Star-source Legend

Chapter 1267: Son of destiny

"It seems that you are quite clever. Forget it, since you have taken all the photos, I won't hide it anymore. Yes, I come from the Taoist Sect of God.

And my goal is to find the Son of Destiny. Of course, at the moment, you have the greatest possibility.

After all, only the Son of Destiny has such a powerful strength and talent.

From your body, I can't see your luck, just by relying on this, no one else can do it.

You know, I have practiced the heavenly secret technique, but I can't detect anything from you, so I judge that you are the son of destiny I'm looking for.

Find a time, even if you don't come to me, I will take the initiative to contact you. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Yunxia did not delve into it, and finally admitted straightforwardly.

"You really come from the sect of the gods? Speaking of which, since I left the earth, I have always been hoping to find the characters in the myths and legends of the earth.

Don't you know, when I once walked out of the universe and knew that the ancestors of Hongjun, Nuwa, and Pangu, all of the great people in myths and legends existed in the universe, and I also established the Shenxiao Taoist gate, how excited I was.

Because this means that we people on earth will not be helpless when entering the universe.

I also hope that I can join the Divine Heaven Daomen, where is the only holy place in the hearts of all of us on earth. "

Hearing Yunxia confessing her identity, Zhang Fan also seemed quite excited at the moment.

"Haha, it turns out that what Master and I said are true, and sure enough, the people of the ancestors already have the ability to enter the universe.

You know, the ancestors told us before that there is a huge chaotic black hole outside the solar system.

This black hole, even with the strength of the ancestor, did not dare to break through.

Therefore, the ancestors have always been very worried about the situation of the ancestors. Even hundreds of years ago, the ancestors considered the humans on the ancestors to be directly extinct.

However, just a few years later, the ancestor was considered to have regained vitality and the son of destiny appeared.

This time, the purpose of my coming to Shenhui Universe Kingdom was to find the appearance of the Son of Destiny. According to the master's account to me before I left the door of Shenxiao Daomen, the Son of Destiny is related to the survival of this era of the universe.

Therefore, if there is a chance, they hope that the Son of Destiny can return to the door of the gods.

At present, you are probably the son of this destiny. Otherwise, a person who has no background and comes from such a weak galaxy can be ranked first among all the geniuses in the entire universe. It is absolutely impossible to say that others believable.

Of course, if you are the true son of destiny, it will be clear with me after the universe genius selection battle is over. "

Seeing Zhang Fan's excited expression, Yun Xia also seemed more happy at the moment.

After all, judging from various performances, Zhang Fan is very likely to be the Son of Destiny he was looking for, which shows that her mission is basically completed.

"Let's not talk about anything else, what is the situation of Ancestral Stars now? Although I was not born in Ancestral Stars, for many of the older generations of powerhouses of our gods, Ancestral Star is their spiritual sustenance.

For so many years, including Hongjun ancestor, have been thinking about returning to Zuxing to take a look. "

At this moment, Yunxia was also sitting in front of Zhang Fan, asking curiously, her expression full of expectation.

"Uh, if I really tell you, three days and three nights can't be finished. We call the ancestor star the earth, but the area is very small for unknown reasons, and it may even be worse than the Luangyu City of the Milky Way Luangyu Star. Big.

But at the beginning, the highest strength on earth was at the apprentice level. Faced with powerful monsters that reached the level of the Star Lord, mankind was almost extinct.

In the end, I can be considered a fluke, I got some opportunities from a ruin, and finally I successfully entered the universe. "

Seeing Yun Xia whose attitude had obviously changed before and after, Zhang Fan said simply now.

"What? Ancestral Star's most powerful is only the apprentice level? How long did it take you to cultivate to the peak of the Star-Moon Realm?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Yunxia was also very surprised at this moment, and she couldn't believe it.

"Um, if not counting the time secret, more than three hundred years."

Zhang Fan answered honestly.

"How many? Three, more than three hundred years? I'm sure now, you are definitely the son of destiny I'm looking for, this is too abnormal.

Like me, it took nearly 800 years to cultivate to the peak of the Star-Moon Realm. However, when I was very young, I already had the strength of the Star Noble Realm. "

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's answer, Yunxia couldn't believe her ears.

Even, because of a bit of excitement, the veil on his face was broken at a corner, revealing his true face.

And Zhang Fan, after seeing Yunxia's true face at this moment, the whole person fell into a sluggish state.

Even Zhang Fan thought of a poem at this moment.


Good-looking is a beautiful woman!

The beauty of the country and the city!

Surprised the world!

It can be said that Zhang Fan could not pick out any flaws from Yunxia's face. Perhaps, only the legendary beauty of the Spirit Race could compare with her.

"Hey, what are you in a daze? Hello?"

At this moment, Yunxia did not feel her veil falling, but looked at Zhang Fan who was sluggish in front of her with a little angrily.

"So beautiful."

Zhang Fan couldn't help muttering at this moment.

"Huh? You, you...turn around quickly."

At this time, how could Yun Xia not know that her veil had fallen, she yelled, and her entire face turned red in an instant, and she said to Zhang Fan a little embarrassed.

Soon, the veil was put on again.

However, Zhang Fan saw a complex color in his crystal eyes, and there was even a hint of complaint in it.

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