Star-source Legend

Chapter 1239: The power of the Buddha Tower

"Unexpectedly, Zhang Fan's powerful attack methods would be so easily resolved by the Dragon Soul. The "crazy state" is well-deserved.

However, the Dragon Soul only has three minutes at most, and within three minutes, if he cannot defeat Zhang Fan, there will be no chance after that.

On the surface, the current strength of the Dragon Soul is no less inferior to the powerhouse in the early stage of the Star Sun Realm.

However, Zhang Fan still did not use the most powerful means.

It's really hard to say who wins and who loses. "

Among the most central spacecraft in the sky above the first battle zone, at this moment, watching the battle between Zhang Fan and Dragon Soul, Star Master Bai Yang also spoke at this moment.

"Yes, the "crazy" state only lasts for three minutes. If you want to defeat Zhang Fan within three minutes, the difficulty is not ordinary.

You should know that the "crazy" state is in our family. Generally speaking, it can only be used normally after entering the ethereal realm, and it can last at least ten minutes each time.

At the realm of Dao Sage, it can last for half an hour.

And the Dragon Soul is the only person in our line who understands the state of "madness" before the ethereal realm.

If his ability can be improved to five minutes, maybe the situation is hard to say.

I think he should also feel the strong pressure from Zhang Fan, so he had to use the "crazy" state in advance. Otherwise, if he really relies on the truth of domain confrontation, once he waits for Zhang Fan to display the Devouring Domain, the ultimate The ending is destined.

Just look at these three minutes, how the dragon soul will grasp it. "

Hearing what the Star Master Bai Yang said, the Lord Shenhui nodded and said at the same time, his expression was full of expectations.

In any case, the Dragon Soul is his descendant, so naturally he will be more inclined to the Dragon Soul in his heart.

"The dragon soul used that trick. The four of us were killed one by one after the dragon soul used this trick.

It can be said that the strength of the dragon soul at that time was definitely not inferior to the powerhouse in the early stage of the Xingyang realm, and with its terrifying combat power, it was really terrifying.

I don't know if Afan can resist. "

On the other spaceship, many geniuses gathered at this moment to watch the battle between Zhang Fan and Dragon Soul.

When the dragon soul displayed the "crazy demon" state, Bai Guang couldn't help but speak at the moment.

As for other people who know more about dragon souls, they also want to know at this moment whether Zhang Fan can still resist under the full force of dragon souls.


At this moment, in the wasteland of the first battle zone, after the dragon soul displayed the "crazy devil" state, Zhang Fan realized that for a while, he didn't know how to deal with the dragon soul.

Regardless of power or spiritual defense, the Dragon Soul has reached a very exaggerated level at this moment.

In particular, the scope of its dragon kingdom domain has shrunk a bit at this moment, but the violent power that is in it, and the golden dragons that seem to be reborn in blood, relying on the Vientiane Domain alone, it seems that they have already It is impossible to resist completely.

After all, from the beginning, the domain of the dragon soul reached the seventh peak, which was higher than Zhang Fan.

Unless Zhang Fan himself broke out the control method, otherwise, relying on the Vientiane Domain alone would not be able to threaten Daolong Soul.

"Forget it, it can only be so."

At this moment, Zhang Fan did not intend to continue hiding. Suddenly, "Xuantian Devouring Soul" was running wildly, and all the power in Zhang Fan's body emerged at this moment.

In just an instant, it spread to all directions.

At this moment, Zhang Fan once again used the Devouring Domain.

Because the colors of their own star power are the same, many people do not see any changes at this moment.

However, with the release of Zhang Fan's Devouring Domain, the most intuitive feeling is naturally the Dragon Soul.

In an instant, the Dragon Soul also discovered that with Zhang Fan as the center, it was as if there were countless invisible black holes releasing a powerful suction force, absorbing all the power, which shocked the Dragon Soul.


For the first time, taking advantage of his current strength, the dragon soul rushed towards Zhang Fan while controlling the huge golden dragons, while also slashing out with a sword.

Suddenly, golden sword light flooded all directions, accompanied by huge golden dragons. At this moment, many people above the first battle zone could not even see Zhang Fan.


And at this moment, suddenly, with a burst of Sanskrit sounds, a dazzling golden light rushed into the sky, and then, in the realm where Zhang Fan and the dragon soul seemed to merge together, a thousand-meter golden tower directly emerged.

In the four corners of the golden pagoda, phantoms that seemed to be ancient Buddhas emerged one by one, surrounding the entire golden tower, with words in their mouths, a powerful force that even caused some distortion in the surrounding space.

A series of Buddha seals emerged, and finally gathered into huge golden Buddha palms, which were printed on the bodies of huge golden dragons, directly making them immobile.

As for the terrifying sword light that the dragon soul swung out, it disappeared in an instant on the collision of the Buddha Tower.

The whole world, as if there was only one huge golden Buddha pagoda left.

At the same time, Zhang Fan is also fully controlling the Devouring Domain, constantly absorbing the power of the Dragon Soul and Dragon Kingdom.


Under the dual effect, after three minutes passed, as the "madness" state disappeared, the dragon soul eventually consumed too much power and could not resist the power of the Zhangfan Buddha Tower, causing a mouthful of blood to spurt out.

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