Star-source Legend

Chapter 1142: Centering pin


At this time, the Starlight Sword trembling fiercely when Zhang Fan cut the connection with himself, and then took the initiative to fly back, gently touching Zhang Fan's face with the sword body, very intimate.

"Well, I know you are not willing to give up, but my master is the best for you. Following me for such a long time, I have used you very rarely. I originally felt that something was buried in you. Go. Only in the hands of Master can you truly display your full strength."

Smiling, Zhang Fan also said to the Starlight Sword.

The Starlight Sword, placed now, is actually not very high-level, but there is a special place that Zhang Fan has discovered so far that the various weapons can't be compared, that is, the Starlight Sword has already been born out of the sword spirit.

Although the IQ of this sword spirit is equivalent to that of a human being two or three years old, as long as the Starlight Sword is continuously upgraded in the future, this sword spirit can eventually grow up, and it can even be directly transformed into a human form.

Although Zhang Fan had not been in contact with the Starlight Sword for a long time, in the limited consciousness of the Starlight Sword, Zhang Fan was also his own master, so he seemed a little bit reluctant.

As if understanding Zhang Fan's heart, the Starlight Sword finally flew to Situ Zhong's side, and was eventually put away by Situ Zhong.

"Master, if I have the opportunity, I think I need to upgrade the Starlight Sword. The current Starlight Sword is still relatively fragile. For a powerful person like you in the ethereal realm, the current Starlight Sword is estimated to be unable to withstand your strength. the power of."

Zhang Fan also looked at Situ Zhong and reminded him.

"Hmm, this is natural." Situ Zhong also nodded.

After making money everywhere, Zhang Fan casually found a spare attic to rest. After all, counting the slaves purchased by the master, the entire Shushan Jiange would be plain, and there were only four of them.

But there are a lot of vacant attics.

In the sword pavilion of Shushan, it is also able to connect to the universe network, so Zhang Fan also entered the martial arts field once again to start fighting.

One game after another, in just five or six hours, Zhang Fan has maintained a winning streak of nearly four hundred games. Basically, as Zhang Fan’s strength improves plus his own perceptions, many opponents Even Zhang Fan's move could not be resisted.

Including the spiritual teacher, when their subtle and mysterious skills can't do anything, they have no ability to resist the close Zhang Fan.

Over time, Tamron's name gradually spread to the entire Qianlong galaxy.

"Afan, where are you now?"

At this time, on the Universe Network, Luanyang took the initiative to make a voice call with Zhang Fan after hearing about the situation in the martial arts field.

"Uncle Luan, I am now among Qianlong Star. I told you before that I came from Qianlong Star. Actually, my master is Qianlong Star's Shushan sword pavilion master. I will stay here a few times this time. God, I will go back later."

Zhang Fan didn't conceal it, but directly said to Luanyang.

"The pavilion master of the Shushan sword pavilion? Your master turned out to be a strong man in the ethereal realm? Let me just say that your talent is so powerful and must have an extraordinary origin.

I have also heard of the master of Shushan Jiange. It is said that even the master of Qianlong galaxy and he are very good friends.

Especially the strength, although it has not yet reached the middle of the ethereal realm, the general mid-spirit realm powerhouse is not his opponent, and the combat power is very terrifying. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Luanyang also seemed shocked.

"I know what Uncle Luan is worried about, don't worry, I will participate in the talent selection in the future, and I will still participate in the name of our galaxy Tamron. This is my promise to Uncle Luan, and it will never change.

Moreover, in fact, I myself belong to the Milky Way galaxy, and I will explain it to you in the future. "

Zhang Fan also directly gave Luanyang a centering pin at this moment.

"Thank you Afan, I am lucky to know you, Jian Yu and I."

Luan Yang was also a little embarrassed to guess his own mind, but he knew Zhang Fan's talent and strength very well. Such a genius has great hopes of entering the top 100,000 in the universe.

And whether they can turn over, everything has to be pinned on Zhang Fan.

As for Devin, to be honest, at best, he is a good genius in the current Shenhui universe, but only when they truly understand the cruelty of the genius selection battle can they understand that Devin’s talent can be in the top 100. Wan Ming is already very good.

Naturally, he also had some worries at first when he knew that Zhang Fan was a disciple of the master of the sword pavilion in Shushan.

Fortunately, what Zhang Fan said gave him a sigh of relief. It was not wasted during this period that he provided a lot of resources to Tenglong Manor, and also specially sent a team of guards from Luangyu City to protect the safety of Tenglong Manor.

Regarding everything about Tenglong Manor, although Zhang Fan was not in Luangyu City during this time, he also got the news from his three wives through the universe network.

In general, both Luanyang and Jianyu are very good to him, and he is a member of the galaxy. What name should he use to participate in the genius selection battle? This is a decision made by Zhang Fan long ago.

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