Star-source Legend

Chapter 1172: Arrive at Jupiter

"Unexpectedly, the bloodline of this spirit race is so powerful. Ten million years will be able to reach the top of the ancestral realm. You know, for many powerhouses in the universe, 10 million years can reach the Taoist realm. It's an absolute genius.

Most of them may not even be able to break through the Xingyang realm. "

At this moment, Lin Yun's expression was also very shocked, and he said directly.

"Yeah, yes, this is why the spirit race bloodline ranks first among various powerful bloodlines. This race is perfect in every aspect, and everything can reach the top in the hands of the spirit race. Degree.

This is why the spirit race can be absolute rulers for two or three consecutive epochs.

Nowadays, there is basically no information about the spirit race, let alone the warriors with the blood of the spirit race. "

Zi Ying also said.

As for what Zi Ying said, Zhang Fan was naturally very clear. After all, his master Beiguang is a person with the blood of the Spirit Race, but unfortunately, he was killed in the end because of the grabbing of the star source fragments. Otherwise, if you give your master a certain amount of time, you can say that your master will definitely be able to reach the ancestral realm in the future. Even Xing Lao has to admit this.

"Haha, it's like Hong Lie is pregnant with the blood of a Titan, and he is born to be better than many people. This is a gift between heaven and earth.

But sometimes, the power of these bloodlines will restrict them to a certain extent.

What strength they can achieve in the end depends entirely on how strong their bloodline power is.

For those of us human warriors who don't have any special bloodlines, as long as they have a strong enough talent and enough hard work, naturally there is a chance to directly close this gap, and finally fully grow up.

Among the powerhouses in the ancestral realm today, many have cultivated step by step from the lowest level of warriors to the powerful realm. There are only a dozen strong people who really rely on their own blood. "

Smiling, Zi Ying also looked at the three and said.

When Zi Ying said, Zhang Fan and the others nodded.

Afterwards, the three Zhang Fan and the others asked some questions about their cultivation, and Zi Ying also answered very patiently.

Among them, although Zi Ying's insights are not comparable to those of Xing Lao, but the strengths of everyone in the blog will eventually be integrated and used, and there will be additional gains.

After Lin Yun and Hong Lie had asked a few key questions, they were able to understand this point directly after they fell into their sentiment.

In the endless, dark universe, a spaceship emitting blue light is advancing fast, like a light in the darkness, and like a leading light. Looking at it from a distance, it adds a new dimension. Kind of special beauty.

"Master, the spacecraft will soon leave the dark universe."

At this time, the voice of Intelligent Life Colin on the spaceship also came out directly, causing Zi Ying and the four of them to also walk out of the room.

"I finally arrived. This can be regarded as my first time in the universe to go so far."

Zhang Fan said with some emotion at this moment.

"Hehe, it's nothing. The distance from Qianlong Star to Juling Star is already relatively short. For example, if we go directly to the planet Shenhui Star occupied by Shenhui Universe Kingdom, then follow the current Speed, at least it will take decades to hundreds of years to reach.

Of course, if there is a teleportation array, that is another aspect. "

Zi Ying also explained with a smile.


At this moment, the spacecraft also made a slight tremor, apparently starting to leave the dark universe and enter the real universe.

At the same time, the screen on the console directly reveals the surrounding situation.

In the sight of everyone, a huge planet that seemed to be completely enveloped by greenery also appeared directly. Around this planet, many small planets also look colorful and the scenery is very beautiful.

"Hehe, this is the Mu Lingxing, and it is also a place where my ancestor retreats for a long time. This time, the three of you can be allowed to practice alone in the time mystery, because my ancestor likes to be alone. Come and go alone, even many people don't even know where the ancestor is in retreat.

Colin, let's land directly after approaching. "

Zi Ying also spoke at this time, and then gave orders to Colin.

Soon, Colin was controlling the spacecraft, approaching Jupiter, and finally landed slowly.

And when Zhang Fan and the others landed on the spacecraft, they also saw that the surrounding area was full of dense jungles, and all kinds of trees rose up from the ground, it was like a tree kingdom.

"Hehe, this is because of my relationship with the ancestors, so I can land safely, otherwise, if I change to another person, it is estimated that the person and the boat will be destroyed directly.

You should also be aware that the trees here occupy most of the area. It can be said that the attributes of wood are very rich, and another manifestation of the attributes of wood is vitality.

Jupiter is full of vitality everywhere. Here, ordinary people, even if they take a deep breath, can increase their life span for hundreds of years.

Not to mention the various plants that have grown here for a long time. Many times, these plants have transformed into plant life.

The most powerful one is the blue cloud vine that our ancestors cultivated little by little.

Although the realm of this blue cloud vine has only reached the pinnacle of the ethereal realm, the strength it can exert is comparable to, or even surpasses, the powerhouse in the early stage of the Dao Sacred Realm.

The whole Ju Lingxing can be said to be within the attack range of Lan Yunteng.

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