Star-source Legend

Chapter 1296: The misfortune of everyone

"Aka bear, I don't know why, I always feel that something has happened to the old man. This feeling appeared from the moment I approached this city."

After Bai Yu left, among the few people, a girl who appeared to have purple hair and was wearing a purple dress also frowned and said.

"Azi, don't worry about the boss. With his strength, I think, as long as I don't meet Na Hades, Mia and others, I don't think there will be any problems in retreating.

When the time comes, plus the five of us, I don't think much about safety.

Let's wait patiently. "

Hearing what the girl said, the sturdy young man named Chi Xiong also grinned and said directly, obviously he was very relieved of Bai Yu.

"Well, I hope I feel wrong this time. You should be clear that I am born with a sense of danger. It's okay when I first came to this city. The moment the boss left, this feeling grew more and more. The stronger."

Hearing what Chixiong said, although Ah Zi was full of worry at the moment, she finally realized that she might have thought too much.

The others all smiled at the moment, sitting in place and practising meditation to recover themselves.

As Chixiong said, they are very confident of Bai Yu's strength.

Unfortunately, sometimes things develop so unexpectedly.

At this moment, after Bai Yu separated from Chi Xiong and others, he released his mental power and carefully explored the surroundings. Although this continent has very high restrictions on all aspects, with Bai Yu's mental power, he can still explore the range of a few miles.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that he was getting closer and closer to where Zhang Fan was staying.

"Huh? Someone came to this city?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan, who had been practicing silently in the basement of a building, also opened his eyes for an instant.

In order to ensure that he would not be forcibly disturbed, Zhang Fan had set up an array of warnings at the several entrances of the city where Zhang Fan himself was staying.

At this time, Zhang Fan also discovered that someone had passed through the formation he arranged and came to the city.

"There is still one month left. My Devouring Domain and the Vientiane Domain have reached the seventh late stage, which is pretty good. Next, it's time to start hunting.

Otherwise, if the delay is too long, once you are eliminated, you will have nowhere to cry.

Just a few people came, so I can warm up. "

With that said, Zhang Fan immediately got up, and then the whole person turned into a streamer and disappeared into the basement.

"I said, my friend, you are quite cautious, but since you delivered it yourself, how can I not accept it."

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Bai Yu's ears, causing Bai Yu's figure to stagnate for an instant, and he looked around with worry.

"Who? Who is it? What is the ability to hide the head and show the tail? Come out to me."

Bai Yu also calmed down at this moment, and said condensedly.

"Since you want to see me, then I am as you wish."

As the voice fell, a figure appeared directly in front of Bai Yu, slowly floating in the air.

This person is not someone else, but Zhang Fan who just rushed over.

"No, it turned out to be Zhang Fan!"

When he saw Zhang Fan, Bai Yu's heart trembled, and he wanted to escape the first time.

"Hehe, it's not a good habit to not even say hello when you first meet."

Seeing that the person in front of him actually saw him, he fled directly, Zhang Fan also smiled indifferently, and when his figure moved, he stood in front of Bai Yu.

"Zhang Fan, you are very strong, but I am not a vegetarian. If you let me go now, then I will accept your love. After I go out, I will find a chance to repay you.

Otherwise, it can't be said that you can only see the real chapter under your hand.

Although many people say that you are very strong, I also ask myself that you are not your opponent.

However, I am not here alone. "

With that said, Bai Yu directly activated the marks left on Chi Xiong and them secretly.




In less than a minute, five figures in a row came directly to Bai Yu's side.

"I went, it turned out to be Zhang Fan? Boss, our luck is too bad, right?"

At this moment, seeing Zhang Fan, Chi Xiong also looked shocked, and said with a wry smile.

Although they haven't really seen Zhang Fan's strength, they can make Hades "Wu Chi" a very powerful person. Obviously, Zhang Fan's true strength is definitely beyond their imagination.

Even if they have six people now, there is no certainty.

"It seems that my feeling is not wrong."

At this moment, Azi smiled bitterly at Zhang Fan.

"Hehe, six people? Just so, I also want to try my improvement effect during this period of time. Do you guys come one by one, or do you go together?"

Looking at the six people in front of him, Zhang Fan also said with a smile.


At the same time, a powerful breath was slowly released from Zhang Fan's body, making Bai Yu and the six people feel tremendous pressure, their expressions becoming solemn.

By now, they knew that Zhang Fan would obviously not let them go. After all, this was only the last month, and for such a long time, Zhang Fan and the top geniuses hadn’t had any movement. Now they appear directly. Naturally it is necessary. A lot of points.

This battle is inevitable. It can only be said that their luck is really very bad.

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