Star-source Legend

Chapter 1325: New rules

Three years are fleeting.

For Zhang Fan and others, who have been in the secret of time, even if it is 240 years, once they really start to practice, it feels like 240 days in the past, very fast.

With the provision of various resources and the help of purple scales, it can be said that Zhang Fan's improvement is very significant. Over 240 years, all of Zhang Fan's own domains have reached the eighth peak level, one step away from Dzogchen.

As for Zhang Fan's improvement, it can be said that Zi Lin has to sigh for his powerful cultivation talent.

In the first few decades, Zilin was able to win the battle against Zhang Fan by compressing his own realm. However, since then, with the same strength, Zilin is no longer Zhang Fan’s opponent, and even now, the elder Zilin Only after raising his own strength to the early stage of Xingyang Realm, he could barely resist Zhang Fan.

Of course, this is under the condition that the elder Zilin himself does not release the domain.

With the strength of his ancestral realm, even if it is to compress his own strength, the domains released are in the most perfect state, and even contain the power of the great power, Zhang Fan is naturally not an opponent at all.

In 240 years, Zhang Fan's own "Chaos Promise" has also improved a lot, and he has successfully mastered the first level of "Flowing Light", which has greatly improved his own strength.

It can be said that if Zhang Fan cooperates with his own control ability, Zilin must raise his own strength to the mid-Xingyang realm to be able to fight.

Especially Zhang Fan's experience in the battle has reached a very exaggerated level. Even Zhang Fan alone challenged Hong Lie and their nine-man team did not lose the wind. This kind of combat power also made Elder Zilin more confident in Zhang Fan.

And over the 240 years, Hong Lie’s improvement is quite obvious. At least, the explosion of his bloodline can be controlled by himself, and his own gravity field has also risen to the eighth level, especially he has also learned several unique Titans. The powerful supernatural powers doubled his own strength.

If Hong Lie’s current strength is against the original Manka, he will have an absolute certainty to win. Of course, these geniuses of Manka will naturally not wait for death in the past 240 years, and their own strength will also be fast. Promote.

However, like Zhang Fan and Hong Lie, they have been able to raise their domain to the eighth level in just a few hundred years, which can be said to be completely beyond Zilin's imagination.

After all, normally speaking, even if a person’s talent is strong, his own field starts from the sixth level, and each level of improvement will take hundreds of thousands of years at the fastest, and even many people need tens of thousands of years to be able to One's own field is promoted to the most complete stage.

After all, as long as one can promote one's own domain to the point of perfection, then there will be no obstacles to the ascension of the Xingyang realm, and it will directly be able to force a breakthrough into the ethereal realm.

Like Dragon Soul, although their domains have reached the seventh level before, they have not achieved breakthroughs in 240 years. At most, they have improved their control and made their domains more stable.

Of course, everyone's battle experience is very rich, in this regard, Shura can be said to have played a vital role.

"For three years outside, 240 years of kung fu in the Time Secret Realm, your improvement can be said to be very obvious. Now you, compared to yourself three years ago, have at least doubled your strength.

Before, I also received a notification and knew the rules of the last challenge.

Compared with the past, the challenge this time has changed. It is not a confrontation between you, but will directly allow you to enter the trial tower. In the end, the final ranking will be determined based on the points you earn.

Everyone’s trial tower is exactly the same. There are a total of nine floors. After passing the first floor, then continue to the second floor until you are eliminated and kicked out of the trial tower.

This time your challenge will be broadcast throughout the universe. At the same time, many of the five great holy sites will watch the battle in person, so you must perform well.

Sometimes, even if your own level is not high, but because you work hard or show good talent, you are likely to be favored by all top powerhouses and received.

Afan Honglie, you two stay, the others can go back first. "

In the main hall of the Lord's Mansion, Zilin also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"The talents of both of you are very good. I won't say Afan. As long as you work hard, it's possible to get to the top three or even the top one this time.

And Hong Lie, this time, I hope you can enter the top ten as much as possible.

Because, as long as you enter the top ten, you will have a chance to get the enlightenment quota of the primitive universe and be able to enlighten the Chaos Monument. These things will greatly help you improve your strength.

The challenge will officially begin in two days, and I hope you will not let us down. "

Looking at Zhang Fan and Hong Lie, Zi Lin also spoke at this moment, her expression full of expectation.

"I also have the opportunity to comprehend the Chaos Monument? It seems that this time, I have to work hard."

Hong Lie also seemed very surprised at this moment. After all, as the owner of the Titan Bloodline, he would not join the Five Great Sacred Grounds. This time he went with an attitude of experience.

But now that Elder Zilin said that he had the opportunity to comprehend the Chaos Monument, it can be said that Hong Lie was very excited when he was surprised.

You know, the Chaos Stele contains a variety of very powerful techniques and supernatural powers. If it happens by chance, you may be able to inherit martial skills. That is a great opportunity.

The Chaos Stele is also exclusive to the five holy places, and there are only five pieces in total, each of which controls one piece. It is even said that if the Chaos Stele can be completely understood, there is hope to reach the realm of the Venerable in the end.

Of course, this is just a legend.

But, no matter what, the temptation of the Chaos Monument, Hong Lie naturally cannot refuse.

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