Star-source Legend

Chapter 1299: Further decision

"Hehe, I have never concealed my identity as a spiritual teacher too much. However, so far, no one has been able to force me to show all my abilities directly.

In this continent, if the consumption is too large, it will take time to recover.

Therefore, to be able to solve the opponent the fastest and most convenient, I will not waste my energy too much.

Let’s not talk about other things, let me talk about the current situation of other contestants in this continent. "

Smiling, Zhang Fan also said directly.

"Well, I also look forward to how powerful you are when you are fully capable. At present, the number of people left in the entire continent should be less than one-fifth.

However, just like you, whether it was Hades or Mia, once they entered this continent, they all disappeared. Now you are the first top genius I have encountered.

However, I think that time is the last month left, so they should also appear one after another and start hunting.

After all, at this stage, those who can survive will not have too few points in their hands. Killing a few is enough to ensure that they can enter the top ten thousand.

I know that for each of you, the third stage is not so important, just need enough points. However, if there is a chance, I think you still hope that you can eliminate the opponent as much as possible, so that in the fourth stage, you can lose a strong opponent.

At present, there are no people in the area where we are currently. Most people, at this moment, should be scattered in the jungle area and high mountain area in the middle.

After all, it is very suitable for hiding and assassination.

I don't know Zhang Fan, what are your plans next? "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Bai Yu also roughly talked about the current situation of the entire continent, and then looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"The points I got just now are enough for me to enter the top 10,000. Then, in the next time, I plan to find the members of our Shenhui Universe Kingdom first, to ensure their safety, and to promote them as much as possible. .

After that, if possible, I am also very much looking forward to the collision with the most powerful people in other universe nations.

Ordinary opponents can't help my battle experience at all. Only opponents like Mia, Arthur, and even Hades can make people excited.

If I had a chance to meet, I would look forward to playing against them very much.

Now, I am going to other areas. As for you, I think for the sake of stability, you should find a relatively safe place to hide it until the end of the last day.

In fact, the information you just mentioned is of no help to me. I left you because of what Chikuma said. Your situation is actually similar to mine. I am also from an unknown small galaxy in the Kingdom of Shenhui, and I finally reached the current level due to some opportunities.

This is why I will let you go.

After all, for those of us who have no background, the selection of cosmic geniuses is an opportunity to get ahead.

Then I will leave first. Your strength, as long as you don't meet Mia and the others, self-protection is not a problem. This small city is a relatively secluded place, and generally no one will come here.

As you are the runemaster, I think it is possible to place a layer of warning devices at several important entrances and exits, and stay here for the time being and wait for the end of the third stage.

If there is nothing wrong, then I will leave first. "

Upon hearing Bai Yu's question, Zhang Fan also said.

"Yeah, thank you." Bai Yu also thanked Zhang Fan.

After nodding, Zhang Fan's figure moved, and the whole person disappeared into Bai Yu's sight as a stream of light.

"Hey, I didn't expect this time to be so lucky and I met Zhang Fan. Otherwise, Chixiong and the others would be able to advance."

Seeing Zhang Fan's departure, Bai Yu also sighed.

It can be said that Zhang Fan was able to keep him as his luck. After all, it is now a cosmic genius selection battle. In addition to his own cosmic nation's companions, all other cosmic nations' members are opponents.

Even if Zhang Fan killed them all, there was no way.

Generally speaking, Zhang Fan is very good at talking, otherwise if he meets other super geniuses, maybe he won't give them such a chance at all.

"Although the six members of the Red Bear Universe Nation have a good combination of strength, for a super genius like Zhang Fan, there is not much resistance at all.

Especially, this Zhang Fan is still a spiritual teacher? This is surprising. "

At this moment, in an independent space outside of the continent where Zhang Fan and the others participated in the war, the leaders of the various cosmic nations were all in the hall where they had been before, discussing with each other.

"Hehe, it's no secret that Zhang Fan is a spiritual teacher. It can only be said that you have not paid attention to Zhang Fan before. As early as the first stage, Zhang Fan was the leader of Shenhui Universe Kingdom One of the younger generations called Dragon Soul had played against him, and at that time he had already used his spiritual teacher ability.

I have watched the video that time, and it can be said that Zhang Fan has reached the top regardless of his martial artist's ability or his spiritual teacher's ability. If the two are combined together, it is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

In addition, this time he spent eleven months to improve his field. Now, Zhang Fan's strength, even if it is not as good as Hades, is not far behind.

However, I don't want them to run into each other too early. At least, these super geniuses should not run into each other in the third stage. Otherwise, no matter which one of them is eliminated, it will make people feel extremely pity. "

Among the law enforcement officers, Cook also said with a smile at the moment.

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