Star-source Legend

Chapter 1513: Heitianyu

At the same time, in the chaotic area far beyond the universe, the chaotic airflow is densely all around, everything looks as if it has fallen into nothingness, making it impossible for people to insight into the secrets of the deep.

For countless years, the Chaos Region has been full of mystery.

However, after countless years of exploration, at least, the many powerhouses in the universe where Zhang Fan and the others are located have basically mastered the conditions in many areas outside the Chaos Region, and they have obtained many powerful treasures and opportunities, even some related to Chaos. data of.

However, the peripheral area is the limit that many ancestral realms can explore. If you want to go deeper, then your own strength needs to reach the realm of the nobleman to have a certain degree of certainty, or even higher.

It is also for this reason that many powerhouses in the universe have little knowledge of many situations in chaos.

However, judging from what we already know, the area of ​​the Chaos Region is incalculable, and even the universe in which Zhang Fan and the others exist is only a projectile place compared to the Chaos Region.

In the depths of the chaos, at this moment, there are two existences that emit strong waves facing each other. Behind the two of them, various avenues continued to emerge and collided with each other. The invisible terrifying energy caused many of the surrounding chaotic voids to directly collapse, producing horrible void cracks and spatial black holes, which was extremely frightening.

One of them is wearing a golden armor, and looking at its appearance, it is very similar to the golden armor giant in the special scene that Zhang Fan entered into the chaotic monument before.

Opposite this person, there is a middle-aged man with a tough face and a black quaint armor. He is also carrying a jet black sickle behind him, and a cold and dark breath is also emitted from his body. Out, enveloped all around.

"Eleven, after all these years, you still haven't given up, but what? Your eldest brother's strength has reached the early stage of Tianzun, didn't he just disappear in the end?

I know that you are eager for revenge, but with your current strength, if you go to that area, you are looking for death. In any case, I will not let you in. You have to be clear that once you enter that area, you cannot If you return, the universe created by your eldest brother will eventually be reduced to no one to guard. Faced with the catastrophe of the era, and even the more terrifying chaotic catastrophe, the entire universe will be destroyed once, without any chance. "

At this moment, the middle-aged man wearing black armor also looked at the opposite person and spoke to persuade him.

"Brother Ye, I understand your kindness. However, eleven epochs have passed, and my eldest brother has not returned. No matter what the reason, I must go in and make a break, otherwise I won't bother Practice to the present level.

My life was bestowed by my elder brother. Now that elder brother disappears, I have the responsibility and obligation to investigate everything personally.

We have known more than five epochs. If you really think of me as a friend, then I will trouble you to take care of the universe created by my elder brother. I am grateful. "

Looking at the person in front of him, the person called the eleven said in a cold voice, even a touch of pleading in his eyes.

After he became the Lord of the Universe, he grew up in the Chaos Area and the people in front of him. The other party did not tell him his real name. However, from some places in the depths of the Chaos, he also knew that the other party was respected by many powerful people as the Dark Heavenly Lord. Of course, after so many years, he just knew the other party's surname Ye.

Because what the other party controls is the Dark Way, one of the Chaos Avenues.

And what he is walking is the way of light that is opposite to darkness.

However, in general, his own strength is only at the pinnacle of Venerable Universe, and the opponent, who is beyond Venerable Universe's existence, is one of the real chaos overlords, and is considered a very close friend with his elder brother.

"Eleven, I know that you are very anxious in your heart. Actually, I have never been anxious. However, before going to the forbidden area, your eldest brother reminded me that if anything happens to him, I will take care of him. you.

Several epochs have passed, and your performance has been very gratifying, and now it is considered to be about to reach the realm of Tianzun. I think if your elder brother knows, he will definitely be very satisfied and happy for you.

For so many years, I have actually been investigating secretly, and even want to go to the forbidden area in person. However, according to my investigation, I want to go there unless my strength reaches the middle or even late stage of Tianzun.

After all, the place in Heitianyu is not a good place. Countless epochs have passed. It can be said that basically I have never heard of anyone who can come out alive.

Because there is related to the ultimate mystery of the entire chaos, and it also contains great horror.

Perhaps, only those who have truly reached the invincible state of Emperor Zun will be able to retreat. However, since I entered Chaos to the present, the most powerful existence known is the lord of the City of Hope. It is said that Has already reached the realm of Tianzun peak.

Before I started, it was said that I wanted to explore the Black Sky Territory, but I finally returned to no avail.

Therefore, it is impossible for me to let you in anyway, and even if I don't stop you, relying on your current strength, it is impossible to pass through the void passage between the Black Sky Territory and Chaos.

In this way, when your strength reaches the realm of Tianzun, I will go in with you. What do you think? "

Looking at the golden armored man, the Dark Heavenly Sovereign was also persuading with all his heart.

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