Star-source Legend

Chapter 1505: Sky Eyes

The White Tiger clan has always been the most powerful existence among the monster clan in the entire universe. On the human side, the white tiger, one of the four sacred beasts, has always been considered the main killer. From this point, we can see the power of the white tiger clan.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the White Tiger clan is not inferior to the Qinglong clan, and even purely above the attack power. For the entire monster clan, perhaps only the legendary chaotic beast is better than the white tiger.

As for the Baihu clan, the most powerful move is-Baihu destroys Tianbo.

This is a terrifying blow that can gather all of its own energy, especially the powerful Gengjin power contained in it, coupled with Bai Jun’s power at the moment, it can be said that this blow, even in the realm of Dao Sage The strong at the pinnacle may not be able to follow.

However, Bai Jun's opponent is Hades.

As the most powerful **** son of the Sky Eyes, it can be said that although Hades’s bloodline is a little different from Hong Lie’s supreme bloodline, it is also a bloodline that exceeds the king’s level, especially Hades has acquired the **** of war It can be said that even Zhang Fan has no absolute confidence in defeating Hades in the same level, especially in life and death.

However, although the Celestial Eyes are powerful, they also have limitations, that is, the use of talented supernatural powers is limited, especially Hades's current strength, at most it can only be used once, which consumes most of its own power. .

Otherwise, if it could be used at will, the Sky Eyes would have surpassed the Titans to become the most powerful race of mankind.


At this moment, in the face of the terrifying light wave that was coming towards him, Hades directly closed his eyes. At the same time, a special aura was also permeating the surroundings, as if something terrifying was about to appear.

At this moment, Hades didn't know what he was talking about. It seemed plausible. Of course, it was just a moment of effort before and after.

Suddenly, amidst Bai Jun’s surprised look, a bright golden light burst out from the center of Hades’s eyebrows. In the next instant, the violent power turned into a golden beam of light directly facing Bai Jun. Baihu Mie Tianbo crashed away.

In particular, this force actually contained a certain degree of time power. When it lased, it affected the time order around to a certain extent, causing Bai Jun's attack to slow down.


In the end, the forces of both sides also collided together and burst out randomly. And with this terrifying force, it can be said that the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles was greatly affected, and the hills in the distance were all razed to the ground under this force, towering one by one. The tree is directly extinct directly under the aftermath of this force.

As for the two of Hades and Bai Jun, because of their own consumption, they flew in the opposite direction under this terrifying power.

On the whole, the two are considered evenly matched. However, because Bai Jun is in his body at the moment, he is much better than Hades in terms of defense, so the final injury is relatively lighter than Hades. .

At the same time, because the movement of the two was too great, it also directly caused Zhu Xian'er and Hong Lie who were fighting fiercely in the distance, both of them had to stop their movements and fully defend.

Moreover, for the first time, Hong Lie rushed in the direction of Hades flying backwards quickly.

On the other hand, Zhu Xian'er also hurried to the position where Bai Jun was, completely ignoring her own injuries.

"I'm going, that guy is too ruthless, he actually let you use the celestial eye power? But depending on the situation, the two of you are obviously hurting both sides. What should I do? Next, continue to fight with them, or leave first? "

Intercepting Hades, who was still in an upside-down state, Hong Lie was shocked when he looked at Hades's whole body. Especially at the center of Hades's eyebrows, the one eye was not hidden at this moment, and even a trace of blood was flowing, which was obviously affected.

"Hs... deserves to be the young generation king of the white tiger clan, if I hadn't tried my best to use the supernatural eye power to face the white tiger destroying the sky, I guess I would have no chance at all.

I don't have much strength in my body now, and I need to find a place to heal my injuries, and Bai Jun, because he is in the body state, so I think he is the most seriously injured himself, and he still has the power of a battle.

Go, Hong Lie, let's leave quickly, otherwise, when I have no fighting capacity, you alone will not be able to resist the attack of the two of them anyway.

It will not be too late to find them after I recover. "

When he got up gently, Hades also couldn't help taking a breath because of the severe pain. Hearing what Hong Lie said and feeling his own strength, Hades finally decided to let Hong Lie take him away first. .

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