Star-source Legend

Chapter 1431: Xing Lao's guess

Cracking the sky also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

The reason why there is a lot of consumption is all because the cracking sky was fighting against that special force of fate.

"I haven't seen it for so many years, your strength is not far from the half-exalted realm. Reversing the space-time is a means that every powerhouse of the ancestral realm can use, but it can build such a stable space-time like you. Tunneling is not something ordinary people can do.

You are about to catch up with me.

It's a pity that you are following the path of destruction, otherwise, if you work harder, mastering time and space together, it can be said that your strength can be more than doubled than it is now. "

Old Xing also looked at Cracking Sky and said.

"It's a great honor to receive your praise from Senior Xingyang. However, my talent in space and time is still due to your original teachings and my constant insight into these three star source fragments.

What I am most concerned about at the moment is what you said.

That is to diversify investment, it is better to concentrate investment.

Although the Way of Destruction does not rank among the top ten dozen avenues, it is also one of the best among the branches of the Golden Avenue. Cultivating to the extreme, it may not be impossible to break through the realm of the nobleman.

As for the other avenues, it seems to me that I should wait until I have time to study them slowly. For the time being, it will be enough. After all, I don't have the talent like Afan. "

Hearing what Xing Lao said, the expression of Sky Splitting also seemed more happy. Of course, in his opinion, specialization is currently the most suitable.

"Yeah, that's right. If I had only selected a time or space, it was really possible to achieve the state of the venerable.

But my ambition is too great, I want to master the space-time one completely, and at the same time I can't help but want to involve several other avenues, which ultimately has a certain degree of influence on myself.

In the end, I had to venture to find the source of the star, trying to understand the essence of it, to make myself a breakthrough.

Speaking of which, 300 million years ago, the main responsibility lies with me.

At that time, although I didn't have the idea of ​​occupying the star source, my own behavior still caused the suspicion of others, which eventually led to the current situation. "

Nodded, Old Xing said with some guilt right now.

"In fact, Senior Xingyang, you thought too much at the beginning. With your status in the minds of many people, if you directly convene a top-level meeting, I believe that few people are against it.

After all, most of the strong people who have survived to this day have been mentored by you before, otherwise how could they achieve the ancestral realm and go to the present.

However, the star source is related to the survival of the entire universe. If you act in secret, no matter who it is, you will feel that you want to swallow the star source directly.

After all, those who win the star source win the world. This is a legend that has been circulating since the beginning of our era. Even I was a little moved. "Cracking the sky couldn't help saying at this moment.

"Yes, those who get the star wish win the world, but I didn’t know how naive I was until the moment I got the star source. As the only source of power in a huge universe, the power contained in the star source, how can I be? Can be controlled.

Since there were three thousand great avenues in our universe at the beginning of its birth, it also means that it is possible to have three thousand superpowers at the same time.

From this point, we can see the power of the star source.

A Fan is now able to swallow and fuse the Star Source Fragments. In my opinion, Rong has just begun to swallow the first Star Source Fragment, and it is destined that his future will definitely reach the realm of the Universe Venerable.

If Afan can directly swallow and fuse all the star source fragments, then I think that Afan’s own power is definitely not just as simple as the realm of the Venerable. It is very likely that it will be the emperor I have told you before. The realm of respect.

After all, in the chaos region, we have also seen some horrible existences that reach the realm of the venerable. With some information we have obtained, we can clearly confirm that our universe is only a small part of the chaos.

In the depths of chaos, there is definitely a stronger existence.

I even suspect that the spirit race and the powerful races of the previous epochs have not disappeared, but have entered the depths of the chaos under the leadership of the venerables of all races.

This point, when Afan reaches the state of venerable in the future, he should be able to get the answer. "

Nodded, Mr. Xing also expressed his opinion at the moment.

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