Star-source Legend

Chapter 1509: Reasonable use

"Hehe, that's natural. If there are a lot of guys with similar strengths here, it will definitely help you.

In a hundred years, I think, maybe you can directly seize this opportunity and break into the ancestral realm in one fell swoop.

After all, your own perception of Dao has long been no less than the existence of the ancestral realm. The only difference is the accumulation of energy in your body, and your breakthrough to the ancestral realm is much easier than others. "

Old Xing also said with a smile at the moment.

"Haha, Elder Xing, before I came here, did I hear Master tell me that above this strange cloud star, the strange beasts that are comparable to the later stage of the Taoist realm have at least hundreds of them. Among them, three are the most powerful. Only, it is said that it has reached the half-ancestral level and is about to reach the ancestral realm.

I think if I can swallow all these three big guys, maybe my strength can be directly promoted to the ancestral realm. Then, I can try to fuse the stars in the hands of Master and Master Chu Huang. Source fragments, at that time, my strength will be able to rise to a very exaggerated level in a short time.

Once I waited for my strength to reach the pinnacle of the ancestral realm, then I thought it would be very easy to collect all the star source fragments. "

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan was also looking forward to it.

"That's true, but, according to my estimation, even if you swallow both of their star source fragments directly, your strength will at best rise to the mid-Ancestral Realm peak.

After that, we still need to find a way to get more star source fragments.

In addition to the Five Great Sacred Grounds and some powerful races among the monster races, I think that some people should also have the existence of Star Source Fragments in their hands. Of course, these cannot be forcibly seized for the time being to avoid chaos.

In addition to these, there should be at least twenty or so star source fragments left in various places in the universe. This is your main goal.

When the Tribe Trial is over, you will start to devour the six star source fragments first, and then you can go to various places in the universe to explore, looking for star source fragments that may have been left in various regions. "

Old Xing also said immediately.

"Yeah, I know. By the way, Xing Lao, what is your body now, can't you use it?"

Zhang Fan immediately asked immediately.

"I can barely use it, but I think that after reaching the most perfect fit, it will not be too late to use it. When that happens, my strength will be able to show 100%.

Moreover, because this body is often baptized by your original power, it is considered to be the ultimate in all aspects, and it is stronger than my body at the peak.

At that time, even if my strength cannot reach the realm of the venerable, it is estimated that the distance will not be too far.

In the future, when Afan, your strength reaches the realm of the nobleman, it will in turn help me reach the realm of the nobleman. At that time, we will be able to go further to the Chaos Region to explore the secret of immortality.

This is also the lifelong pursuit of every strong man who reaches the ancestral realm. "

Elder Xing replied directly, after speaking, his tone was full of yearning.

"On this day, it will be realized soon. But I am a little worried about whether the catastrophe will come before my strength reaches its peak.

When I first visited the Chaos Monument, I also saw a scene where the Chaos Beast and a strong man were at war with each other.

It can be said that the strength of that chaotic fierce beast has not reached the realm of the venerable, it is able to fight against a real cosmic venerable, and support it for such a long time.

And this time of calamity is said to be much more terrifying than the Era Calamity brought about by the Chaos Fierce Beast, it is truly a super power that has reached the rank of the Venerable.

I hope that before it really comes, my strength has reached the realm of the venerable, so that at least there is still a certain resistance. Otherwise, all expectations are nothingness.

In the next time, I will try my best to search for tokens while devouring various monsters here to improve myself. I believe that after this trial is over, even if my strength cannot reach the ancestral realm, It's not too bad. "

Zhang Fan is naturally looking forward to chaos, but when he thinks of the possible crisis, Zhang Fan is even more worried.

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