Star-source Legend

Chapter 1501: Fierce fight

"I naturally understand the importance of things. But do you think they will be our opponents? Don't hesitate. With such a rare opportunity, I think if I changed to the boss, I would have done it directly.

After the two of them are resolved, the pressure on our monster race will be much less, and the final trial will definitely be a complete victory for us. "

Hearing Zhu Xian'er's reminder, Bai Jun also expressed his thoughts at the moment.

"Well, but if you find that you can't do anything for a while, you should leave temporarily. After all, the final plan is the most important thing."

Seeing that Bai Jun was very determined, Zhu Xian'er thought for a while, but in the end he did not continue to refute.

"Haha, I know that Xian'er must be your heartbeat. Let us meet the two most powerful geniuses on the human side for a while. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."


As soon as the voice fell, Bai Jun's body exploded with a powerful aura, and immediately afterwards, the whole body shot towards Hades like lightning.

In an instant, Bai Jun came to the front of Hades, and immediately blasted out a punch.

"Damn, since you want to fight, then I will stay with you to the end, Hong Lie, be careful yourself."

Seeing that Bai Jun actually did it directly, Hades was also aroused in his inner anger. Suddenly, the surging power burst out, gathered on his right hand, and then blasted out a punch at Bai Jun.



The two are one of the best super geniuses on the human side, and the other is the young king of the four holy beasts, the most powerful of the Monster Race. It can be said that the collision between the two is destined to shock the entire universe.

It was just a random blow, and all of the ground in the surrounding area for dozens of miles collapsed directly, which was very terrifying.

Soon, the two of them fought fiercely together, and for a while, it was difficult to distinguish the outcome.

"Are you Zhu Xian'er of the Suzaku clan? Should we wait for them to take the shot after the battle is over, or do we directly take action now to decide the outcome?

Although I don't want to fight a girl, I know that your strength may even be second only to Qing Ming of the demon clan, so I won't keep any hands. "

At the same time, on the other side, Hong Lie also spoke to Zhu Xian'er in the distance.

"You and I are opposed to each other, so you don’t have to worry about it. If you do it, you have to decide the winner or loser. Even if you two are too weak this time, then we don’t mind saying that you will all stay. Here, this can also reduce the difficulty of our trial this time.

So, do it! We Monster Race don't know how many powerful men died in the hands of your Titans. Today, let me talk about you, the so-called **** son of Titans. "

Zhu Xian'er also said at this moment.


Immediately afterwards, a powerful fiery force erupted from Zhu Xian'er's body, making Hong Lie seem to be bathed in magma, very uncomfortable. Let Hong Lie also involuntarily condense a protective mask outside of his body to resist.


Immediately afterwards, a dark red long sword appeared in Zhu Xian'er's hand, which directly struck Hong Lie with a sword.

Suddenly, a huge scarlet sword light wrapped in flames that seemed to cut the entire world into pieces, shot away at Hong Lie.

The terrifying heat caused Hades and Bai Jun who were fighting in the distance to subconsciously move to the distance.

"I'm going to be so cruel as soon as I come up? Then don't blame me for being rude."

Feeling the tremendous power, Hong Lie naturally didn't dare to neglect. With a movement of his mind, a pair of golden gloves appeared on his hands.

This is the top weapon specially given to Hong Lie by Titan Invincible, the leader of the Titan clan. After use, it can further enhance Hong Lie's power.


In an instant, Hong Lie concentrated the power in his body, thinking about the concentration of his right hand, and then directly hit the huge sword light covering it.

Suddenly, the terrifying force caused the ground under Hong Lie's feet to completely split at this moment, and a huge golden fist light that seemed to fill the entire sky eventually converged with the sword light.

The horrible power burst out, everything around it became nothingness, and it continued to radiate towards the distance.


In the next instant, Hong Lie moved his feet, and his whole body shot at Zhu Xian'er in the distance. In the next instant, Hong Lie's figure had already come to Zhu Xian'er's side, and then directly at Zhu Xian'er. I really pity Xiang Xiyu's punch.

The power of horror seemed to penetrate the space and was difficult to stop.


However, in the face of Hong Lie's punch, Hong Lie was shocked by the scene that followed.

I saw Zhu Xian'er put away the long sword in his hand directly, and her jade hand that looked soft and boneless was clenched into a fist, and directly blasted against Hong Lie's huge fist.

Suddenly, a force that made Hong Lie feel shocked was also uploaded from the fist, causing Hong Lie to retreat quickly.

Of course, the power erupted by Hong Lie's punch is also very terrifying. It can be clearly seen that Zhu Xian'er's body was flying upside down.

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