Star-source Legend

Chapter 1313: Return to reality

I have joined the Cosmic Alliance now, so if I can really worship the leader of the Cosmic Alliance, I believe that the Star Source Fragments that belong to the Cosmic Alliance have the opportunity to be able to come into contact with it.

When the time comes, I will find a way to slowly comprehend the original aura of the Devouring Dao contained in it, so that I can go further on the Devouring Road.

On the side of Shenxiao Daomen, as he came from the ancestor star, he should not refuse to let him comprehend the star source fragments.

Calculating this way, after all the comprehension is completed, Zhang Fan's own strength will also rise to a very exaggerated level, and there will be more opportunities to visit other holy places in the future, or find opportunities to obtain some star source fragments.

It can be said that Xing Lao's proposal is also a direct way to help Zhang Fan to go after he spreads out in advance.

"Thank you Mr. Xing, I understand."

Zhang Fan said, and then after Zhang Fan contacted the family members far away in Feilongxing, he immediately rested.

On the second day, Zhang Fan and the others also knew and made friends with many geniuses from various universe countries, and the time came to night.

Subsequently, under the leadership of their respective leaders, the people of each universe country directly took the teleportation array and returned to the region where their respective universe country was located.

When they returned to Shenhui City, Zhang Fan and the others directly withdrew from the universe network and returned to reality.

"Huh, it's finally over, but it's a pity that there are a few Beifeng and others."

At this moment, Zhang Fan also stood up and moved his muscles and bones. Thinking of the Blood Shadow, North Wind, and Bai Guang Baiyun who had been eliminated before, it was a pity in secret.

This also means that the four of them lost the opportunity to enter the five holy places.

"Afan, let's go, the ancestor told us to pass now."

At this time, the Dragon Soul also came to the room where Zhang Fan was, and said.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan and Dragon Soul went to the central palace of the Lord’s Mansion, where the Lord Shenhui received important people and handled matters.

"Grandpa Long, we are here. I have met Senior Shura."

As soon as he entered the hall, Zhang Fan spoke directly. At the same time, Zhang Fan also saw a familiar figure, it was their leader, Shura.

Therefore, Zhang Fan was the first to say hello.

You know, if you really count it, Shura, as the leader of the top ten in the law enforcement team, is not inferior to the leader of the gods, Zhang Fan naturally does not dare to neglect, let alone the next three years , Shura will also guide their practice, and to a certain extent is their coach.

"Hehe, Shura told me just now that your performance far exceeded my expectations. Especially this time, our Shenhui Universe Nation has once again ranked among the top ten universe nations.

It can be said that you have contributed a lot.

Especially Afan, your talent and strength have been recognized by many people. Just now, Shura praised you very much.

You know, Shura was also the strong man who walked out of our Shenhui universe. Of course, because of his personality, he has been very indifferent for many years. This is the first time I have seen him take the initiative to favor and praise a younger generation. It. "

The Lord Shenhui also looked at Zhang Fan and Dragon Soul with a smile at the moment, and the excitement in his expression was a little unconcealable.

You know, he has been trapped at the peak of the Dao Sage realm for too long.

And many times, if they want to gain further possibilities, they need to enter the primitive universe to practice.

However, with the exception of the direct members of the Five Great Sacred Grounds, even a half-ancestral existence like him could not get a place in the primitive universe.

It can only be obtained through the selection of cosmic geniuses once every 100,000 years.

It can be said that the rewards that can be obtained for being able to enter the top ten universe nations are very generous, especially as the leader of the universe, even if this time the Shenhui universe nation is only eighth, it can still allow him to practice there. A full eight thousand years of time.

There is a very strong original aura, which is very helpful for comprehending the Dao.

However, for the 1,008 cosmic nations in the entire universe, only the top 100 cosmic nations can get access to the original universe each time, and time is very limited.

Compared with the top ten cosmic nations, even if it is ranked eleventh, at most, you can only cultivate in it for a thousand years. To increase time, it requires other contributions from themselves.

Therefore, the Lord Shenhui also seemed very happy this time. After all, as long as he could enter the ancestral realm, then he would be enough to obtain a permanent training place in the primitive universe and have the opportunity to attack a more powerful realm.

"This is also because Zhang Fan is very good. He is very important to Elder Zilin. He is considered to have a chance to surpass Hades in three years, especially since he was born ordinary. I think no matter who it is, he will appreciate it very much."

At this moment, Shura also directly said in a deep voice.

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