent of fragrance, and in an instant came to Zhang Fan and Situ Zhong.

"Master, are you back?"

Appearing in front of the two of them was a very cute girl wearing a loose white training suit, not tall, only about 1.5 meters tall, and with a soft blue long hair. According to Zhang Fan's judgment, she was probably about her age. Looks like fifteen or six years old.

"Hehe, you girl, shouldn't you be cultivating at this time? You can't be obedient at first glance."

Looking at the girl, Situ Zhong's expression also showed a hint of affection, rubbing the girl's long hair gently and said with a smile.

"Master, I can use my gong. Just now because I was relatively bored, I wanted to come out to relax, and then I went back to continue practicing, and suddenly I sensed your breath.

Ok? Master, who is this big brother? "

Looking at Situ Zhong, the girl named Xiaotong also stuck out her tongue, pulling Situ Zhong's sleeves, and said a little coquettishly. At the same time, she also watched Zhang Fan look up and down with curiosity.

"Hehe, this is the second brother Zhang Fan I told you. Come on, Afan, this is the third disciple I told you to accept, Guo Xiaotong.

Of course, I don't know exactly where she came from. As for her name, I found it on a jade pendant that she carried with me when I found her.

Xiaotong himself did not remember any information before the age of seven. "

Situ Zhong also introduced Zhang Fan and the girl to each other at this time.

"Ah? He is the second brother who is more talented than the first brothers in your mouth? Xiaotong has met the second brother, hehe. I will have two brothers in the future, see who dares to bully me."

Hearing Situ Zhong's introduction, Guo Xiaotong's expression also became very excited for a moment, a pair of big blue eyes whirled around, looking at Zhang Fan and said.

"Haha, hello, junior sister, it's the first time we met, this is a gift from senior brother, don't dislike it."

When he stepped closer, Zhang Fan's hand flashed a light, and a beautiful-looking blue suit that had been bought from Qianlong auction house immediately appeared in his hand, and then passed it to Guo Xiaotong.

"Wow, so beautiful, thank you brother."

Seeing the blue jersey in Zhang Fan's hand, Guo Xiaotong’s eyes were also radiant for an instant. The whole person was three feet high. He seemed very happy to hold the blue jersey, his eyes narrowed. .

"Hurry up and put it away, your brother's shot is extraordinary. The value of this battle suit has reached about three million cosmic coins. Put it on. Even if you don't have the strength, you can resist a blow from the powerhouse of the ethereal realm."

Glancing at Guo Xiaotong, Situ Zhong also said, which surprised Guo Xiaotong.

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