Star-source Legend

Chapter 1304: Weird supernatural powers


Manka knows very well that this is only Zhang Fan's first method, and there will be a fierce battle next.

Therefore, Manka no longer has any reservations, and immediately broke out his own violent domain. Suddenly, the strength of the whole person has directly improved a lot, and even the wound on the arm is slowly slowing down. repair.

At this moment, the wild card released the violent domain to the extreme, and within dozens of miles around, all were completely shrouded in rich gray, and the big trees in the violent domain also became riddled in an instant.

"Zhang Fan, I'm a pretty blow."

With a roar, Manka immediately held the huge mace in his hand, and rushed towards the location where Zhang Fan was. Then, condescending directly picked up the mace in his hand and slammed towards Zhang Fan. Smashed.

Suddenly, all the energies around him converged directly towards Manka, and the whole person became dazzling in an instant. The powerful aura also burst out from the huge mace in his hand, making Zhang Fan also feel a lot of pressure.

Even Zhang Fan found that no matter where he dodges, he couldn't avoid Manka's blow.

Obviously, for a super genius like Manka, once he gets serious, his strength should not be underestimated.

However, although Manka’s attack was terrifying, his previous battle with Hong Lie consumed a lot of strength. In addition to an arm injury, a powerful force could only burst out at most about 70%. .


Suddenly, Zhang Fan's thoughts moved, and suddenly, a golden light and trembling buddha tower appeared directly in front of Zhang Fan, and under Zhang Fan's control, it reached a size of several hundred meters in an instant.

It is Zhang Fan's top mind weapon, the Buddha Tower.

This is a mind weapon with both offensive and defensive capabilities. To deal with Manka, Zhang Fan felt that there was no need to use the master weapon, a top mind weapon was enough.

At this moment, the Buddha Pagoda was constantly rotating under Zhang Fan's control, and in the end, a golden light surging light mask was formed directly on the whole body, and the ancient Buddha phantoms appeared one after another, sitting cross-legged, recitation shocked.


At this time, Manka's huge mace also smashed onto the Buddha Tower, and a powerful force burst out. Suddenly, the surrounding ground was like a strong earthquake, shaking the mountains.

At the same time, the aftermath of an invisible force burst out, and the surrounding big trees exploded in an instant and broke apart.

Even Zhang Fan, who was under the protection of the Pagoda, felt a shock all over his body.

Obviously, Manka's attack was quite powerful. If it were performed in its peak state, Zhang Fan estimated that he would not be able to intercept it only by the defense of the Buddha Tower.


But at this time, Zhang Fan naturally didn't dare to neglect in the domain of Manka. All the power in his body burst out immediately, and when his mind moved, the Four Elephant Domain was directly generated.

At this moment, in order to forcefully crush the Manka, Zhang Fan could say that even the spiritual realm was released.



Suddenly, huge monster beasts exuding a powerful aura immediately spawned, roaring and attacking Manka, reducing Zhang Fan's pressure.

At the same time, Zhang Fan's thoughts moved, and immediately, the entire Buddha Pagoda immediately burst out with a strong golden light, and then, one by one, huge golden Buddha seals that were ten meters in size were covered by Manka.

The power contained in each Buddha Seal is better than the power burst out by the flying knife that Zhang Fan used to control his own star power generation, and it also contains a certain degree of special mental attack.

It can be said that making Manka is also stressed and tired of coping.

In particular, Zhang Fan’s spiritual realm, invisibly, directly penetrated into Manka’s spiritual consciousness. If Manka hadn’t performed a savage transformation and improved his spiritual defense, he would have been unable to resist it. .

Even so, Manka's whole body was already scarred at this time.

After all, he needed to concentrate most of his power to face Zhang Fan's mental attack, which caused him to ignore the outside situation.

It can be said that by now, Manka knew that he had failed.

After all, Zhang Fan's mental attacks are very powerful, and he needs his full response. There is also a powerful entity in the Vientiane Domain. Even if the level is not as high as him, the powerful monsters that generate attack power are very terrifying.

Moreover, he still didn't know that Zhang Fan himself had another most powerful swallowing domain, and Zhang Fan hadn't used the means of real control.

Otherwise, he would not last long at all.

"It seems that it can only be forced to use the savage **** to escape. Otherwise, it can only be eliminated."

At this time, there are already some wild cards that cannot be supported, but also secretly thought.


Immediately afterwards, Manka directly mobilized all the strength in his body and gathered directly into his legs.

At the same time, the powerful breath also broke out directly.

Afterwards, the body shape of the whole person also returned to normal size. In Zhang Fan's somewhat surprised look, the whole person stepped out in one step and disappeared in place strangely.

When Zhang Fan came back to his senses and released his mental power to explore, Manka's breath had long been completely hidden and disappeared without a trace.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? How does it feel like teleportation? Even the breath is completely hidden for an instant. It seems that these super geniuses have powerful methods that are unique to them.

Forget it, let you go for a while, if you bump into it again, it won't be that simple. "

Zhang Fan didn't think much anymore at this moment, and when his figure moved, he came to Hong Lie's side.

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