Star-source Legend

Chapter 1517: Arrived in time


In the next instant, I saw him mobilize his body's power and directly hit Hades with a punch.

Faced with this punch, Hades closed his eyes in despair at the moment, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

"Hong Lie, I hope you all go well."

Hades is also looking forward to it in the mid-term.

However, after waiting for a while, Hades was strangely aware of the silence around him, and suddenly couldn't help but open his eyes.

Afterwards, Hades saw a familiar junior appear in front of him, and firmly grabbed the fist of the monster who shot.

"Zhang Fan?"

Because it was a back, Hades didn't dare to judge directly at this moment, and he spoke with uncertainty.

"Hehe, old man, you are really embarrassed now, just two grasshoppers in the early stage of Dao Sage realm, actually driving you to this point?"

This person is naturally Zhang Fan who arrived in time. It can be said that even if it is a second short, it is estimated that Hades has been directly solved by the other party at this moment, and Zhang Fan himself feels more fortunate.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also turned his head, looked at Hades, and said with a smile.

"Isn't this because I and Bai Jun were both injured before? Otherwise, I would shoot them to death. However, you actually appeared. It seems that Hades should not be killed today. Haha."

Escape from the dead, it can be said that even Hades, at this moment, feels that the goddess of luck is taking care of him, at this moment, under relaxation, Hades also seems very happy.

It can be said that with Zhang Fan's arrival, even if the four younger kings of the Yaozu came here, Hades had no worries at all.

"I said, just one Zhang Fan, Hades, do you really expect him to help you? You know, Zhang Fan's strength is only in the middle of the Dao Sage Realm.

The two of us are from the gluttonous clan and the star behemoth clan. If we are united together, what about Zhang Fan? SEG, hands-on. "

And at this moment, the genius of the gluttonous clan who was grabbed by Zhang Fan's fist seemed to have no fear at all. At this moment, it also seemed very natural, and said to his partner.

But when Hades heard what the monster youth said, a look of sympathy flashed in his eyes.

You know, Zhang Fan's true strength has reached the pinnacle of the Dao Sage realm, or even higher. It can be said that Zhang Fan can easily pinch the two of them to death without any effort.

Even if Zhang Fan really only has the strength of the middle stage of the Dao Sage realm, he is a super genius who can fight against the powers of the later stage of the Dao Sage realm. These two monsters are too naive.

"It seems that you are very confident of yourself. If there is not something to do, I will play with you, but now, you should die for me!"

In an instant, Zhang Fan's mental power engulfed the two of them, and immediately Zhang Fan launched a mental attack.

Zhang Fan at this moment can be said to have no reservations.

In the face of Zhang Fan's attack, the two top geniuses of the Monster Race shook their bodies at the same time, their eyes widened, and there was no sound at all, and they fell straight to the ground.

In the instant just now, Zhang Fan completely smashed the two souls into smash. It can be said that the dead cannot die again.

"No, yes, take it quickly and recover soon. Your guy's luck is too bad, you almost died in the hands of these two guys."

Turning around, Zhang Fan also took out some pills and treasures to restore his strength, threw them directly to Hades, let him take it, and hurry up to recover.

"Let me go, you guys' Dantian universe can be used?"

Seeing Zhang Fan actually put out so many recovery resources, it can be said that Hades almost stared out.

"Hehe, it's no big deal. It's just that the ban is temporarily sealed. Don't disclose this news. Otherwise, if you let the other two races know, even if you kill them all and resurrect them, you will be able to remove the news. Pass it to the upper echelons of the monster race and machine race.

I wouldn’t want to expose this if it weren’t for your state of being very bad.

Playing as a pig and eating a tiger is my favorite. "

Zhang Fan waved his hand somewhat modestly at this moment, and said to Hades.

"Anyway, this time you saved my life, thank you. Otherwise, if you really die in the hands of these two guys, after I am resurrected, it will be a shame in my life."

Looking at Zhang Fan, Hades also expressed sincere thanks.

"Okay, you guy, I remember that I don't usually say that much. Take it quickly and recover early. I will protect the law. After that, the two of us will act together. By then, will the gods block and kill the gods? Hey.

By the way, how did I feel the breath of that fellow Hong Lie, he merged with you? "

Looking at Hades, Zhang Fan also said immediately. However, Zhang Fan also found the atmosphere of the Titans around him at the moment, and he directly judged it to be Hong Lie, because he was too familiar with Hong Lie.

"On the first day, I ran into Hong Lie by coincidence, but after that, we also met Bai Jun and Zhu Xian'er of the Monster Race.

In the end of the battle, Bai Jun and I were both seriously injured. Of course, the overall strength of that Bai Jun was better than me. After all, the opponent's monster body defensive power was very terrifying and had certain advantages.

After that, Hong Lie took the opportunity and took me to run wild for an hour, came here, and arranged some means to hide me and slowly recover.

And he also implemented it according to our previous plan.

However, I was rather unlucky today, and I was discovered by a strange beast that was good at burrowing, and eventually attracted the two guys. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Hades also replied at the moment.

"It seems that the monsters are not as simple as they seem. I know your strength very well. As a result, you can hurt you like this. If someone else meets them, there will be no chance of resistance.

We have to hurry to find other people, otherwise, the longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be for our side.

You quickly take these, I will help you heal your injuries, and strive to restore you basically within a day. "

Hearing what Hades said, Zhang Fan also knew the seriousness of the matter and was very worried about the situation of other human geniuses who came here. He simply sat cross-legged behind Hades and injected himself into his body. Energy to help it recover.

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