Star-source Legend

Chapter 1282: Amazing news

"This is not enough, too little. In this way, King Kong will directly give Zhang Fan five tons, and then give him 100 million cosmic units of wealth. As for the spaceship, I will ask the two elders to bring one of the ships I got back then. As for the resources you mentioned, I don’t think it’s necessary. There are 100 million cosmic units. I think it’s enough for him to purchase various training resources.

After that, you can investigate with Hong Lie to see what else he needs. I remember that the data from the previous investigation showed that they originally came from a place called the Qianlong galaxy and they bought a fourth-level city?

In this way, in order to reassure him, the entire fourth-level city was replaced with a second-level city. As for the size, the Universe Alliance Mall was built according to the original fourth-level city.

At least it was able to withstand the attacks of the powerhouses around the peak of the Dao Sacred Realm.

Others, you can give some exercises and martial arts appropriately, and that's it for the time being. As long as it can give Hong Lie a sense of belonging, no matter how much he pays, it is worth it.

Moreover, it may be possible to make Zhang Fan have a good impression of the Titans to a certain extent. After you left, I sent someone to investigate Zhang Fan. He was not only a warrior, but also a master of spiritual masters.

This kind of genius, if we can make good friends, one day in the future, we may not be able to help when our Titans encounter a crisis.

You must remember not to underestimate Zhang Fan.

Just relying on its status as the controller, I think, as long as it does not fall, the ultimate achievement will definitely exceed your imagination. "

Hearing what Titan Yunlong said, the patriarch of the Titan clan has also directly increased a lot on the original basis.

The patriarch of the Titan clan, whose name is Titan Invincible, had already achieved the ancestral realm hundreds of millions of years ago.

After so many years, its own strength has reached a very terrifying situation. He was even hailed as the third decision figure besides the leader of the Universe Alliance and the ancestor of the Gods Dao Sect Hongjun.

Naturally, his knowledge is extraordinary.

After obtaining Zhang Fan's information, Titan Invincible also understood that Zhang Fan was not something they could ignore, and even this talent, if it weren't for the clan, he would personally take Zhang Fan as an apprentice.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, might have been able to add another top-level existence to the Titans.

"My God, when Hong Lie first told me that Zhang Fan was too much more than him, no matter his talent or strength, and he was not even an opponent to activate the bloodline, I still didn't believe it, and even thought he was a good genius at best. That's it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the controller. If this news is released, I don't know how many people will be shocked.

The benefits we gave him seem to be a lot, but I think that after the cosmic genius selection battle is over, these things are nothing to him. "

After knowing that Zhang Fan was also a master at the same time, the Titan Yunlong was also very shocked.

After all, the controller is currently considered by humans to be absolutely invincible among the same level. Even the Titan bloodline owner may be very powerful within the same level, but facing the controller, it is not easy to win.

This kind of genius is destined to cause a sensation in the entire universe, and those ancestral realm-level powerhouses may be rushing to let Zhang Fan join him.

At this moment, Titan Yunlong couldn't help but feel a little pity.

After all, the Titans have never allowed anyone without Titan blood to enter the clan. This has been the rule of the clan for countless years.

Otherwise, with Zhang Fan's participation and Hong Lie's blood, it won't take long for the entire Titan clan to recover to its peak.

"Yes, because of this, it is necessary to make good friends. A master, and his own martial arts talents are ranked at the top, you should know what it means.

We Titans, many people on the surface will think that we are the patron saint of mankind, but for countless years, the five holy places are the most sacred existence in people's minds.

As for our Titan clan, the monster clan was targeted before, and the human race was threatened by several powerful races headed by the sky-eye clan. It can be said that the form is very unfavorable.

So, sometimes, investing in advance is not bad for us.

This is also the reason why I have taken the initiative to change from now on, and take the initiative to make friends with the top powers of all kinds. "

Titan Invincible also spoke at this moment, and his tone was full of helplessness.

And the Titan Yunlong naturally understood the situation of the Titans.

It can be said that because there are fewer and fewer members of the younger generation of the Titans, in addition to the Monster Race, several of the more powerful human races will secretly take action.

For example, the Sky-Eyed Clan is currently the second most powerful race among all the special races of human beings. Its Sky-Eyes can be said to be very terrifying.

In the Sky Eye clan, its patriarch's strength has also reached the peak of the mid-Ancestral Realm. If you use the supernatural eye power, even the Titans need to be careful.

Secondly, the Sky Eye clan also has a Supreme Elder who has reached the middle stage of the ancestral realm, and coupled with its alliance with two other powerful races among humans, it can be said that the overall strength is not inferior to the Titan clan.

Regarding this point, the five sacred places would not say anything even if they knew it. After all, in many cases, there would be some fights between the five sacred places.

This is human nature.

The same is true on the Yaozu side.

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