Star-source Legend

Chapter 1245: People's Wonderland

And Feng Ling's admiration for Zhang Fan can be seen by anyone who is not a fool.

In this regard, Xueying was a little lonely inside, but he knew that he was indeed not the style that Feng Ling liked.

And everyone else is a little envious.

You know, Feng Ling is also one of the three beauties in the entire Shenhui universe, and Feng Ling himself is the only apprentice of the Luoshen star master. There are few who can match his identity in the entire universe. One.

If Zhang Fan can really stay with Feng Ling, it will definitely be regarded as a step to the sky, at least, in the entire Shenhui universe, absolutely no one wants to offend Zhang Fan.

Because when the Lord Luoshen was young, he was one of the top five super beauties in the entire universe. The admirers did not know where they were, and even some of them reached the ancestral realm, even the star Lord Baiyang and the Lord Shenhui. At the beginning, I admired the Lord Luoshen very much.

However, I don't know why, for countless years, Luoshen Star Master has been alone, at most, he has taken Feng Ling as an apprentice and stayed in Luoshen City for a long time.

The original name of the Luoshen Star Territory was called Yuchen Star Territory, but in the end it was directly named Luoshen Star Territory because of the Lord Luoshen Star.

If you really talk about the background, it can be said that the entire universe, even some powerful people in the early ancestral realm, dare not easily trouble the Luoshen, otherwise, just the admirers of the Luoshen will make it fruitless. eat.

However, they do know that Zhang Fan is more than enough to match Feng Ling. After all, Zhang Fan's talent is definitely not a few opponents in the same level.

If he could walk with Fengling, even Luoshen would definitely not object.

In the future, with Zhang Fan's talent, as long as he does not fall, he will have a great opportunity to achieve the ancestral realm.

As soon as he entered the Shenxianju, Zhang Fan saw everything around him, as if he were in a mythical heaven, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, smoke-filled, beautiful, and it looked like he was in a fairyland.

At this time, a young service staff also came over.

"It turns out that several princes came here. Before that, prince Great Axe had already booked a room. It was already arranged. Please come with me."

At this moment, the service staff looked at Zhang Fan and them more respectfully, spoke, and then walked in one direction with Zhang Fan and them.

Five minutes later, Zhang Fan and the others, under the leadership of this service staff, also came to a loft.

The entire attic seemed to be suspended in the air, and the surrounding scenery, with a panoramic view, made Zhang Fan and the others feel very comfortable.

Not to mention anything else, just having this kind of scenery, staying here for a long time, can be considered very enjoyable.

"Xiao Liu, we are ten people in total. Jiulong Guiyi is the last one. First, I will put all the items I ordered before.

Also, the fairy brew will be ten catties first, and if it is not enough, I will ask you for it. "

The Great Axe also ordered the service staff at this moment.

"Okay, son, the food will be delivered soon, and I will make arrangements for the fairy brew."

Hearing the instructions of the giant axe, the service staff named Xiaoliu also said respectfully at this moment, and then he flew out of the attic directly as soon as his figure moved.

The aura that it exudes has actually reached the peak of the Star Sun Realm, and Zhang Fan and the others have to sigh with emotion at the power of this Immortal Residence.

Just now, Zhang Fan also released his mental power and explored the surroundings, and found that there are many auras hidden in the dark. Each of these auras is unfathomable. According to Zhang Fan’s estimation, he is absolutely as strong as his master in the ethereal realm. By.

Moreover, the location of Shenxianju belongs to the central area of ​​Shenhui City, and its background should be very powerful.

"Hehe, wait a minute, everyone, the efficiency of the Immortal Residence is very fast. The person behind here is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the ethereal realm, he has reached the semi-sage realm, and behind it is a Taoist realm. The pinnacle powerhouse is also the star master of an advanced star field in our Shenhui universe.

Therefore, even the Dragon Soul didn't dare to find trouble easily here.

Of course, everything here is first-rate, otherwise it would not have such a good reputation.

Basically, every time I come to Shenhui City, I will come here several times. "

At this moment, the giant axe also opened his mouth and looked at everyone and said.

"Great Axe, how much did you spend on this meal?"

At this time, Hong Lie looked at the giant axe and asked.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about these things. With my wealth, it is enough to live here for the elderly. We are friends and hurt our feelings in advance.

In the future, if you have the opportunity to become more developed, can you just ask everyone to eat it once? "

Looking at Hong Lie, Giant Axe also said with a smile, and did not say the specific price.

However, according to Zhang Fan's own thoughts, even if the giant axe is a frequent visitor here, coupled with the relationship between the Dragon Soul and the others, this meal cannot be paid without a billion cosmic coins.

After a while, each of the very beautiful service staff steadily flew into the attic with a plate with a silver metal lid, and placed a plate of delicious food in front of Zhang Fan and the others.

Xiao Liu also rushed over at this time, holding a relatively small wine jar in his arms.

Even at a certain distance, the peculiar smell of wine still comes from the surface.

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