Star-source Legend

Chapter 1515: Figured out

Hearing what the Dark Heavenly Lord said, the man with golden armor also fell into silence, his expression looked very complicated, and there was also a hint of entanglement.

His nickname is eleven, his big name is Tianyun, and his brother is called Tianhua.

When they were very young, Tianyun and Tianhua's parents were dead, and even their souls were directly wiped out. For a long time, he and his brother Tianhua have been dependent on each other.

Both of their brothers came from a medium-sized universe called Weiyang. After their parents died, in order to ensure his safety, his brother directly used his own powerful strength to directly seal him.

He waited until his elder brother reached the ancestral realm before finally lifting the seal.

And when his elder brother cultivated to the realm of Tianzun, his own strength was just as good as his early stage. Then, under the arrangement of his brother, Tianyun began to practice in the chaos area.

But he didn't know that this was deliberately arranged by his brother.

It wasn't until more than an epoch that he hadn't heard from his brother that Tianyun returned from the depths of the chaos area and found the Dark Heavenly Lord.

Because he remembered that his brother said that the Dark Heavenly Sovereign was the only person he could trust, and the two parties had taken the chaotic blood oath, and neither could do anything against each other.

Knowing that his brother had actually given up the top universe that was about to be merged with great difficulty, and went to the Black Sky Territory to chase illusory hope, it can be said that Tianyun seemed to have lost its strength support, and even hope was shattered.

Hei Tian Territory, that is one of the most terrifying forbidden areas in the entire chaos region. There are said to be a large number of chaotic gods and demons and various dangerous areas. It can be said that after entering, even if they can survive, there are not many in the end. Strength can come out.

There, any ordinary Chaos God Demon has the strength of the pinnacle of the ancestral realm, and the topmost is said to be close to the realm of the emperor.

Many people also regard the Black Sky Territory as a zone that seals evil. Once the passage between the Black Sky Territory and the Chaos Region is opened that day, then the entire chaos will face a real catastrophe.

For this reason, Tianyun also worked hard to cultivate continuously, spending several epochs, and finally reached the realm of the sacred peak with the help of the dark sky.

And at this moment, Tianyun felt that his brother’s aura was getting weaker and weaker from the universe where his brother had left. It was obvious that his brother was in danger in the black sky, so he was riding on the dark sky. , Trying to enter the Black Sky Territory to rescue his brother.

Even if he knew that he would fail, Tianyun would not hesitate.

As for the survival of the universe, everything is easy to say when his brother is here, and his brother is no longer there, so he doesn't care about the final outcome.

However, the Dark Sky Lord seemed to know in advance that he would go to the Black Sky Territory, so he intercepted the only way to the Black Sky Territory in advance.

He naturally understood that what the Dark Heavenly Venerate said was the truth, but he was very unwilling to give up temporarily, but he also knew that perhaps this was the only way at present.

In the chaos area, generally speaking, only the existence of the ancestral realm level can survive.

The entire chaos, large and small, has a total of 108 natural universes. Among them, there are at least tens of thousands of strong ancestors in all the universes, and those who reach the realm of the universe are accumulated for countless years. Now, there are close to thousands of people.

And the fall of each cosmic venerable, the universe within his own body will automatically break away, and eventually slowly transform in the chaotic area, or be swallowed by other strong people, or eventually lose energy support and dissipate directly. .

In the entire chaos area, the Cosmos Lord is not the most powerful. Above the Cosmos Lord, there is the Chaos Heavenly Lord, and above the Heavenly Lord, there is an emperor who transcends everything.

And the purpose of each Venerable entering the Chaos Region is to hope that one day he can become the emperor, eternally immortal.

The universe that my eldest brother discovered before is considered to be the top-level universe. Although many heavenly realms are incomplete after countless epochs of evolution, they are still enough to give birth to ten noble-level existences.

Especially the little guy he discovered before, his own destiny, even the Dark Heavenly Lord could not clearly understand, this is also the reason why he directly passed on his best supernatural power "Universe in the Palm" to the other party through the Chaos Monument.

Perhaps, relying on the powerful devouring one, the other party really hopes to enter the realm of the venerable, and even be able to further swallow and integrate the origin of this universe, and become a powerful celestial-level transcendent existence.

At that time, with the addition of the Dark Heavenly Lord, if the three of them join forces to enter the Dark Heaven Territory, they should have a lot of confidence to succeed.

Thinking of this, Tianyun's thinking has also changed, and hope has rekindled in his expression.

"Brother Ye, I'll just listen to you this time, and take a gamble to see if that little guy can grow up. I'm sorry, I was too irrational to do it with you just now."

At this moment, Tianyun also looked at Dark Tianzun and said directly, his tone full of apologies.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's fine if you can figure it out. After all, that is your most dependent brother. It is understandable that you have lost your mind because of the anxiety.

Then let's wait silently. Although ten million years is not much time, I still hope that you can attack the heavenly realm as much as possible.

Your talent is much higher than that of me and your brother. Maybe you have great hope.

Let's go, let's go back first. After that, we will discuss the long-term plan. "

Looking at the awakening Tianyun, the dark Tianzun's expression was also full of relief, and said with a smile.

Nodded, then Tianyun and Dark Tianzun left the place together.

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