Star-source Legend

Chapter 1413: Advice before the breakthrough

"Your personality is the same as the information I got before. Once you decide something, ten cows can't be pulled back. But I know your personality. Since you think you can break through to the realm of Dao Sage, it might be true. It is possible.

If you can really make a breakthrough, as a reward, I will directly give you the most powerful controller of our universe alliance, the value of this magic weapon is absolutely beyond your imagination, for people of my level It’s a very rare treasure. I got it from a special place in the Chaos area. It’s very extraordinary. It’s better than the Master God that was used by the Master 200 million years ago when the Palace Lord of the Wilderness wooed you. The soldiers are even stronger, which is my own private collection.

Of course, this thing will naturally belong to you in the future, because this controller must wait for you to step into the realm of Dao Sage before it can be used, so I didn't intend to give it to you in the beginning. This time, even if it is an inspiration to you. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Lietian spoke directly at this moment.

And after Cracking Sky mentioned the master of the magic weapon, Zhang Fan's eyes lightened even more.

After all, as the first person among the strong human beings in the universe, his master is a treasure that he even considers to be very precious, whose value and power are absolutely beyond Zhang Fan's imagination.

"By the way, Master, how did the master magic weapon appear? Isn't anyone in our universe able to create the master magic weapon?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan also asked a question that he had always felt very confused.

"The controller, in fact, doesn't only exist in our era, the controller already exists in the era before the spirit race. This is a special inheritance that can be passed down all the time.

As for the master magic weapon, because some of the methods of crafting disappeared, so far, basically the various master magic weapons that have appeared have the original master, and they did not upgrade them little by little.

Starting from the second person, it is equivalent to the successor.

To become the master, not only need to get its inheritance, but also need to meet the requirements of many other aspects of oneself, which can be said to be very difficult.

This is also the reason why the controllers are scarce.

Until now, the true controllers, strictly speaking, plus the three that you have appeared in this session, there are fewer than five left. Among them, one belongs to our universe alliance, and the other exists in the gods. among.

So, in a strict sense, there are a lot of magic weapons in control, but few people can use it. In the future, if there is hope, I hope that the line of controllers can develop. In that case, the overall strength of mankind will increase a lot. "

Split Sky also explained to Zhang Fan very patiently.

"It turns out that this is the case, let me just say, why are there many places where the masters are sold, but the real purchase of the masters is very rare.

At first, I thought that no matter how few people are in control, there should be a few hundred people. I didn't expect that there were only five people, which is too miserable. "

Hearing his master's explanation, Zhang Fan also nodded at the moment, feeling embarrassed.

"Hehe, it's not just the controller, like the divine chef you know, including the magician, the illusionist, and other relatively powerful professions, many of which are in decline or even disappeared completely.

Do you know why many people think that this era of Era will be the strongest and most terrifying time beyond previous eras? That's because many people speculate that our universe will end its lifespan and will eventually destroy itself and eventually disappear into chaos forever.

Therefore, if we want to survive, we must emerge from a powerful person who is beyond the universe, that is, a cosmic venerable. Otherwise, what awaits us will be great terror and destruction. "

Cracking the sky also smiled at this moment, and then said.

After that, Zhang Fan asked his master one by one about some of his doubts, and Split Heaven also answered very patiently.

For the next three days, Zhang Fan stayed with his master, Split Heaven, so that he had a lot of understanding of many situations when he broke into the realm of Dao Sage.

"Afan, everything is ready. This time, just to be on the safe side, Ahai and I cannot guard your side. We can only stay outside of the time mystery, otherwise the collision between the breath will You make an impact.

Remember what I told you, be careful.

After your breakthrough, after you step out of the outside world, you still need to find a safer and empty place to withstand the thunder of heaven and earth. With your talent, perhaps the legendary Nine Heavens Tribulation will come, and that step is considered the real danger. If you don't pay attention, you may die. Even if I can bring you back to life, then I will be greatly affected, and may even cause damage to the avenue.

So, after you finish the first step, I will directly give you some one-off runes, so that you can reduce some pressure in the early stage and fully resist the later stage when facing the thunder.

go in. "

At the entrance of the Time Mystery that Zhang Fan had visited before, Cracking Sky also looked at Zhang Fan with a serious face and reminded him that even with Cracking Sky's calmness, a hint of worry flashed in his expression from time to time.

Once Zhang Fan encounters something, not only is it his apprentice, but it will be a blow to the entire universe.

A talented person like Zhang Fan may not be able to appear for tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years. Especially Zhang Fan himself has realized the swallowing together. In his body, he carries the entire universe of this era. hope.

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