Star-source Legend

Chapter 1191: Choice for Jian Yu

"Hehe, I think you don't know much about the history of the universe. Like now, everyone knows that the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing is the sacred land of the universe, but countless years ago, the sacred land of the universe was actually called the Star Origin Continent.

Because that is the continent condensed by the power of the universe, its area is much larger than the current Ten Thousand Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Emblem Star, and it is very stable.

Even in the Star Origin Continent, it is possible to further comprehend the origin, so that there is hope to become the Venerable Universe.

It's a pity that in a battle between super powers, the Star Source Continent collapsed directly, and even the original source was directly broken into 99 pieces and disappeared everywhere in the universe.

Up to now, with the addition of some powerful forces in each holy land, including the monster clan, only less than half of the star source fragments are possessed, and half of the star source fragments are still missing.

It is said that if someone can obtain all 99 fragments, even an ordinary person can directly become the legendary cosmic sage, detached from this universe.

For this reason, for countless years, for the Star Source Fragment, the entire universe can be said to be a **** storm in the dark, even if it is only for a Star Source Fragment, even an ancestral realm powerhouse will take action to **** it.

After all, let's not say whether we can collect 99 star source fragments, just one star source fragment contains a lot of original power.

Although it can't be absorbed, just by perceiving the power of these origins, it can greatly improve oneself.

This time, it is said that the top ten in the genius selection battle will have the opportunity to go to the Universe Alliance to understand the Star Source Fragment to improve themselves.

That is a stronger existence than any treasure.

Back then, I was lucky enough to be in the top ten, where I studied the Star Source Fragment for a hundred years.

Of course, the ratio of the time mystery there is 1:300, which means that I have been there for nearly 30,000 years.

At that time, the strength of all of us was the pinnacle of the star source realm, but after stepping out of the time mystery, each of us had reached the ethereal realm.

Moreover, his own understanding of the laws of the universe is much faster than many people.

However, it is not so easy to reach the top ten.

When I participated in the selection of geniuses, my field also reached the eighth peak, and because the exercises I practiced were very suitable for recovery, I was worthy of entering the tenth place.

You guys, there is still a long way to go. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Mu Lingzi also explained very patiently.

"The top ten rewards mentioned by the ancestors are only one of them, and there are other rewards that everyone envy.

Like me, I am ashamed of the cultivation of my ancestors. I participated in the selection battle of the genius universe, and only entered about 70,000.

Even so, in the eyes of many people, I am considered a good genius.

The top ten, for the time being, I can only think about it. Among you, even Afan, it's not that I am not confident, and it is already rare to be in the top 1,000. "

Zi Ying also said immediately at this time.

"Senior Zi Ying, if you look at it this way, Senior Jian Yu was able to enter the top ten thousand at the beginning, so you don't need to say more about his talent, but why hasn't his strength broken through to the ethereal realm after so many years?"

Zhang Fan thought of Jian Yu at this time, and also looked at Zi Ying and asked.

"Hey, all this is because Jian Yu fell in love with a woman who shouldn't like it. The father of that woman is the honorary elder of the Universe Alliance, and his strength is about the same as the ancestor.

For some reasons, Jian Yu not only was expelled from the Universe Alliance and lost his identity as a core disciple, but also suffered a very serious injury that affected the origin.

Even if his talent is strong, and he wants to be promoted to the ethereal realm, it is impossible to break through before his original injury is restored.

Of course, the predecessor also eased his attitude a lot afterwards. As long as Jian Yu can develop a genius who can reach the top ten thousand with his own efforts, or he can reach the ethereal realm through his own efforts, that predecessor will allow him With my daughter.

And you, for now, are all Jian Yu's hope. Before you appeared, the Devin he was optimistic about had a good talent, but he was far from Lin Fan.

This time, with your existence, Afan, he should hopefully regain his identity as a core disciple again, re-enter the Universe Alliance, and be with that woman. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's question, Zi Ying also sighed and said.

"Hehe, this Ziying told me before, and the strong man who embarrassed Jianyu actually has a good relationship with me, but he is just such a daughter, and his daughter and the younger generation of another strong man have decided A marriage contract.

When his daughter was swearing to die, the anger naturally shifted to Jian Yu's body at first, but after all, he was his only daughter. After a while, he also figured it out, and because of this matter , Can also be regarded as making his friend face a good life.

So the attitude has also eased down.

However, Jianyu was still given two choices.

Up to now, one hundred thousand years have passed, and recovery seems to be temporarily impossible. The hope of Jian Yu can only depend on you, Afan.

He is the lord of the galaxy, you are from the galaxy, and you are more familiar with it, it can be said that Jian Yu is the most diligent person in the development of the dragon star. "

Mu Lingzi also had some understanding of Jian Yu's affairs, and said at this moment.

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