Star-source Legend

Chapter 1460: ask a question

"Haha, Afan, this time you can be considered a blessing in disguise. You know, that is the Chaos Monument. Even those of us who have already reached the level of the ancestral realm cannot get much from the Chaos Monument. You are just a tentative exploration, and you have directly obtained the strongest supernatural powers. The Son of Destiny seems to be certain."

At this moment, Cracking Sky also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"Master, I never believe in the son of fate. In my opinion, only one can rely on himself. If one's fate can really be controlled, will everyone let others control as they please? Chaos can't be messy?

Of course, although I don’t believe in the son of destiny, my luck is indeed very good. At least from becoming a warrior until now, I have basically not encountered an irreversible crisis, especially after entering the universe, the people I know, The things that I have come into contact with are all developing in a very good direction.

For me now, I don’t know what the future will be. I just need to do my best to live up to everyone’s expectations. In the end, my relatives and friends that I care about can live safe and sound. enough. "

Zhang Fan also expressed his own voice at this moment.

"Hehe, in fact, we don't believe in the so-called luck, destiny. But existence is reasonable. Perhaps no one can dominate destiny, but it can affect the luck of others to a certain extent. In many cases, it can still be done.

The more powerful, the more in fact there is a sense of crisis.

I even think that our universe, and even the entire chaos, exists under the control of a terrifying existence, and every move is under its control. This feeling is very obvious every time the strength increases.

It's like our own pubic space, finally slowly evolving into a small universe. It is said that when you reach the realm of the Venerable, it will directly generate a real universe and breed life on its own.

Perhaps, our current universe is also the final development of a super-existing small universe in the body. As for why it will eventually become the current situation, it may be that this strong man has fallen, or other reasons.

In short, no matter when we are in awe, we must move forward step by step and achieve true detachment. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Li Tian said directly at this moment.

When Zhang Fan heard what his master said at the moment, he nodded and agreed.

It's just like when I was on the earth, I didn't step into the martial artist, and then I reached a higher realm. I never know that there are thousands of life in the universe beyond the earth.

In short, one's own horizons are constantly expanding as one's own strength improves.

"Don't think too much about those things, your top priority is to improve your own strength as much as possible to cope with the next three tribe trials. Although I am very confident of your strength, Afan, no one can predict that there will be What happened.

This trial of the three races can be said to be a very tragic fight against each other. How many of you, the so-called most powerful geniuses of each race, will eventually be able to successfully walk out is still unknown.

Although it has always been based on the principle of voluntariness, this battle is inevitable for our human future.

At least, through this battle, the status of a certain clan can be established, so that when facing the final catastrophe, the three clans can concentrate their forces and unify to the outside. "

Li Tian immediately touched Zhang Fan's head and said.

"Master, I heard that the trial of the three races was on a deserted planet created by the three races? So, is there a possibility, that is, where the other two races have certain means to secretly Leave some hole cards to help your people win in the end?"

Zhang Fan asked immediately afterwards.

"Hehe, what you can consider, we can naturally also consider it. It can be said that everything is absolutely fair there, any extra, hidden arrangement, we have carefully surveyed every inch, once which party uses a special By means, then it would violate the soul blood oath he had issued.

The soul blood oath can be said to be the most terrifying oath in the entire universe, not one of them. Unless one can transcend the universe, the power of the oath will definitely work.

This is a powerful binding force that has been finally achieved after countless years of not knowing how many people have paid the price for breaking their oaths. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's question, Split Sky replied with a smile.

"Then Master, what if those people are willing to pay the price of their lives to secretly arrange means for the future of their race?"

Zhang Fan asked immediately.

"Hehe, it's not impossible. However, those who were able to participate in that meeting were all super powers in the late Ancestral Realm. Think about it, would a power of this level actively seek death?

Although the race is more than everything, but at my stage, everyone is actually in order to be able to transcend the universe and become the sage of the universe, wandering in the boundless chaos.

In particular, before the competition, all of us will unite and screen carefully, which is enough to ensure nothing is lost. "

Cracking the sky replied.

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