Star-source Legend

Chapter 1503: Confrontation

At this moment, as the people of the three races came to this trial planet, it can be said that at this moment most of them were randomly teleported to unknown locations.

From the information obtained by everyone before, it can be said that they have a certain general understanding of the various areas of the entire trial site.

This trial planet, named Qiyunxing, is considered an aboriginal planet. Here, the resources are relatively rich, but there is no village with any human life. The only thing it possesses is a powerful alien beast. .

These strange beasts, the most powerful ones are comparable to the strong ones in the early Ancestral Realm, and the weakest ones are at least comparable to the existence of the human Xingyang Realm.

Before coming, all the enthusiasm knew that although the strange beasts that reached the strength of the ancestral realm within Qiyunxing were already controlled and transferred by the three powerful people, there were still some powerful strange beasts comparable to the peak of the Taoist realm. In the future, as for those that are comparable to the Taoist realm in the early or even mid-stage, the number is even greater.

Therefore, the difficulty of the trial this time has increased a lot because of these strange beasts.

The entire Qiyun Star is divided into three major regions, namely the Wild Swamp, the Thick Forest of Blood, and Hit the Wasteland.

In these three major areas, there is an alien beast whose strength is about to be comparable to that of a human half-ancestor. It is considered the three major alien beast kings and is also the most threatening to Zhang Fan and the others.

At the same time, in Qiyunxing, there are some special forbidden places. These forbidden places are said to be difficult to enter even the strong of the ancestral realm. Extremely cold places, including the existence of life and death purgatory.

Of course, according to Zhang Fan's own plan, if he could, he also wanted to make a breakthrough, maybe he would gain something.

These forbidden areas, he did not believe that the powerhouses of his three races had not explored them.

Since my master hadn't reminded him, obviously, it should be my master who felt that these forbidden lands did not pose any threat to him.


Not to mention Zhang Fan's side, in the central wasteland of Qiyunxing, at this moment two parties are in a state of confrontation.

If Zhang Fan were here, he would be able to find that both sides of the confrontation were acquaintances.

On one side are Hong Lie and Hades, and on the other side are Yao Clan's Bai Jun and Zhu Xian'er.

"I've long wanted to meet the super genius among you humans. I didn't expect to meet it by coincidence when I came in. Hades, Hong Lie, do I remember that right? If I solve you all today , Then you humans will not have any existence that can threaten our monster race."

At this moment, Bai Jun also looked at Hong Lie and Hades with a cold expression, and said confidently.

Although knowing that the strength of the other two is the same as them, they are both in the late stage of the Taoist realm. However, as one of the best among the four sacred beasts, Bai Jun didn't think he and Zhu Xian'er would be unable to do anything with each other. This was an absolute confidence in himself.

"Who wouldn't say anything big, Bai Jun, you wouldn't be arrogant thinking you could keep us two? If this is the case, I think we will let you understand today that some people are not what you think So simple and blindly self-confident, you will eventually pay a painful price."

Hearing what Bai Jun said, Hades stopped Hong Lie while looking at Bai Jun and said in a deep voice.

"We are not at the time to divide the victory or defeat with them. We have just come in. You know, this trial will last for a hundred years.

If there is a life and death battle with them here, once there are problems with the two of us, then all the remaining pressure will be transferred to Zhang Fan's side, it is not worth it. "

Hades also looked at Hong Lie and reminded him.

"However, depending on the situation, it is not a question of whether we want to fight or not, but the other party has no intention of letting go. In this case, it is better to see the truth under your hand than to spend more time talking.

Although the strength of the two of them is very strong, the two of us are not vegetarian. If you are not lucky, you can solve the two of them directly and reduce the pressure on our side. "

Hong Lie naturally knew what Hades meant, but Hong Lie could clearly feel that Bai Jun couldn't let go so easily, and he was bound to get entangled.

"I heard that you have the inheritance of the Valkyrie, the strongest human being, and you are still from the Sky Eye clan, and you are the most powerful of the many geniuses of your humanity.

This time, I finally met, I don't want to miss the opportunity. Just let me learn about your tactics and see if your strength is different from what I understand.

Xian'er, I'll leave that big guy to you, right? "

With a cold smile, Bai Jun also looked at Hades expectantly and said, and then Zhu Xian'er who looked to one side.

"Are you sure you want to do it at this time? Don't forget how the ancestor Qingfeng reminded us before coming in.

If there is any problem with either of the two of us, then the four-image array cannot be formed, let alone getting more tokens from the three kings and alien beasts. "

Looking at Bai Jun, Zhu Xian'er frowned and looked at Bai Jun to remind.

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