Star-source Legend

Chapter 1443: New idea

"Brother Big Zhuang, the teacher will not promise easily. After all, you should know that if an ancestral level powerhouse wants to accept disciples, the entire universe does not know how many people will compete for this place.

This is a very rare opportunity. Although your strength is relatively low now, I believe that your talent will not disappoint the teacher.

This is a very important opportunity for you, and it is also something that I finally won over. Whether you can grasp it or not is up to you.

Teacher, they will leave it to you in the next period of time. Tomorrow I will go to the primitive universe with Master. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan first reminded Da Zhuang and them very seriously, and finally after saying hello to the elder Zilin, he left here and returned to his room.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also contacted his Master Split the Sky for the first time, and informed his Master of today's situation.

"Hehe, you don't need to tell you about these things. Since I have given you an identity token, as long as you don't do things that are detrimental to the Universe Alliance, I will not interfere.

Your four friends have just been resurrected. It does require a lot of resources. Maybe you think it is very precious, but you underestimate the Universe Alliance. Those things are not worth mentioning in the mall.

But the bodhi fruit is relatively precious. I originally planned to ask Tianyun to send it over, but since you got it yourself, I just don’t have to go to the Universe Alliance Mall again.

Tomorrow morning, you remember to come early. Before you leave, you should have a good rest. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan told him, Split Sky also said with a smile.

Of course, he also appreciates Zhang Fan's attitude.

At least, in Zhang Fan's view, his master has already begun to have a good impression in his heart. If he does anything, he will also want to say something to himself so as to avoid any improprieties.

"Okay, hehe, then Master, I will be there early tomorrow, so I won't disturb you for now."

"Good!" Cracking Sky replied.

Touching his head, Zhang Fan also hung up the call.

"Xiao Gu, what level is the most powerful weapon you can make now?" Zhang Fan also looked at Xiao Gu on the side at this time and asked.

"Um, in terms of manufacturing ability, I am not inferior to the general mechanical clan now. The most powerful weapon that can be manufactured should be able to threaten the warriors in the early stage of the Taoist realm.

In other words, it has reached the level of galaxy weapons.

Of course, the construction of this weapon requires a lot of materials, and they are all very precious. Moreover, because I don't have any materials for the manufacture of weapons by the mechanical family, it can be said that even if it is made, it will not be too stable. "

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's question, Xiao Gu also spoke at this moment.

"Oh, in other words, the relevant information you need now? This is easy to handle. I will use Master's identity token to check it directly. I think the Universe Network Division must not dare to refuse.

At that time, I will find a way to obtain some materials needed to build weapons, Xiaogu, you can start to build.

I don't want the weapons I use in the future to be installed by others, but I hope we can all build and use them so that we won't be too restricted. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan also directly made a decision.

"Well, if you want to speed up, I think it still needs to be transformed into a real metal statement, that is, a mechanical clan. It is like a weapon. It takes ten days for me to build it now, and the real The machine family may only need one day.

Because that is a change in the level of life. "

Nodded, Xiao Gu also spoke at the moment.

"Hmm, okay, that's the first step to let you become a metal life. If you need any materials, I will let Elder Tianyuan send someone over.

I hope that when I return from the primitive universe, Xiaogu, you will be a real mechanical being. "

Zhang Fan also said.

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