Star-source Legend

Chapter 1420: Ebin's injury

"Hey, your injury is too serious. For so many years, it has been very difficult to stay in the early Ancestral Realm. However, the only person I can trust now is you, so no matter what the price, I will try my best Find the treasures of heaven and earth that can help you, even if it can make you live longer.

It’s a pity that with the collapse of the Star Source Continent that year, even the first sacred tree in the universe, the tree of life, seemed to be destroyed under the sweep of that force. Even though I had a collection of branches of the tree of life, I tried countless species. The solution is still unable to make it really grow up.

At present, Nuwa is the most severely healed in the entire cosmology, but your injury is too serious and involves the root cause. Unless Nuwa can completely control the way of life and become the position of the nobleman, it will not be able to affect you. What a help.

I heard that there seems to be a trace of the fruit of life on the Yaozu side. After I have time, I will go to the Yaozu to see if I have a chance. "

He sighed, cracking the sky also sank in his heart at the moment, looked at Hai Ping and said.

The person in front of him can be said to have been friends who have stayed with him since he was a child. Although his talent is not as good as that of Splitting himself, he eventually reached the peak of the mid-term ancestral realm, and he was willing to become the leader of the dark guard and protect him. Your own safety.

However, 300 million years ago, facing the shots of the Monster Race and the Mechanical Race, Elder Hai suffered a mortal blow from a powerful late-stage Ancestral Realm for himself, and almost fell.

For so many years, Sky Splitting has been doing everything possible to help Hai Ping collect any helpful elixir or treasures, and finally reluctantly persisted until now. Unfortunately, until now, Hai Ping’s injuries can only be suppressed by force. Radical cure, this has always been the most worrying point in Li Tian's heart.

Once Hai Ping really died in front of him like this, and if he was powerless, Split Heaven would never forgive himself.

"Hehe, it's okay. Don't be so pessimistic. I don't know when you can find a cure. How to say I can still persist for hundreds of thousands of years. With Afan's talent, after hundreds of thousands of years, I will enter the ancestors. It’s not impossible even at a higher level.

At that time, with his powerful me-swallowing power, he can completely swallow the special gas in my small universe.

Of course, if there is really no alternative, you have to look a little bit more.

I have lived for too long. Every time I close my eyes, I can always see those old brothers and even our parents who were above the ancestral realm. My family is calling me, and I hope I will accompany me. They, I also feel too tired, if I can rest, I will be very happy.

I have to endure intense pain every day. I'm tired of such days. I don't want to just live in embarrassment. "

Looking at Cracking Sky, Hai Ping also expressed his own feelings.

"No, I will definitely make you better. If you are not there, what's the point of being myself alone? You go back to rest first, and I will post a astronomical reward directly. I don’t believe it anymore. I will use the Universe Alliance With his wealth and power, you will not find a treasure that can heal your injuries."

With that said, the cracked sky figure disappeared in place when he moved.

"Hey, Ah Tian, ​​why bother? Everything is a fixed number, I can't force it."

After Leaping Heaven left, Hai Lao also sighed, and then he merged into the void and disappeared.


"Afan, through observation just now, I found that Hai Ping was surrounded by lifelessness. Obviously, his body has an irreversible injury, and it should be a long time.

His current strength, even the ancestral realm, is almost impossible to maintain. In less than 200,000 years, he may be unable to suppress his injuries and eventually destroy his body and even his soul.

However, the fruit of your life can heal him. It just needs a right time. I think it might be time for me to show up.

Regardless of whether it is Split Sky or Haiping, they are all trustworthy. I will not mistake this point.

You can contact your master now, as soon as possible to fix Hai Ping's injury, it can be regarded as a relief in his heart. Also, if your master asks you, just say that an old person wants to see him, and let him come directly to you. "

After returning to his residence, Old Xing also directly spoke to Zhang Fan.

"What? The old man still has such a serious injury? Could it be caused by the war 300 million years ago?"

When Zhang Fan heard what Xing Lao said, he was also shocked.

"Well, it should be, I can perceive that Haiping’s small universe is about to dry up. Think about it, if it’s a general injury, with your master’s power of Splitting the Heavens, what treasures can’t be obtained, plus him and God’s Dao Sect The relationship is good, and if Nuwa is invited to take action, it can completely heal Haiping.

But now, Hai Ping is about to run out of oil, and has always been relying on some special treasures to maintain his state, but in fact, he is constantly fighting against his injuries every moment, and it has continued for full. 300 million years, even I have to accept this perseverance.

Because that kind of pain directly affects the soul, it is not an exaggeration to call it torture. "

Old Xing also said immediately right now.

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