Star-source Legend

Chapter 1176: Brother Zhang Fan

"Thank you Master for the compliment, but all of this is also because of your original teaching, Master. At the very beginning, I also tried to gradually integrate various achievements and then use them together.

However, after breaking through to the ancestral realm, I discovered that only those who truly suit me can finally achieve something, and if the rest are all thought to be integrated, it will take up a lot of time.

There are three thousand great avenues, if any of them can be used to the extreme, even if they can't become the universe, it is enough to reach the peak of the ancestral realm.

At this point, besides me, the only people who stepped out of the Shenxiao Taoist Gate were Zhu Rong and Gonggong.

Compared with the Hall of Five Elements, I feel that it is still a lot worse.

But Master, your situation is different. You have the existence of the Dream Butterfly. It can be said that the top ten avenues among the three thousand avenues are basically you have mastered them, especially in time and space. The entire universe is There is no one who can compare with Master You.

If one day, Master, if you can master all the ways of life and death, Venerable Universe, even if you don’t go through the star source, you will be able to break through and succeed. "

Hearing Hongjun praise herself, Nuwa did not dare to be proud, but said very modestly.

"Yeah, I never force this. You have already understood how the final path needs to be taken. Whether you can reach the end in the end is still unknown, but whether there is hope or not, it is not. Able to give up.

Many people may not know that our ancestors existed on the same level as Xingyuan Continent back then, and they were considered to be twins, but it was a pity that they collapsed directly because of the war.

However, now that the Son of Destiny has appeared, then perhaps one day, our ancestor star will be able to return to its former glory, including the Star Origin Continent will condense again. "

Hearing what Nuwa said, Hongjun also nodded and said.

"By the way, Master, if the Son of Destiny chooses to join other holy places, how do we decide?"

Nu Wa asked immediately at this time.

"Haha, didn't you just say that? Everything is fixed, just let it go. The Son of Destiny, no matter where he was in the beginning, will eventually come back to us.

Let's go, let's continue to comprehend the Star Source Fragment, and feel more about the power of the source, which will more or less play a good role in our improvement. "

Smiling, Hong Jun also said very peacefully, and immediately disappeared into the palace as soon as his figure moved.

"Son of Destiny? I really look forward to it."

After Nuwa whispered to herself, her figure disappeared into the hall.



With the loud cry of the baby, an atmosphere of joy also enveloped all quarters.

At this moment, in a huge palace in the Dragon City of Flying Dragon Star, many people were relieved after hearing the baby's crying.


At this time, as the closed electronic door opened, a girl wearing a mask and medical uniform also walked out.

"Haha, I was born, mother and child are safe, and the child has a net weight of 8 kg."

At this moment, looking at everyone, the medical staff also said with a smile.

"Huh, finally he was born. Afan's younger brother is really different. He was born in our mother's stomach for five full years.

This is really the first time I heard that it takes so long to give birth after pregnancy. I think the future of this child must be extraordinary. "

Hearing what the medical staff said, Liu Ruyan and the three daughters were relieved.

"Haha, this is natural. After all, Afan's parents took the water of life at the beginning, which also caused their strength to not improve much, but their bodies have gradually reached the most perfect state to a certain extent. It is normal to have a child every year.

You know, as far as I know, some races in the universe, such as the Titans, want to give birth to a child. At least it must exist in the mother's stomach for hundreds of years before they can finally be born successfully. "

Situ Zhong also said with a smile at this time.

As for his apprentice Zhang Fan's mother, it took five full years to give birth to Zhang Fan's brother. It can be said that Situ Zhong also had some speculations.

It is possible that Zhang Fan secretly gave his mother some top genius treasures.

Before, he also detected that the life in Zhang Fan's mother's stomach was wrapped by a special force.


At this time, as a burst of baby-like laughter sounded, a baby naked all over appeared in front of everyone.

The baby's eyes are already open at this moment, and the whole body is no longer the greasy that the baby was born with, it looks like white jade, very cute.

At this moment, the whole body of this baby was covered by a layer of colorful light, and it also flew around like it had wings.

"Stop it, the kid flew out."

At this time, there was also a rush of noise in the room, and soon several medical staff ran out with nervous expressions.

And seeing these medical staff, the baby's eyes twitched and flew towards Situ Zhong.

In the end, it was buried in Situ Zhong’s arms, and a small head leaked out. He looked at the medical staff nervously and scaredly. However, Liu Ruyan and the others were a little surprised that a cunning flashed through the little boy’s expression. The color.

"Hehe, it seems that the little guy is closer to me, huh? He has reached the apprentice level at a young age? No wonder he can fly on his own.

Genius, this is definitely a super genius. "

Situ Zhong was also cautiously holding the baby in his arms at this time, and at the same time, he felt the breath radiating from the baby's whole body, and the whole person suddenly became a little shocked.

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