Star-source Legend

Chapter 1261: End of the first group

However, even if everyone didn't take the initiative to provoke the dragon soul, the dragon soul couldn't relax.

The golden epee in his hand was hacked again and again, causing other geniuses to be in a hurry.

Otherwise, once someone unites to attack him, it is estimated that the dragon soul will be somewhat irresistible.

The melee is that the chaos the better, so as to be able to take advantage of the void.

At this moment, on the arena, the battle space of each genius is constantly being reduced. The several spiritual masters who originally had the advantage, in the case of unable to distance themselves, were eventually killed directly. The number of deaths is also rising.


Every time a genius dies, there will be a sigh in the audience, and every time the Dragon Soul or some other masters fight together, many people are also very excited and can't help but let out a sigh. Sound of excitement.

Among them, some geniuses finally couldn't help but unite to attack the dragon soul. This time, at least five geniuses attacked at the same time.

In their opinion, even if they were unable to participate in the final competition, if the first step was to eliminate the dragon soul directly, it would not be nothing.

Unfortunately, these people underestimated the Dragon Soul.

Originally, among the hundred geniuses, there were not a few who were particularly powerful, at most, there were guys who reached the peak of the fifth heaven in two fields. However, in the initial confrontation with the dragon soul's domain, it was directly dead.

The remaining people, although there are many geniuses who have reached the fifth level in the field, they are far from the dragon soul in all aspects. In the kingdom of the dragon, a golden dragon that forms randomly makes them somewhat unable to resist.

In conjunction with the powerful and terrifying power of the Dragon Soul and the sharpness of the golden epee in his hand, it can be said that it lasted less than a minute before and after, and all five people were killed by the Dragon Soul. Instead, it gave others a chance.

"This guy, if it wasn't for me to have the Devouring Domain, it would be really not easy to win, especially when it comes to power, it is almost the same as me."

At this moment, watching the dragon soul slaughter the Quartet, Zhang Fan also had to admit that the dragon soul deserved to be regarded as a top genius who had the opportunity to enter the forefront of this cosmic genius selection battle.

With the passage of time, the death toll is also increasing.

60, 70, 83, 92!

"The first set of competitions is over, and the remaining eight people advance to the next round." The deep voice echoed again throughout the ring space.

And then, the dragon soul that had passed, also came directly to Zhang Fan and the others.

"This kind of melee is really very good. If you can stay in this kind of melee for a long time, let alone other things, you will definitely have a big increase in your abilities in all aspects."

At this moment, after Dragon Soul greeted several others, they sat beside Zhang Fan and said softly.

"Yeah, we were still talking about this just now. But you were actually in some danger just now. When the five people besieged you just now, I think you should have burst out with about nine layers of power?

Once you add two or three more, then you are in danger. "

Hearing what Dragon Soul said, Zhang Fan also nodded, appearing to agree.

"By the way, Dragon Soul, what is the origin of Yunxia? I can feel a dangerous aura from her, and even I think if it is really a battle, the strength of Yunxia is not inferior to you."

Zhang Fan also secretly spoke to the Dragon Soul at this moment.

"Um, I'm not very clear about this. I asked my ancestor before. My ancestor just told me to get close to Yunxia if I had a chance. Don't leave a bad impression on her anyway.

I feel that Yunxia's background should be very general, and may even come from the five holy places, otherwise it won't make the ancestors take it so seriously.

Of course, as for why she came to Shenhui Universe Kingdom to participate in the first two stages of the competition, I am not very clear. "

For Yun Xia, the Dragon Soul naturally also paid attention. He asked his ancestors the first time, but he didn’t know why he was willing, but his ancestors didn’t tell him Yunxia’s specific identity, but hoped that he would be able to. Taking the initiative to get close to Yunxia, ​​even with a hint of flattering, this made Dragon Soul also seem very shocked.

"It seems that Yunxia's background should be very extraordinary."

Although there was no specific answer, at least Zhang Fan knew Yunxia's extraordinary.

There is a chance, he intends to secretly ask the Lord of Shenhui Kingdom.

For some reason, Zhang Fan wanted to know the details of a person for the first time, and this feeling was very strong.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Zhang Fan should be the son of destiny that my ancestors asked me to find. I didn't expect his strength to be much stronger than me, which is really surprising."

At this moment, Zhang Fan naturally didn't know that Yunxia actually came to Shenhui Universe Kingdom to find him.

Of course, without final confirmation, Yunxia naturally would not actively reveal her identity.

Although the Lord Shenhui knew his origin, without his permission, even the Lord Shenhui could not actively inform others of her identity, otherwise the consequences would be unbearable even for the Lord Shenhui.

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