Star-source Legend

Chapter 1145: Master and Disciple

"Yes, Master, this time I also have a new understanding of the domain. Although it has not reached the third level, it is already very close.

In addition, I have incorporated some things into the Sword Realm to increase my power exponentially. Although I am only the pinnacle of the Star-Moon Realm, I can rely on it even if I encounter a strong person in the early stage of the Star-Moon Realm. The field stays in the wind.

In the next genius selection battle, I will surely make everyone remember the name of Qianlong Xingshu Mountain Jiange. "

At this moment, Lin Yun looked at Situ Zhong very confidently and said.

"Congratulations, brother, yes, brother, this is something I specially prepared for you, although it is not a precious thing, but with this it will definitely play a good role in improving your strength. I also bought some specially before. ."

When Zhang Fan heard what Lin Yun said at the moment, he also stepped forward to speak. At the same time, a light flashed in his hand, and suddenly, a jade bottle almost the same as a wine bottle appeared in his hand.

Then he passed it directly to Lin Yun.

"Huh? Brother, is this Shenhundew? Such precious things are of great help to you. Master also bought some for me before, but it is said that only the senior account holders of the Universe Bank have certain things. It is very rare to purchase with the permission of, and after the purchase, it is impossible to purchase a second time within a certain period of time.

My current strength is already very strong, and if you participate in the genius selection battle, Junior Brother, you need your own strength to reach the late stage or even the peak of the Star-Moon Realm. This is more important to you than to me. "

Seeing the jade bottle in Zhang Fan's hand, Lin Yun was also a little shocked. At the same time, he was very moved in his heart. After all, it was only the first time that he and this junior brother met.

As a senior, it was enough to not have a meeting ceremony, and on the other hand, letting the senior apprentice give him a meeting ceremony, which made Lin Yun even more embarrassed.

"Brother, please accept it. I originally prepared this. Moreover, there are still close to three hundred years before the genius selection battle. For such a long time, I want to break through to the peak of the Star-Moon realm. It is not very difficult for me. Big.

Master thought that he didn't tell the brother that in addition to being a warrior, I was also a spiritual teacher, so if the strength of my soul body was really calculated, it would be stronger than you.

With Divine Soul Dew, you can at least let you meet some powerful spiritual teachers, especially those special professions among the spiritual teachers, and reduce the mental interference to a certain extent.

This is my intention. If you don't accept it, it means you don't recognize me as a junior. "

With that said, Zhang Fan's expression was pretending to be a little serious.

"Junior Brother, are you still a spiritual teacher?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Lin Fan couldn't believe his ears, and at the same time he looked at Situ Zhong.

"Hehe, I really didn't tell you about this. Yes, your junior is a spiritual teacher. Of course, he really confirmed his spiritual teacher status when he met me before.

Otherwise, although I have some guesses, I am not sure. "

Smiling, Situ Zhong nodded and replied.

"Huh... that Junior Brother’s talent seems to be much stronger than mine, especially the breath just now. Even if I have reached the peak of the Star-Moon realm, I feel a huge pressure. I want to come to Junior Brother because he can't find a few opponents at the same level above the martial artist's ability, and the combination of the more powerful spiritual teacher's ability is not as simple as one plus one.

Perhaps, in the same realm, I guess there is not much resistance.

That would be great. With the existence of Junior Brother, and with our efforts, in the future, the Shushan Jiange will be able to truly become famous throughout the universe in accordance with your wishes from Master.

Of course, Xiaotong, you have to work hard. In terms of talent, you girl is no worse than me. If it weren't for you to be lazy, you might have already broken into the Star-Moon Realm by now. "

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan's expression while looking at Zhang Fan also changed silently.

Regarding these, whether it was Situ Zhong or Zhang Fan himself, he was relieved in his heart.

Especially Situ Zhong, originally worried that Lin Fan would feel some discomfort in his heart because of Zhang Fan's appearance, but now, this situation will not happen.

As for Zhang Fan, although he doesn't worry about being crowded out by others, he will leave Situ Zhong to develop on his own. But looking at it now, although his senior brother has a bit colder temperament, and is similar to Murongtian, he obviously recognized himself in his heart.

This makes Zhang Fan also very happy.

After all, no matter where you are staying, if everyone can be happy together, that is the most comfortable, otherwise if someone is always provoking a prick, he will definitely not help breaking out according to Zhang Fan's temperament.

At this moment, in the hearts of the four masters and apprentices, they are all really connected together for the purpose of carrying forward the sword pavilion of Shushan Mountain.

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