Star-source Legend

Chapter 1478: Disadvantages today

"Yunxia, ​​how long do you plan to stay in the primitive universe this time?"

Out of the aftertaste, Zhang Fan also looked at Yunxia and asked.

"This time I also plan to stay here directly until the Trial of the Three Races begins. In this way, as long as I have time, I can go to your side to see you.

Otherwise, I don't know when I will meet you next time. "

Yun Xia also replied softly at this moment.

"Hehe, we will have a lot of time to meet in the future. After the trial of the three races is over, I will go to the Shenxiao Daomen to propose marriage, otherwise you are so beautiful. If someone else robs you, I think I will collapse."

Zhang Fan also said with a smile now.

"Hmph, it depends on someone's sincerity. If the hot girl is unhappy one day, do you think I will care about you? At that time, I will pull the three of them, Ruyan, to isolate you directly , Let you guard the vacancy every day."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Yun Xia was also a little arrogant at the moment, and she seemed to have added a different kind of cuteness.

"Are you going to my place in a while? Or do you plan to go directly to the area where the Shenxiao Daomen is?"

After smiling, Zhang Fan asked immediately.

"I'll go back first. After all, I'm not like you. I can comprehend the Star Source Fragments and Chaos Tablets anytime and anywhere. Many seniors and sisters of our Shenxiao Daomen are all over there. This time, I also used me. With the authority of the master, he can continuously insight into a certain piece of star source fragment, so he can't waste time.

I also want to strive to raise my strength to the realm of Dao Sage before the trials of the three races. In this case, when the trials of the three races start, I will at least have enough strength to handle everything. "

Although she wanted to accompany Zhang Fan more, Yunxia thought that the trial of the three races was imminent, and she also planned to seize the time to improve her strength as much as possible.

"Well, then I will take you back personally, and then I will go back."

Zhang Fan nodded and said. Although there was some loss in his heart, Zhang Fan knew that when it was not two people, me and me, everything needed to wait for the trial of the three races to be over.

"Yeah." Yunxia did not object.

Afterwards, the two of them also deliberately slowed down a bit. It took more than two hours before Zhang Fan sent Yunxia to the area where the Shenxiao Taoist gate was located.

After seeing Zhang Fan and Yunxia, ​​the disciples of those gods’ doors, many people felt as if the sacredness in their hearts was taken away for a moment, and they kept looking at Zhang Fan with a taste of scrutiny. Zhang Fan also felt uncomfortable, and in the end he escaped without following Yun Xia to her residence, making Yun Xia also amused.

"Huh, everything is moving towards a good place. I hope everything goes smoothly in the Tri-Clan Trial, and then I will have more time to spend with my family."

It took more than a little time before Zhang Fan returned to his residence. At this moment, Zhang Fan was lying directly on the soft bed, and said with a look full of expectation.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan's mind moved directly into the Star Source Debris Space.

Entering a special area, Zhang Fan saw the huge tree of life that was tens of thousands of meters high.

Above it, there are still eight green fruits at this moment, exuding a surging breath of life.

Not far away, Zhang Fan also saw that Old Man Xing was refining his body with all his strength. The seemingly small flames, even at a certain distance, made Zhang Fan feel that his soul seemed to be burned, which was very uncomfortable, and the first time he retreated farther.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also came to the edge of the star source debris space. In front, it was all hazy, making it impossible to see everything inside.

Because Zhang Fan once again absorbed two pieces of star source fragments, and Zhang Fan’s own strength has been upgraded to the realm of Dao Sage, it can be said that Zhang Fan’s star source fragment space at this moment looks like a nascent universe. Elder Xing said that the size is no longer inferior to the Shenhui Star where Shenhui Universe Kingdom is located.

With the improvement of Zhang Fan's strength, this place will become bigger and bigger. When one day this place is truly transformed into a nascent universe, it means that Zhang Fan's strength has reached the level of the sage of the universe.

Moreover, Zhang Fan’s star-source debris space is unmatched by others, that is, the existence of chaotic air, including the life energy emitted by the tree of life, floods the surrounding area. It can be said that Zhang Fan’s current body energy Among them, they all contain chaotic aura and strong vitality, the same power, even the strong ancestors can't match Zhang Fan.

However, Zhang Fan himself actually has a major drawback, that is, he is not so familiar with the mastery of his own power. This is also because he just broke through and came directly into the primitive universe. He has never interacted with any one. People play against each other to get familiar with and master their own power.

According to Zhang Fan's own estimation, even though he himself has reached the middle stage of the Dao Sage realm, in his current state, it is estimated that even a veteran mid-stage Dao Sage realm powerhouse cannot beat him.

After all, he is not very familiar with his own strength, and the strength that Zhang Fan can exert is estimated to be only three or four layers, especially in the battle experience, and there is a big gap with others.

Therefore, Zhang Fan also intends to wait for a while and go directly to the real Chaos Trial Tower for trials to familiarize and master his own power and increase his own combat experience.

Sometimes, high realm is one aspect, but it is not the only factor that affects strength.

Only through comprehensive integration can one's own strength be brought into full play.

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