Star-source Legend

Chapter 1179: New way

Later, after the three discussed some more things, they once again returned to the area where they had previously practiced, and entered the retreat.

The warrior retreats, time always flies very fast.

It has been three hundred years since Zhang Fan broke through to the peak of the Star-Moon Realm last time.

In these three hundred years, Zhang Fan only spent less than a year in the early stage to completely consolidate his realm. After that, Zhang Fan began to try to condense the field.

In the past three hundred years, Zhang Fan himself had actually condensed many fields, but they were all dissatisfied, and eventually he was directly abandoned by Zhang Fan.

Even the domain condensed once before, although it was only for the first level, in all aspects, it was much stronger than when Lin Fan first condensed the domain, and it was comparable to Lin Fan's domain double heaven.

Even so, Zhang Fan finally gave up.

It's not that this field is not strong enough, but Zhang Fan has been trying to integrate his mental power into the field.

This difficulty can be said to be very large, but Zhang Fan does not intend to give up.

Over the course of three hundred years, with the cohesion of the domains time and time again, Zhang Fan has slowly realized some tricks. Coupled with the guidance of the old man, and Lin Fan’s unreserved communication, it can be said that Zhang Fan already has Grasp the real beginning of the trial is very important for oneself.

As for Hong Lie, he has only just reached the peak of the Star-Moon Realm. Regarding the field, Hong Lie is also learning a little bit with the help of Lin Fan.

"Afan, in fact, I think you should have entered a misunderstanding. That is, you shouldn't directly think about letting your mental power into it at the beginning.

You can just spread it out first.

For example, you can first condense one of the most powerful domains, and then condense your own spiritual domain separately.

When you are proficient, find a way to combine the two fields.

As long as you can succeed once, then you will be able to integrate your own insights into the field little by little.

In other words, at the very beginning, you can not be so direct, but change your mind. "

At this moment, Lin Fan looked at Zhang Fan who was a little irritable, and also persuaded him.

"Lin Fan admires Zhang Fan's pursuit very much. The talent of his junior fellow is also the strongest he has ever encountered.

For nearly three hundred years, Zhang Fan himself has successfully condensed at least six or seven new domains. Some focus on attack like the sword domain, some specialize in defense, and some integrate offense and defense. Each is powerful. Said that in the same level, they are not inferior to his condensed sword field.

However, in the end, Zhang Fan himself was not very satisfied with these fields. He always wanted to condense a more perfect field, so that his mental power would also work.

It can be said that no one in the universe has tried this idea, but most of them have basically failed to succeed. Because it is considered as a collision between different levels, forcibly combining together, not sparks, but ignite explosives, if you don't pay attention, you will hurt yourself.

"Separate and condense? Finally try to combine a little bit?"

At this moment, after Zhang Fan heard what his senior brother Lin Fa said, his eyes lit up, and the whole person's mind seemed to be excited for an instant.

"Brother, what you just said is multi-domain, just like the kind of formation in the formation?"

Zhang Fan also looked at his brother with excitement at the moment.

"Yeah, yes, that's what I meant. You are different from ordinary people. Not only are you far superior to ordinary people in martial arts, but the ability of spiritual teachers is also outstanding among the entire group of spiritual teachers.

What kind of serialization is there in the formation for a few days, in the formation, why can't the field have a serial field, that is, multiple fields?

Even if it is impossible to integrate, combine the most suitable areas to use, the effect will be twice the result with half the effort. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Lin Fan also nodded and said.

"I understand, then I will work hard in this direction from now on, hoping to succeed in the end, brother, hurry up and practice, let's seize every minute and every second."

Zhang Fan looked at Lin Fan with gratitude at this moment.

"Okay, call me anytime if you have anything."

Lin Fan nodded, and his figure moved back to its original position.

As for Hong Lie, he has also entered a deep level of sentiment at this moment.

Looking at the two, Zhang Fan also smiled, relaxed his mind, closed his eyes, and began to try to condense the domain in a new way.

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