Star-source Legend

Chapter 1194: King Dan

"Haha, you, the younger sister, can be regarded as living up to my original expectations. Now, you are about to become a four-star chef. However, if you want to reach a four-star chef, you need to truly be able to make a level four. The delicacy of the pill, just to try, the money needed is astronomical.

Over the years, the 100 million Cosmic Coins I gave him was spent very early. After that, in order to taste delicious food, I provided you with nearly two billion Cosmic Coins to your junior and sisters. This is worthy of reaching a three-star chef peak.

And to break through, maybe billions of Cosmic Coins are needed, which even I cannot bear.

However, Xiaotong’s delicacies have nothing to say about the taste. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zi Ying also said with a smile at the moment. Although the tone sounded a bit painful, he praised Guo Xiaotong's craftsmanship.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, Afan, you still have a junior and a master chef. This is a special profession that is rarer than an alchemist.

For many years, the popularity of God Cooks is much stronger than that of alchemists.

However, for countless years, the divine chef has consumed a lot more wealth than the alchemist because he wants to upgrade, so over time, this profession has slowly become lonely.

However, in many powerful forces, even among the universe alliance, there are still **** cooks.

Back then, I was fortunate enough to taste the food made by the only seven-star chef of the Universe Alliance, and it is still unforgettable.

Your junior sister must be young, but she has already reached the pinnacle of the three-star chef. There is nothing to say about the talent above the chef.

In this way, after I have dinner, I will taste it. If I am satisfied, I have contracted all the resources your junior sister will need to upgrade her master chef level in the future.

It's rare to meet a chef, so naturally you can't miss it.

In many cases, appetite is also very important to warriors. "

Mu Lingzi also spoke at this time.

"Seven-star chef? Senior, I remember I checked the information before. Didn't the Universe Alliance have an eight-star chef?"

At this moment, although Zhang Fan was happy for Guo Xiaotong, he was a little confused.

"Hehe, this is true, but when the eight-star chef was trying to create nine-star gourmet food, his lack of strength eventually led to backlash, and even the dantian space was destroyed, as early as three million years. The former has already fallen.

And this news is only clear to some powerful people in a few holy places.

As for the Seven-Star God Cook, he was the only disciple of the Eight Star God Cook. Currently, the highest level of the God Cook in the entire universe is only seven.

Compared with the alchemist, the chef is indeed in decline. After all, the alchemist currently has a ninth-level existence. Although there is only one person, it belongs to our humans. "

Mu Lingzi looked at Zhang Fan with a puzzled look, and also explained.

"It turned out to be like this, but the alchemist actually has a nine-level existence, which is too terrifying. The pill that an alchemist of that level refines, I think, even the most common one can Reached a perfect state. I don’t know which holy land this nine-star alchemist belongs to?"

Zhang Fan immediately asked immediately.

"Hehe, this alchemist is now also a super strong, and his strength has reached the early stage of the ancestral realm, and he comes from the gods.

Many people are not very clear about its name, because of its powerful alchemy ability, it is respected by many powerful people in the universe as the king of alchemy. "

Mu Lingzi also smiled and replied.

"Could it be that character in the myth? In my memory, in the method of alchemy, perhaps only the strong man has this ability."

Hearing what Mu Lingzi said, Zhang Fan instantly thought of the strongest man in the myths and legends on the earth, who is best at alchemy, Taishang Laojun.

However, after coming to the universe, Zhang Fan also inquired about the situation of the gods in various ways. Among them, the prototypes of some characters were not different from those in myths and legends, but some were quite different.

Perhaps, only after truly entering the Shenxiao Taoist gate, Zhang Fan can confirm whether this pill king is the great old man in the ancient myths and legends of the earth.

And if it’s true, then Taishang Laojun is just the external incarnation of a certain strong person, transforming into three cleansings in one Qi. Even an ordinary person on the earth has heard of this powerful method. With two incarnations, the strength has reached the ancestral realm.

If this were to be counted, the true strength of the Shenxiao Taoist School might be far more than what I had learned from Zi Ying before.

"Brother, brother..."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from not far away, and then, a figure immediately plunged into Zhang Fan's arms.

This person is not someone else, but Guo Xiaotong.

"Second elder brother, elder brother, you are finally back. Don’t you know, I’ve been bored by myself for hundreds of years, especially Master, who often forced me to practice when you were away and wanted to go out. There is no time to turn."

When he saw Zhang Fan and Lin Fan, Guo Xiaotong couldn't help but complain, making Situ Zhong also very speechless.

"Hehe, Master, this is for your own good. Otherwise, do you think you can become the best chef of the three-star peak now? If you want to improve the level of your own chef, then your strength also needs to keep up.

Come, speak slowly for a while, let me introduce you to a senior.

This is Senior Mu Lingzi, one of the honorary elders of the Universe Alliance, and he is also a powerhouse at the peak of the Dao Sage realm. There will be a very good opportunity waiting for you in a while, you must cherish it. "

Looking at Guo Xiaotong, Zhang Fan's expression also seemed very doting, and after touching Guo Xiaotong's smooth hair, he also introduced Guo Xiaotong.

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