Star-source Legend

Chapter 1441: Follow advice

"Well, it's very rare for you to think so. Maybe this is a test for you by the leader, as long as he wants to, he can recover the token at any time.

In this way, Afan, I recommend several good elixir for you to help your friends.

As for the resources you need for your own cultivation, I think the leader must have already prepared them for you. You should be aware that it is impossible to sell heaven, material and earth treasures that are truly hugely useful in the Universe Alliance Mall.

According to your statement, the strength of your friends is just a little bit stronger than ordinary people. Treasures that are too powerful cannot support their own physical strength.

Therefore, my suggestion is to gradually increase their strength to the realm of Xingjue first, then let them quickly upgrade to the realm of Xingyue, and finally to the realm of Xingyang.

Although the time needed to do so has been extended a lot, it can at least allow them to have a process of understanding the power contained in their bodies.

Otherwise, it is not impossible to directly promote them to the peak of the star-yang realm, but in that case, because their own mood and perception do not meet the requirements, if they want to continue to improve their cultivation, it is easy to become insecure and even fall down. what do you say? "

Nodded, Elder Tianyun also put forward his own suggestions at the moment.

"Okay, then follow what you said, Elder Tianyun."

Zhang Fan also nodded, agreeing with what Elder Tianyun said.

At the same time, he also knows that although there are some powerful treasures that can make people's strength soar, the universe is balanced and rapid improvement. The result is that the foundation is unstable and the mental state cannot keep up, which will only harm himself in the end. .

As for the gradual increase in circulation, although the speed has been slower, since the lean people are already resurrected, it is not too late. After all, they are not waiting for something very important.

"Well, if you agree, it's a good choice. Among them, let them rise from the current realm to the peak of the Star Jubilee realm, I think you can take the strong sun fruit.

Although this kind of fruit sounds more irritable, it is actually a very mild and good elixir. According to my estimation, only a dozen of them are needed to make a person directly ascend to the pinnacle of the realm of star nobles, and will not There are worries.

In the next step, before ascending to the peak of the Star-Moon realm, I think I can give them a bodhi fruit first, which I believe is enough to make their mood cultivation steady and improve, and even if they are lucky, they may enter the very rare Epiphany.

There are many ways to improve strength, and the improvement of mood cultivation is the most important.

As for the first promotion to the realm of Xingjue, it is also to make them more familiar with the cultivation methods and energy differences in the universe.

In general, what they need is Sunshine Fruit, Star Condensing Dew or Star Element Pill, and finally Heaven Chalcedony.

As for Bodhi Fruit, one to three pills are sufficient according to their respective conditions.

I believe these are enough to make them very stable and quickly ascend to the peak of the Xingyang realm.

After that, as long as they can comprehend the necessary principles of the emptiness and spirit realm, then the breakthrough will be very smooth. "

Elder Tianyun also nodded and said his thoughts.

"Okay, then trouble Elder Tianyun."

Zhang Fan also said aloud at this moment.

At the same time, he also knew that he was really poor. It can be said that these kinds of elixir, the strong sun fruit at the beginning and the Star Dew or Xingyuan Pill used in the Xingyue realm, can be bought with his wealth.

However, the bodhi fruit mentioned by the elder Tianyun and the value of the chalcedony can be said to be enough to ruin Zhang Fan's family in an instant. Especially the bodhi fruit, it can be said that it can play a good role for him now.

Now, four are needed at once.

This is also because he has the leader token, otherwise, if you want to get the words, you don't know how long it will take.

"Well, Elder Tianyun, I haven't taken Bodhi fruit yet. See if you can give me one if there are a lot of them?"

Zhang Fan asked a little embarrassed at this moment.

"Haha, Afan, this is natural. But the bodhi fruit I just mentioned can only be regarded as a relatively elementary bodhi fruit. A cosmic unit with a value of about 10 million yuan, of course, is also priceless.

And you are now in the realm of Dao Sage, so only the most powerful Bodhi fruit can help you. Today, there are only about five in our Universe Alliance Mall, and the former deputy leader has already given him The disciple Hades asked for one, but if you get one, no one else can say anything.

Even, I think the improvement you can get after taking it far exceeds that of Hades.

After that, I will prepare these things and deliver them to your current residence. "

Seeing Zhang Fan's somewhat embarrassed look, Elder Tianyun laughed at this moment and said.

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