Star-source Legend

Chapter 134: Silver Wolf Team (middle)

The reason why I didn't ask Mr. Xu for help this time was a bit embarrassing.

Although he has already recognized Mr. Xu as his grandfather, he has always been taken care of, and he himself is a person with strong self-esteem, and one in his heart is thinking about how to repay Xu. Lao, and the two grandpas Mu Lao who just met.

"Hey, this kid, you have too much self-esteem, Xiaofeng, I think you may not know the little guy well. I can trust you. After all, you are one of my students. So, some of Afan’s Let me tell you briefly about the situation."

"This child is a person with high self-esteem. Although I am very optimistic about him, he is also very obedient, but he has prepared for this trial out of the city a long time ago. However, he still has a more important mission. Therefore, For its safety, I let him enter your team for trials.

If possible, you can arrange more monsters for him, as long as the intensity does not exceed the middle stage of the viscera realm.

This kid is very low-key. To be honest, even I can't see his true strength. Therefore, I let him enter your team, it is not a support for your hind legs. At the critical moment, this little guy, maybe Will give you unexpected surprises. "

After watching Zhang Fan leave, Old Xu also sighed and said to Li Xiaofeng.

"Hehe, Mr. Xu, you don't need to say so much. I understand that this little guy is probably the top seedling of our martial arts guild. Otherwise, how could you go out in person when you are old.

Others don't know your identity, but I know it very well.

And to be able to become this kind of seedling, I think his strength should not be much worse. Don't worry, I will try my best to protect him and let other players accept him as soon as possible. "

Hearing what Xu Lao said, Li Xiaofeng is not a fool, and he can naturally see Zhang Fan's position in Xu Lao's eyes, and he is also very envious in his heart.

However, Li Xiaofeng is not jealous. He can have today because of Mr. Xu. Otherwise, he is still wandering on the street. In the past few years, Mr. Xu has not known how many people like him have helped.

"Yeah, then you go home and rest early. You guys are really fighting. You just got married last year, and your child is less than one year old now. You would rather risk going out of the city to hunt monsters. I really don’t know. How should I persuade you."

Nodding, looking at Li Xiaofeng, Old Xu also said with some emotion.

The boy in front of him, who had just gotten married and had a child, shouldn't do it this way. After all, if something happens to him, his wife and children will have a very difficult life in the future.

Can't figure it out.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I'm just a little reluctant to bear these players. When they can be independent, I will quit, and then become a teacher at random and spend my life peacefully."

Hearing what Xu Lao said, Li Xiaofeng didn't know why, and there was some pain in his heart, but he had to share these pains, and he didn't want to trouble anyone.

Therefore, this pain is also covered up.

"Yeah, just speak up if you need help, and I'll go back first."

Gently patted Li Xiaofeng on the shoulder, and Mr. Xu turned and left.

"Hey, I don't know when I will be able to collect enough money, Xiao Fan has not much time."

After Xu Lao left, Li Xiaofeng seemed to lose his strength all at once, and he immediately sat on the ground leaning on the door, looking very tired and painful.

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